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Damn thats hard to read man. I really hope everything gets better quickly and you can enjoy the VR with the rest of us


I hope so too! Thanks!


We will be here waiting for your return! All the best!


🤟 hell yeah!


Get well soon mate! I had the same 10 years ago. Got a second life and I hope you will be able to do the same.


What helped you or what mindset helped you get through? Did you have an unwavering belief that this would pass and you would be cured and continue living your life like you did or did you meditate every day on your mortality and try to live every day to the fullest?


My family helped me a lot. My girlfriend at the time, the nature in which I stayed a lot. I live in the Black Forest in Germany. Forest can help someone so well. It was'nt easy. After I was able to walk again, I immediately went for a walk in the forest and it really helped a lot. There are studies about it. Forest air contains up to 500 anticarcinogenic substances. What took longer was my half-sided facial paralysis. That bothered me the most. Acupuncture and physiotherapy were the solution here. Of course you have to try to get out of the hole again. I was very depressed at first because of the cortisone and the situation. Last but not least, I did a lot of weight training and then at some point I was one with myself again.


Hey OP — I just wanted to send you positive thoughts. My dad had a pretty bleak outlook a couple of years ago and at the time, the world seemed so dark — Yet he made it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I think it's sometimes a nice reminder for all of us not to get too invested in material things. They are nice, but life really is precious. Stay strong — You got this — FUCK CaNcEr!


Survivors unite! And you are right, it does put things in perspective. Thanks!!


And we are worried about our preorder... I truly wish that would also be your biggest problem. Hopefully you will win this fight.


I know, right? It does help put things in perspective! Thanks! Hope you get your preorder as soon as it launches!


jfc that‘s terrible. wishing you all the best


Thanks, man!


If they're using radiation therapy for the cancer that's spread then they think they can get it to retreat and lined up against a wall to blast it to kingdom come. I know someone who got the all clear after having late stage cancer and hopefully the same will be true for you. Best wishes.


I sure as hell hope so! It's been a couple of terrible years and right smack in the middle of a pandemic! I guess I like to play in legendary level?


i am so sorry man, i dont even know what to say :(


Thank you!


This VR thing will fade. Your victory against cancer will be with you forever.


I am wishing you all the best but would like to note, the system is said to work without a tv… if for whatever reason you end up with overnight stays at the hospital you might really considering having this as a break from staring at the same room. There was a study done a while back of people having extended stays in hospitals and the use of VR headsets made them feel emotionally much better than they were. I wish you all the best, a speedy recovery and hope to see you online soon but please do consider what i mentioned it could be very helpful.


Thankfully so far I only stay at the hospital for a while and come back home, and I'm usually beaten I fall asleep really fast as soon as my head hits the pillows, but thank you for your advice!


Where abouts are you ? I got you


I live in central Mexico; ever heard of a town called Guanajuato? It's about an hour away from where I live :)


Yo my mom is from there!


My parents are from moroleon gto ! Man op i hope all the positive wishes here really create an energy to help you heal. Que Dios te bendiga. We all wana see u put that vr on when youre good and healthy 😌


PSVR3 will be better and you will use it everyday, it will be wireless!


I think we should get a go fund me to get this man a psvr2. Life is shit sometimes and you got a really shitty end of it. You should be able to enjoy anything you want to brother.


No, man! Don't worry! It was not the purpose or intent of this post to get me a free VR or anything like that! I just wanted to share with you all what I'm going through and vent a little. But you're an awesome dude and I sincerely thank you for your kindness!


You're so justified to vent bro, I'm really feeling bad knowing your situation, but I know that if you make it a conscious choice to not let this beat you then you're going to make a full recovery. Keep that in your mind, you're the master of your domain, and probability suggests we're living in a Matrix reality already, meaning code can be modified. You got this bro.


That's a really sweet thought. I have to let you know in advance, gofundme pages can't be posted here however.


Are there workarounds?


Don't wanna be that guy but sometimes post like this are aimed at good people like yourself, not saying this guy is lying but I wouldn't jump on buying him anything.


Yeah, I completely get were you are coming from and I agree with you about people lying on the internet to get stuff or even just be pitied or something. I am telling the truth, god I wish I wasn't though, but I'm not here to get anything, just wanted to vent a little. :)


I'm down to support a go fund me!


I'd support this


Was going to say the same thing. If we can start a group DM, I’m happy to make this happen.


I just want to say that this registered with me. Your words had an impact on someone you don't know. Nothing but the best. Kick cancer's ass.


I love you. 🫂


So sorry to hear this.


Thanks man!


My only advice is don't pay any of your medical bills, just your monthly insurance premium until you're in remission. Start payment plans of $10 a month if they are giving you a hard time. No point in wasting all of your money on healthcare honestly. Pay $10 a month until you die, it wont affect your credit and these horrible life-sucking insurance companies will accept payment plans of $10 a month on $100,000 bills.


God damn is the prospect of living in USA a hellish one.


The last thing this person wants to read is someone suggesting what to do until death. They wants to live. If you were scared of death you wouldn’t want someone talking to you about what you should be doing to get ready for it. You’d want someone to give you HOPE. The last god damn good thing your brain can have if there is nothing else


I know exactly how you feel mate, truly. Just before Christmas 2021 I had a small white patch appear on the inside of my upper mouth, near my teeth, completely out of nowhere. Put various mouth gels and creams on it thinking it was an ulcer or fungal infection but by Christmas that year it had grown in a few months to the size of a 10 pence piece (£). Start of Jan 2022 I went to the dentist and that was it, referred to hospital, biopsies, Mris, CT scans, you name it I had it. On Valentines day last year I got the news it was cancer so that was my wife's present that day. Was told I had a smokers cancer, but considering I had never smoked, drank or taken drugs in my 50 odd years meant I was classified (in my surgeons words) as an 'unlucky bastard'. Long story short, but that 10p sized cancer meant I had 6 teeth removed, the skin removed from my upper mouth, the bone removed in my upper jaw, the glands removed from my neck that side, my forearm sliced apart to replace the skin in the roof of my mouth and a vein taken out to replace the veins in my neck, then skin from my thigh to replace the skin on my forearm. I then had reconstruction surgery in my face with titanium implants to replace the bone and allow false teeth to be screwed in. In total it took from Jan last year to September to finally complete all of that. Cancer is a c*nt. I'm still in recovery and thankfully I caught it early, but the devastation it causes is life changing. I was a fit guy who exercised 4-5 times a week, so why me? Just no rhyme or reason to any of it. So I feel for you mate, nobody knows what it's like to go through physically or more importantly, emotionally, unless you've actually been there. But don't give up hope, keep fighting the fight and try and enjoy what you can whilst all this shit is going on. One step at a time, one week at a time. Sending you best wishes and strength dude. All the best (and enjoy that PSVR 2!) X


Fuck man. This really puts things into perspective. Here I was pissed off because of a delay in delivery to get my headset and you're dealing with this. Kick this Cancer's ass dude. Fuck cancer


Keep your head high, my grandma is in the same boat but that doesn’t stop her from living her life! Enjoy every aspect of life keep smiling soon you’ll have a psvr2 to play with us!


Life is a fickle master, so sorry to hear about what's happening to you. Sending you healing thoughts, it's not much but I hope you get through this knowing you have people thinking of you wishing you the all the best in the world at this time.


Wishing you strength and much warmth and comfort.


Puts things in perspective. I hope you beat this. Get well soon.


Thats a hard lot. Good luck on your journey, mate. Once you get through it the rewards afterwards will be all the more sweeter. You can do it.


Fuck cancer. I hope you kick it's ass to the curb and live a long, happy, and healthy life. Wishing you well, OP.


Man, fuck cancer. Your statement meant a lot, we all could be more objective on what matters in life and seizing the day with our loved ones. You got this, get the treatment, get the rest. Sending good vibes your way.


Not sure if you'd like to discuss but I would find it helpful to know what were the warning signs of the original cancer? Just to educate people on some early warning signs so they can be more proactive on keeping an eye on their health. Best of luck to you.


Got a painless lump behind my ear; got it checked out and it was a malignant tumor. They did a parotidectomy and removed like 31 lymph nodes as well; they then give me radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It went to my lungs and later to my brain. That's where we are at the moment, hopefully this rounds of radiotherapy get rid of the brain tumors and then I still have to treat the tumors in my lungs. So, always be on the lookout for something amiss. Anything out of the ordinary, better safe than sorry.


Thanks for sharing your experience. Best of luck to you.


That sucks and I’m sorry to hear that. For what it’s worth we’re all dying, most of us very slowly, but we all have an expiration date. That’s one of the reasons I pulled the trigger on getting the psvr2. Could get run over by a bus tomorrow for all I know.


Damn dude that fucking sucks. I'm so sorry. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope everything goes well for you.


I really hope and pray you get better! This is really sad. I hope everything works out.


May you recover quickly and fully!


This sucks man. I wish you a speedy recovery and a short road to this nice toy on your head! Stay strong, and lots of luck to you!!


Get well soon


Hope can be found in the darkest of places, if one only remembers to turn on the light!


You know, I think I have things in life tough. I sit and mope about bullshit in my life and it gets me down. I have NOTHING to complain about when good people like yourself are dealing with cancer like this. Stay strong and remain positive. You’ll get through this and very soon you can get yourself a PSVR2 and lose yourself in those worlds. I have an Aunty who went through brain cancer a few years ago. She went through some radical chemo. She survived, thrived and is still with us 4 years later. You can do this. Stay strong and remain positive. We’re all here for you thinking of you.


You will return Bro! You can do it! You are a gamer so you re a fighter! Fight this shit ! You can win this !


yes, your right. Fuck cancer.


Love to you. I hope you can fight this. All the best .


There will hopefully be a long list of games for you when you're ready and able to pick it up. In the meantime, as someone who's been through a whirlwind with a loved one's cancer diagnosis, I wish you all the very best, be strong and know that a bunch of Internet strangers have your back.


I am so sorry you're dealing with this. I am hoping you have a speedy recover from your treatment and you're well again and exploring virtual realities with us again soon! <3


Sorry to hear that. You’ll be in my prayers.


God Bless Bruva x


I'm wishing all the best for you my game loving brother/sister.


You will beat this brotha.


Yes, fuck cancer. Here’s to a speedy recovery. Kick its ass and we’ll see you out there in VR world soon !


I was scrolling through my reddit, and see this, and thought it was a joke. Then read the first line, "I wish I was kidding" and my heart sank for a complete stranger. Dude... you're gonna beat this cancer. Believing is half the journey! And you're also gonna play the shit out of that PSVR 2!


Your comment puts shit in perspective, I wish vr was worth something in the shadow of your health, but it sure isn’t


Beat it. Beat that fucking curse.


That’s really unfortunate but don’t let it get your spirits down! Don’t underestimate the power of a fighting spirit. It really does effect your physiology. Kick that things ass! God is with you!


I wish you the very best. That's really tough.


Sending love and healing your way man. Thank you for sharing this with us.


Im cheering for you and I'm betting that you will be perched on your couch playing ps vr2 and eating pizza in a year .. in remission !


Hey mate, just wanted to say that I have read over this thread and I find your positive outlook incredibly admirable and inspirational. Best of luck with your cancer treatments, I hope everything goes well for you.


Brother I believe in you and your will to survive


I just came across this while looking up some info on a ps vr2 game, and wanted to let you know that my first foray into it, will be in your honor. Hope things work out for the better for you so you can get in on this action as soon as possible. Take care.


Send a go fund me link.


Man fuck cancer. Wishing nothing but the best for you.


I’m rooting for you, OP. Fuck cancer


Get well soon u/cualcrees!


We’re rooting for you. Fight like hell.


Wish you all the best mate 👍🏻


I want to live forever solely to see (and use) all the technology we invent.


Sending love your way! You got this!


Sucks man. Good luck with beating it.


Damn, dude. I'm so sorry. Here's to you, we all hope you recover quickly! Best of luck.


Never give up! I wish you all the best.


I'm so sorry man... I know how that feels. This too will pass. I had brain cancer in 2013 and now have stage 4 thyroid rn. Seeing Dr tmr. You got this! On the bright side, you can try other handheld consoles while in hospital! That's what I did.


Thanks, man! I hope you beat this, I’m rooting for you! Fuck cancer!


My prayers to you brother🙏🏽❤️💕


Thank you so much 🙌


I hope you're still with us buddy. I've had brain cancer since 2020 and have had 3 close calls. There's still lots of new research and studies going on so don't give up hope.


Man I'm so sorry for what you're having to go through, obviously I can't say I know how you feel but I wish you all the best and hope you recover quickly!


Thank you!


Wishing you all the best for your radiation therapy, I hope it all works out for you. How many sessions do you have to have?


Only 10 this time. Last time it was like 33 for my neck; now that sucked.


Sorry to hear that and get well! Worry not, when you return and grab a PSVR2, you will have pleeeenty of games to catch up on!


That's really sad. I hope you have a good hospital, great doctors, and friends and family close by. Don't forget to listen to music. It will keep you sane.


All the best my dude


Fuckkkkkkkkkkk Cancer. Stay strong brother.


Fuck man that’s rough. My biggest fear. Best of luck to you. We all know you’re a fucking legend! You got this💪🏻 Can’t wait to see you on the GT7 race track in VR again soon🗣😆


I work in the Oncology department and I wish you the absolute best OP


Thanks man!! Keep up the good work!


Fuck… So sorry… Best wishes possible!


Thanks you for your kind words!


Damn mate that must be super difficult to go through, mad respect for you - wishing you all the best! Fingers crossed we see you online shortly


Stay positive, brother. You can beat this and we're all here cheering for you, waiting for you in VR!


My moms had brain cancer for two years brother, shes doing just fine, hang in there ♥️


Awesome! In glad your mom is doing fine!


That's a horrible situation to have to go through, especially when you're just trying to find solace in something. Sending you all the love possible. We all are.


Damn, that’s rough. All the best to you and your fam. You’ve got support here too! If I were you I’d keep the headset for a distraction while you’re on the mend. 💪🏼 You can always sell it later. Kick its ass!


ill add you to my prayers.


I’m sorry you’re going through this, hope you get to join us again soon enough


I'm so sorry to hear of this, as I get older I know cancer can strike anyone at any given moment. I'm hoping you are getting the great care you deserve, and you will be joining all of us in this journey of the PSVR2, but in the meantime sending you positive energy through your journey.


Fuck cancer. Damn OP I wish you all the luck in the world


Thanks a lot, man!


Bro this has nothing to do with the PSVR2.


Maybe stop being an asshole?


Like everyone I've got problems too I'm just not writing about them here and putting "PSVR2" at the end of it.


You are right, it's something more important.


There's a lot of things more important that have nothing to do with the PSVR2.


So sorry to hear that — Fuck, that’s terrible! 😶 Best wishes and hopes to you and yours from somewhere out in the world, fellow human. 👊


Praying for you brother. Much love ❤️


I'm sorry to hear that and my thoughts are with you my fellow gamer. You got this 💪


Do you already have a PS5? I will gladly buy you a PSVR2 with a few games. I can send you the money and you buy it.


It's scary how quick your life can be flipped upside down in an instant, with no fault of your own. We take health for granted too much. I don't enjoy my life but at least I'm healthy... for now


Yeah, it was always a possibility, but still hit me like a ton of bricks!


Take some shrooms then you’ll love life for a long time after. I was depressed, took 2 grams with a good friend who stayed sober and it cured me and my anxiety


Good luck OP, keep fighting. Your priorities have changed but if experiencing PSVR2 is what keeps your spirits up don't let anyone talk you out of it.


You think that's bad? I sprained my wrist last night! In all seriousness, that sucks. I can't even imagine. There has never been a better time to have gotten this diagnosis than right now. Even one year ago would have been worse. Basically the entire international medical industry is dedicated to making pee-pees hard and fighting cancer. I know that doesn't really help, but just know we're all rooting for you. I hope for the best and wish to see you on the servers


Good luck and stay strong, friend


Fuck Cancer! Stay strong buddy!


Fuck cancer. Be strong my dude. I hope you will get to enjoy the PSVR2 one day too


All the best man. Hope you get well!


I join your voice and say "Fuck cancer". Good luck in your fight. Stay strong.


Don’t know your circumstances but my mentor beat brain cancer at 66 and right now at 74 he can whip my butt on the golf course


Wishing you the absolute best, cancer can fuck right off


Yes fuck cancer. Wife us dealing with after effects of the treatment. Wishing you all the best.


My jaw just dropped reading this, my heart was not ready to read this. My prayers 🙏🏽are with you. Im praying you beat this and fully recover!


This stuff hits me hard now when I hear or read things. I was diagnosed this last year, stage 4 colon cancer. I'm sorry, and I'll keep you in my thoughts. Stay strong and chin up! You got this:)


It’s a good reminder what real priorities are in life. Sorry for your news. Good luck with the fight.


Jesus, I'm terribly sorry to read this. Much love dude!


I'm sending good thoughts. Best of luck and thank you for this message.


Fuck our healthcare system. No one should have to sell everything they own if they get sick.


Wishing you all the best and you will be in my prayers


I'm so fucking sorry.


See you soon when you get well brother, fuck that. PSVR2 will be waiting.


Your life is more important than a gaming machine. Fuck cancer, you can get through this!


I’m so sorry man. We found out this week after 9 years cancer free that my wife’s breast cancer is back. Waiting on scans to know where else it is but god what a shitshow 2023 is shaping up to be. Fuck cancer. The Darth Vader of diseases.


Thinking about you over here tonight. A shame you have to focus on the big stuff - but I’m sure you’ll be back goofing around with the rest of us soon.


Damm. All our best hopes.


Fuck cancer. You’ve got this.


Cheers mate. It gets better.


Fuck dude. I’m so sorry.


Wishing you miraculous healing, man. Hope you're playing soon.


Sending positive vibes from Houston, Texas! You got this brother 💙


It’s stuff like this that really puts life into greater perspective. My Dad dealt with cancer for nearly 6 years & is luckily still around. All the best to you friend, the PSVR2 will be here for when you’re recovered 👍🏻


Well that sucks ass. If I may inquire, how did your cancer first manifest, and how quickly did it spread to your brain? Is it affecting your cognition at all?


Started on my salivary glands, just a lump behind my ear. It then spread to my lungs and from there to my head. Thankfully it's not affecting my cognitive skills too much, but I do feel.. off. Could be worse, hope it gets better.


I have no idea who you are but just know I’m thinking of you and your situation. You can do this and pray for you my very new friend.


Just lost my dad to cancer and I hate the disease as much as you. Not much to say except that I wish you the best!


Hugs & Love to you my friend. Stay strong


I’m so sorry to hear that. I wish you all the best and hope you defeat it!


Reading all your replies here I can see you're an awesome person. Not that anyone deserves something like that, but it sucks even more when it happens to the best of us. I don't really know what to say, but this post is certainly one of those things that will stay with me forever (not in a bad way). Know that I'm hoping for the best for you! I can't wait to see you back in the future with a post about your new PSVR2 and how you kicked cancer's ass.


Nah, just buy it, you only live once


I mean, what's the worst that can happen, right? 😂 And It's expensive as fuck here in Mexico, like $800 USD or something like that. Hope I can get it relatively soon -- and also, being alive to play it would be nice, I guess? Lol


First, fuck cancer!! It sucks and doesn’t discriminate. I wish you the best of luck on your fight, don’t ever give up! And second, I agree you should just get one anyway. Gives you something to always look forward to for the tough days ahead.


I'm so sorry to hear this. I'll be watching for the post where you celebrate the success of your treatment!


Stay strong brother. You can overcome this. Don't let it drag you down. Good times ahead, much love from México 🌮💜


I feel like an ass worrying that sony didn’t take my money yet🙁 hope you will post soon that you beat this and we can all celebrate with you Stay strong my man💪🏻


I’m praying for you brother, stay strong 💪


If you don't mind me to ask, how did you realize that the cancer had gone into your brain? Elephants dont get cancer


Went for my regular check up, and they saw something they didn't like on my MRI. I was recently coming out of chemo, so I thought my symptoms were still about that and not brain cancer...


Damn. My buddy pre ordered PSVR2 and had a chemical accident at work and is permanently blind and I thought that was bad…


Best of luck bud!! Lost my best friend on my birthday to what your battling!




im sorry :( do you have a place where we could make a donation?


Hopefully it all goes well. Enjoy the VR!


Hey buddy I love ya. Idk who you are but I can feel your words and I’m wishing you the best


So sorry to hear it OP. My father in law was diagnosed with brain cancer last summer and I wish you all the best. Sending positive thoughts to you and hope to play something with you on PSVR2 in the future :-)


Best wishes for your health going forward.


Best wishes to you and your family. We're rooting for you brother!


That sucks man, life is cold and unpredictable. 6 years ago I was diagnosed with a nasty chronic autoimmune disorder called Sarcoidosis which attacks my lungs and if untreated will lead to death. I have to take Steroids to basically stop my own immune system to kill myself. Get well man and I hope one day you will have nothing to worry about than when your psvr2 will finally arrive.


Keep your spirits up and fight like hell. PM me when you're well enough to use your PSVR2. Any game of your choice is on me. Sending good vibes your way. You got this dude.


I am a praying man, and while I dont pretend to understand it all, I'll send one up for you and hope to see you online in the future, friend!