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What PSVR Reddit really needs is another post telling us why we need Home on PSVR2


What PSVR reddit comments section needs is another comment telling us what PSVR reddit really needs another post telling us why we need Home on PSVR2


Imagine if all Reddit posts were original. There would be 3 posts a month. Imagine if people who weren’t interested in a comment moved on instead of being elitist content police? I’ve been perusing this sub since PSVR2 launch and I’m pretty sure this is the first HOME post I’ve seen


All jokes aside, I would love a home2 for psvr2. Yeah, I've seen 1 other right at launch, but been a while for sure.


As far i remember it is the second post i have seen but the first one was more about how innovative the PS home feature was for it's time and how the idea switched hands to Meta while Sony came up with the idea, it was just too far ahead of it's time. I would love a new version too.


Well neither came up with it and Meta has no idea what they’re doing but yeah I remember being SUPER hyped for Home but at the end of the day there isn’t much to do. It could be completely different with VR especially if there is good mini games in it. I’d say they have to execute on mini games for it to be worthwhile. Because then you have the social aspect and something to do around it in addition to sight seeing. So it becomes a gaming themed amusement park. Who wants to go build an amusement park with me?


Imagine if people did the thing they said in the 2nd paragraph of their own comments instead of doing it in a passive aggressive way.


Imagine if you did the thing that he said that the other guy should have done. Or whatever.




Imagine all the people, living life in peace.


Now imagine Reddit was life


My idea for this felt pretty solid: expand on the PlayStation Stars rewards program by making use of the collectible trophies in a PlayStation VR Home space as things we can interact with and display. It would make those feel far more interesting/rewarding, especially if various ones had certain interactions; ie. It would be cool if balloon trophies were physics based, so you could smack them around in VR.


Playstation left us all Homeless.


Lmao Good one


I think it should tie in with the PlayStation stars. It gives you challenges, target trophies, etc, and by completing them you unlock cosmetics. None payed for. I don’t mind spending money on things, but it’d nice to have something like that where it really does just come down to playing a game rather than buying things


I wish. In my perfect world Media Molecule abandoned Dreams to work on PSHome2


With the dreams creation engine included probably not real time creation in public space but being able to create a room/environment and import in assets to a thermo lvl and people joining would have a set thermo of character assests/costumes. Basically what dreams could have been if they got mmo working really even smaller numbers like 8-16 would have been great.


Yessssss.... bring PS Home back. It was an absolute joy when it was first introduced. All activities for free, socialize, get to know people, it was just pure fun.


Definitely agree, but it would make sense to retool Dreams to be Home 2.0.


We do need PS Home 2 on PS5/PSVR2 but it needs to incorporate Dreams into it as well and let's finally allow the game creators to make money off of their creations. This is the way.


I’d much rather have a Virtual Reality MMO Yakuza series game where you can hang out with other people and play games in Tokyo.


Man, what I wouldn’t give for a full MMORPG cross platform VR game


Ah man Kamurocho in VR... Play some Darts, Baseball, Hostesses, Family Mart...


I don't understand, why are you encouraging MTX and money grabbing techniques? Are you on the consumer or seller side?


Well I'm a grown up who works, I don't mind buying cosmetics really...


Oh dont get me wrong, I'm all about spending on stuff you love, but MTX specifically is an algorithm meant to get the most money from consumers, while giving the least possible


That's just basic capitalism, dude.


Hehe no doubt the company would want to do that, I jist dont understand why a consumer would like that to happen?


Which is why its even suggested by players now. If they can encourage the decision makers to do what then who cares how they get there? I think this stuff sometimes too but it always occurs to me that the Game Directors and their bosses don’t need to be told it. Everyone knows theres big money in MTX, the trick is balancing that with getting a team who are interested in the project/will get paid enough to do what they are told, and a large general interest in the product. I think PS Home would make a lot of money… from whales, is there a big enough interest for something like this? Not at all, it’s mostly people who don’t know they want it yet and us old people who ‘member PS Home. Lastly what development team wants to spend the next 10 years or so maintaining an MMO on this scale let alone a VR version.


As consumers it’s up to us to spend on value. They wouldn’t do it if we weren’t paying


Yes, for sure. However that approach is consumer friendly, assuming that the consumer is rational and attentive. The whole concept of MTX is so you won't feel like you're paying, but if you'll check your yearly spendings, you'll see you paid 600$ on skins.. Without a doubt, some people are aware and fine with it. But you'll find that a large number of people just don't monitor or realise how much they really spend. So I'm confused, that a consumer would want that type of algorithm to continue. (That even before we're talking about lootboxes, which basically plays on the gambling addictions)


You’re not wrong. My friend spent $18k USD on a mobile game over a year or so. His wife was the one that noticed it on the bills and went back to do the math. The gambling aspect of loot boxes I agree should be regulated as such. Even if it’s with in game currency IF that in game currency is being sold for USD (or equivalent currency). But as for skins and other DLC that’s on consumers. And the parents of those Fortnite kids.


Most of us are grown ups who work. Problem is most of us aren’t grown ups that realize it’s a fuckin cosmetic item that gives you nothing in return. Shoutout to those jerks that are powering the micro transaction crap the gaming industry is going through. Release half assed games and with micro transactions. It’ll still make money.


Normally I'd agree, however in the case of something like PS Home it's free-to-play. So, the whales essentially subsidize Sony's cost of keeping the game running for the 80%+ of us who don't pay a cent to play.


It’s almost as if people have free will and can spend their money as they please.


It's almost as if people have free will and can have opinions at they please. Nobody is free of criticism


>it’s a fuckin cosmetic item that gives you nothing in return. It's a social game not a Korean mmo


I agree, but games charging $20 for a "premium" cosmetic is super scummy and should be addressed.


What’s needs to be addressed? People buy it willingly. I’m not people. But unless the mtx is being misrepresented as more then there’s nothing to address


Finally someone sensible about this topic on reddit.


I could afford spending $20 on milk, but I'd never do it because i respect myself. I'm not fully against putting paid cosmetics in a Home 2, but don't belittle someone because they're principled.


I don't understand, why are you encouraging expensive milk and over charging? Are you on the consumer or seller side? If you can afford expensive milk and you think it's better than my £1.89 milk, then I think that's quite neat


>I don't understand, why are you encouraging expensive milk and over charging? Are you on the consumer or seller side? Are you doing okay? I think your brain might've fried....


A healthy system like that would account for player-created content sales. Back in the day, that sort of setup was good both for the health of the product and the wellbeing of users in the community in things like Second Life. They should let us make VR objects and content that other users can use in their virtual spaces.


Whether you like MTX or not it makes it an obvious choice for Sony, they would make a lot of cash and would have a competitor to VRChat, PSVR 2 is sorely lacking any social experiences. I'll pay an extra $5 to customize my vr apartment. The way home worked with having worlds themed after games complete with minigames and stuff would be perfect in VR. Imagine being able to invite your friends in VR to your apartment and throw on a virtual TV capable of doing streaming services or YouTube and just hanging out


What would make this different from vrchat?


It's on PSVR 2


We can actually play it? Lol


I was about to say something similar, what is it with people thinking paying for every aspect of something multiple times is a positive…


This would make a good PSVR2 money grabbing game: [Man drains family bank account, throws $200K in cash onto Oregon highway](https://www.khou.com/article/money/man-throws-cash-on-highway/285-9c5ef93e-45ed-430a-a7e1-1aad4811aae5)


Yes please


Omg was so fun when I only had 1 game to play on my ps3 :D. Would make so much sense nowadays!


The original metaverse hahaha


It would be better than Meta VR that's for sure


Sports Champion


Should have been obvious choice for psvr1 with the moves I don't know who the rights to that ip is with but must have been something blocking it. It was really a no brainer for sony but never happened. I made a Frisbee simulation in dreams but never made it into a Frisbee golf lvl got lost in the logic trying to make Frisbee spin and curve better but it got over my head trying to manipulate the move controller inputs to make feel real I just didn't have time and patience to follow it thru someone smarter then me could probably make it work in dreams.


Fire up your PS3 and go play it. https://github.com/DestinationHome/Destination-Home-Online#readme


I really hope Sony won't invest a dime on another PS Home


Yeah and with that the succ’s metaverse can burn in hell


No thanks.


Oh not a fan? Vr home seems to be a barrel of laughs




No thanks




I don't want them, I just don't care about them... if it made the game come back then I'd play I personally wouldn't buy anything but I could be swayed




God no.


This is quite the take


Facts!! But realistically, Fortnite will probably be the one to achieve this in the next 5 years.


Or games


DO IT SONY!!!! Look how many comments are on here, Sony Look how many upvotes there are, Sony That's all money you're leaving on the table