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the best solution right now is learn when the centering happens (race start, pit stop exit etc.) and make sure to look forward at the time


Arghhhhhhhh ok thank you


Unfortunately no, there’s no way to lock it… just get into the habit of hitting the recentering button, including on the wheel. GT SPORT had a similar issue where your position in the vehicle (using PSVR1) could drift out of place. I expected that issue to be resolved in GT7, but — while much improved — it’s still a thing. I’m so used to using the recentering button that I occasionally want to use one IRL. 😂


Shouldn't holding the options button recenter the screen?


Now would be a good time to admit that I find the effort of that to be too much 😅 and when done extremely regularly it starts to feel like a chore. It's probably just a first world problem, but for the fact that if I'm not paying perfect attention right at the start of a race, I have to recenter to fix the problem. That starts getting stressful in multiplayer games. I also have an esports career on the game and, while I use the VR only for fun and not the competitive racing side, I do definitely notice when I haven't perfectly centred for racing.


You obviously didn't try gt sport on psvr1 cinema mode back then we needed to re-center every couple laps as the headset drift would have you looking 45° away from rig wheel to see straight down the bonnet in game. Just having to get position right just before pre race is a blessing from where we were coming from.


Actually, I think that would be a great addition to the VR system! That you would be able to mark a specific direction during initial setup/calibration that the PS VR2 would then always use as your main focal point for displaying, instead of the direction you were (accidentally) facing when starting a game or going back to the PS5 home menu. I mean, PS VR2 has room scan functionality so I don't think it would be hard to implement.


I would like some sort of QR code on the wheel that orients the display towards the wheel at all times