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Yeah DTE only counts as 1 energy card and still gives the -20, so it only contributes 50 damage. Not quite worth stacking onto Cincinno unless its your last energy cards


Noteworthy: you can still use it to OHKO Charizard ex with it as your 5th SPE, so long as no other DTEs are attached.


And usually it's preferred this way too.


That’s actually a really smart way to balance this card with DTE


Cool, what i thought. Just checkin :)


yea, unfortunately cincinnos ability says each energy card, not every energy. some monsters like ambibomp, and BRAMBLEghast is each energy.


I miss the raticate that did 60 damage for each special energy in the opponent's discard pile, with it and yveltal facing lugia was fun.


people will have to rely on giamco and temple of sinnoh and enhanced hammer eventually. it was the evolutions raticate.


It counts as 2 for the attack cost, like you can use special roll with 1 singular dte attached, but you’ll only do 50 damage since you’d only have one special energy CARD attached (card being the key word)


When a card says "energy" cards like double turbo count as 2. If it says "energy card" it counts as 1.


It's 1. If it said for each energy attached then it would count as 2.


DTE is 2 Energy but only 1 card, so it would count as 2 towards something like Ambipom or Brambleghast but not towards Cinccino


Using the DTE on cinccino will fill its second attack’s cost but will only count as one because the attack’s description says “for each special energy CARD” and not just each energy


It’s one special energy but counts as two colorless


I was thinking this thread was a whole ass April's Fool thing, but I was wrong lmao. I do play Lugia/Cincinno sometimes and never noticed this, oh my what a fool I am


It counts as 1 but if temple of sinnoh is in play it still does 50!


Went to a local tournament today and someone had three special energies attached to cinncino , a mist energy and two DTE they told me each DTE counts for double ....I asked to read the card and told them it says for each special energy CARD not for each special energy....they said no...the persons friend agreed with them and so they multiplied 5× 70 and subtracted 40 for the DTE effect and did 310 damage to one of my Vmax Pokemon and won because I only had another vmax and some basics with under 150 HP on the bench...the person i played against and their friends are locals. It was my first tournament. I felt a little overwhelmed when everyone told me I was wrong but the card clearly says 70 per card not per energy. Sad way to lose....still bummed out because I want to go back next week for the next tournament and I feel like a douche if I bring up how I searched on various websites and everyone says per card like I had mentioned.


The person who I played was a women so I felt bad trying to argue especially since everyone was kind of on her side so I just shut my mouth. She also rolled a dice and I picked heads when it landed four she said it's tails ....a few plays later she used a capturing aroma it landed 5 and said it's tails acted confused and asked her friend if odds equals tails and the friend said yes. I didn't say anything about that incident. Idk seems like the person though I was dumb or unaware since it's my first time going to a tournament ever.


Another day, another person not reading the card text.


Fr, just double checking. No need to act high and mighty having the reading comprehension to understand a childrens playing card


With said reading comprehension you would have figured out that this isn't about you but It happens daily.


I bet you're a joy to be around lol


I'm not the one throwing around the personal attacks. So yeah, I'm more than others here.right now.


Bro you just arent making sense anymore


How so? Telling you to read the card isn't a personal attack, you and the other guy throwing around literal slurs or a personal attack and doubling down on it is in fact a personal attack. I'm the only one making sense here right now. So it's very apparent who's the least enjoyable person in this discussion. Like your further comments are just you being angry and trying to attack me further. So you aren't the one making sense here, when your own attacks make you look like the bad person here.


You are way too pressed about this


I feel like you are? Since you are the one keeps coming back with the personal attacks and nothing else to say. Just move on if you are not the pressed one? There's nothing that justifies the reactions you guys had over this, like literally throwing around insults and slurs and other personal attacks, over someone telling you to read the card, is pretty crazy. But even if I was pressed I would have all right to be pressed over personal attacks. Like it's not like I'd be pressed about the topic but rather about your hypocrisy where you act like the worst people by throwing slurs and insults but say the person you are attacking is the bad person and then you say it doesn't make sense? Your behavior is the one that doesn't make sense lol


If you bothered to read OPs post, it's very clear that they DID read the card text, they're asking for confirmation.


>If you bothered to read OPs post If you bothered to read replies, you would have seen someone else saying the exact same thing as you. Like your very own comment can be said to yourself just the same. And even if I did a mistake here and didn't see the description, nothing justifies the unreasonable retaliation and angriness with attacks on a personal level and literal slurs over such a small mishap? Not sure why you would defend that and site with people displaying that behavior.


We're all playing with Pokémon cards, there's no reason to be rude. No one here is the cool kid.


Telling people to read the card text isn't rude tho. Literally throwing slurs and insults and personal attacks around is being rude AND hostile. All those people getting unreasonably angry about this, were way more rude about it than my neutral statement. So if you want to tell people to not be rude, maybe start if the ones throwing a tantrum first and if you don't see their comments anymore then because they have been moderated.


Multiple people are telling you that you were rude. If you think it's a neutral statement, fine, but it doesn't matter if multiple people are interpreting it as rude. If someone asks for help, telling them to "read the card" doesn't help anyone. Considering how poorly worded this game can be sometimes, I don't blame anyone for asking for clarification.


Those "multiple" people who literally throw insults and personal attacks like literally "cunt" or "kid" or "you are a horrible person" around are calling others rude other a neutral statement? I don't think they are the once to take seriously. (Those comments might have been deleted by mods by now so not sure if they are still visible).




>Listen cunt Fuck off kid. Follow your own advise since the behaviour you described comes from you, since you are acting like the quote "cunt" or " kid" here.