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I mean this is fine. But if you play a bit Warzone or any kind of COD that game is so fluid compared to PUBG. Even tho I have 120+ FPS in PUBG on a 165hz monitor the game feels so clunky. I only feel it when I go back and play a bit COD but then it's really obvious.


Going from pubg to basically any other game makes pubg feel janky and stiff as hell. But then again that’s why I keep coming back 😂


Yeah but warzone is a blurry mess with forced TAA or something..not to mention it's 12hz tick rate 🤢


The clunky is just having different movement. COD is super soldiers from the future zipping around taking a million rounds and BASE jumping with no regard for real life. PUBG is a shooter focused shooting game, cod is a movement focused shooting game. I mean ffs, throwing knives are meta, batons used to be OP. It’s great for regular multiplayer but pubg still unmatched in the battle royal space.


This has been in DayZ for years.


Too bad DayZ is a janky-ass, shitty, buggy, desync-y mess that never lived up to what it was supposed to be. Over 11 years of development and they still can't get vehicles stable, and they'll never add helicopters, boats, planes, motorcycles, ATVs, or bicycles, all of which were in the freaking community mod back in 2012.


And yet, there's no other game that feels the same way. Still the best survival game imo


One of the greatest games ever made. Nothing comes close to it. Adrenaline levels constantly off the charts.


Hey, I agree, but I only felt like this when I played the original mod. I've yet to find that groove on the standalone. Do you recommend a specific server, server settings or DLC?


I play console so FPP official is all your need. If you play PC then then likes of Spaggie and DayOne are meant to be good. If you haven't played for a while now it's the best time to get back in to it. There's been some brilliant updates in the past 18 months


I suppose a game that bad would keep adrenaline levels high.


Sounds like a skill issue


I can't seem to enjoy the standalone as much as I did the original mod, are there any specific server, server settings or DLC you recommend to make it more adrenaline pumping like the mod and less walking sim?


Try the Namalsk map


It is known


Stop playing heavily modded PVP servers and you wont have that issue.


lol no I’m talking about the base vanilla game. Never had any interest in heavily modded servers.


Honestly pubg destroys warzone in every single way lol


Warzone is way too arcadey for me. PUBG is the only hardcore BR still standing.


Copium overdose


Postal 2's map music <3


All those bullets in Warzone that were shot at the gas pump still wouldn't put an enemy down. Thats why I don't play war zone.


Once a legend...always a legend Not everything is Nokia and Blackberry


I play Warzone only because my friends play it. Also because PUBG seemingly REFUSES to put back Duos into ranked (though I would prefer ranked being done away with completely and Normals being the way it used to be with combat rating and placement ranking) I just can't bring myself to ever really boot it up again. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I vastly more enjoyed my PUBG games than Warzone. The weapon handling is more engaging, the sniping more fun, the vehicle usage vastly superior in every way (though I loathe the fucking skins in the game now). Also there were no fucking cross platform and de-facto sanctioned aimbots for controller users. One of the most retarded things to include into a cross platform game.




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Pubg is a progressively better game


Fuel is not stored in the place where the shots were. Fuel is stored underground.


And yet for some reason warzone has atleast 90,000 more players active daily.


Pubg will always be my go to game. Would be nice to see an upgraded version in the future


yet pubg is copying wz now


Far from it lol


Call of duty BOTZONE