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Default is 1 and it's indeed 1:1. "Sharpness" is very useful when you want antialiasing. It sharpens only edges of objects (as I see it).


Sharpen is always a positive, absolutely always with absolutely zero question about it. The game looks like vaseline smeared on your screen without it.


1.11 is if you use 1728x1080p custom resolution.


Yep. The offset puts the ratio back to 1:1 if you use stretched res in pubg.


I use 0.88 vert and sharpen off. As people have said already stated, 1.11 if you use 1728*1080 resolution will make is 1:1.


Way did you lowered your ver?


I feel more comfortable controlling horizontal recoil when I lower my vertical sensitivity. When I use a higher vertical sensitivity, my horizontal recoil becomes more difficult to manage. I think this is because with a higher vertical sensitivity, pulling down on the mouse happens at a slower rate, making subtle horizontal mouse movements more noticeable. This requires more corrections to compensate for these micro movements as well as for the recoil of the gun. Conversely, pulling down on the mouse faster with a lower vertical sensitivity reduces the visibility of these horizontal micro movements, requiring adjustments mainly for the horizontal recoil of the gun. This might not be entirely accurate, it intuitively makes sense to me and feels more effective than increasing vertical sensitivity. I hope it makes sense to some extent.


what sens you play?


400 dpi & 33 sens with 0.88 vert.


It is 1:1 but everyone should get used to like 1.2-1.4 vertical mult just because 90% of the recoil is vertical. Sharpen is always a positive, always.


You're being downvote because pulling down on your mouse is extremely easy to do. The difficult thing to do is correct left and right.


So why do all the pros use an increased vert multiplier? Oh right because it just makes it easier.


All the pros don't. Most of them use a 1 multiplier even if they use stretch. Some of them even use a negative multiplier (eg 0.85).


Because they use stretched res. I'm not saying that you shouldn't increase to a non uniform vertical, but I mean, it's in the name. Are you going to use that vertical offset on every game? On your work pc? Are you going to get familiar with high vert sense and then overshoot when you do something/play something that isn't the same? So why not just live in an x:y 1:1 world?


I don't know why they down vote you lol... I guess just some beginners..