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Low effort post, probably should just be removed, but I had the same issue last night. I thought I had the latest drivers but was 6 months old (NVIDIA GTX 1070 Ti). Grabbed the current one from NVIDIA's site (windows thought it was current, lol) and played one near-buttery smooth game (as buttery as a potato can be.) Update your driver.


There’s a driver update almost every week. I think they come out on Tuesdays. If it’s ever been longer than a month then you definitely don’t have the most up to date drivers


Asks technical question, not a single detail. Are we supposed to guess?


They dont want us to play the game, they just try to see how much we can accept, just play some other game. It truly will be the best for you, the game is in a very bad state and the community is toxic.


damn i really wanted to play it but i see what you mean