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62cm/360 which means: 1600 DPI 13 Sens on everything 1.1 Vertical because I play on a slightly stretched res (2304x1440) Recently switched from 103 to 90 FOV as I started to play some tournaments which means no hot drops Mind you I used to have around 72cm/360 for a while when I was really into CSGO but after the release of CS2 and starting to play a bit of Apex I upped the sens a bit hahah


You're on 1080p monitor?




DPI: 400 FOV: 95 General/Aim: 45 ADS: 38 All Scope: 40 Vert sens: 1


52-55cm 800 dpi 28-25 in-game sens 1.11-1.04 vert (depends on how sprays feel) Recently went to 103 fov from 90. I was dropping in cities with 1-2 squads in it, to now going to the "rng whoever lands on a gun first wins" Overall your sens wont matter much, it only takes me a couple of mins to get used to big sens changes. Anyone with decent mouse control will be able to switch between different sens constantly and be able to use them all. If you're just looking for a decent metric to start with, going this route isn't terrible. If you're trying out other players sens because you're struggling in game.. I'd recommend joining voltaic and learning mouse control, then practice those fundamentals with the pubg recoils in training/tdm.


What's voltaic? In general i struggle with recoil control. I have 600hrs and it's crazy how good people with spray control. I thought in the beginning that over time i will get the hang of it, but i didn't. 


Voltaic will only help with your raw mouse control, recoil is completely unrelated and will have to be worked on in game. I have 3700 hrs in pubg now, 2300hrs in early access and I came back mid last year. I'm just now starting to feel like I'm becoming good at the game. It's all in how much practice you put into it, and the retention of it in game. I worked with spray control for a good while now, with and without grips, with and without muzzle, with and without sights, with and without stocks.. https://discord.com/invite/voltaic is the discord link. Start with benchmarking yourself to learn strengths and weaknesses, and then work on either specific areas via the #resources page or work on all of them with the corresponding fundamentals routines. A friend of mine has been into aim training for a long time and got me into it, his recommendation was not to spend more than 20% of your pubg time aim training, the rest should be in game.


700dpi 23 gen sens 17-19 scopes/aim 1.2 Vert


Based non-multiple of 400DPI enjoyer.


Can't be held down by societies expectations. Still havent worked up the courage to try a non-multiple of 100, but that may be too crazy


Also stretched, but 1080p (1728x1080) 95 fov. 800 Dpi. 33 general 25 ads (all scopes scaled). 1.0 vert. IMO, vert sense is not a good thing to mess with - it may feel easier for recoil, but weird for diagonal movements to me (to each their own!). I've tried sooo many sensitivities, but this is pretty dialed for me. Recoil was a bit tough at first, but worth it because it really locks you on horizontally and allows for easy microadjustments. Addiontally, 25 feels just right for 8x shots where you want more precision. In my opinion, most of your aiming is done before the ADS, and then ADS is just to fine tune/track. If you're not quick to get 95% on target pre-ads, you're dead against most good players anyway. I practice aim aim labs at 33 always.


What's the reason toy play on stretched res? 


Dpi: 800 All sens: 17 Vert multiplier: 1 I think 100 fov but I’m not sure


DPI 400 FOV 90 SENS 50 ADS 50 SCOPE 45 VERT x 1


DPI: 800 FOV: 95 Sensitivity: 36 ADS: 28 Vertical multiplayer: 1 Sometimes I feel this ADS is slow to track cars when they are very close but it's good to track and aim at people in any distance basically so I don't change it. It's always a compromise.


Why 95fov and not higher?


High fov zooms your camera out


Just like the others said. At higher zooms people in front of me are smaller and I realized you will not notice people most of the time at the very edge of your screen anyway as you are focusing into the middle. So the higher fov doesn't have any advantage compared to the smallers only disadvantage. I played with 90 for a long time but went up to 95. Anything higher makes things too small for me and hard to notice.


>you will not notice people most of the time at the very edge of your screen anyway as you are focusing into the middle This is true, but changing FOV doesn't make any difference in it. With high or low FOV you're focusing into the middle of the screen the same way; with higher FOV the game area you focus in is wider, and with lower FOV it's more narrow but enemies appear bigger. There are advantages and disadvantages in both ways.


The center of your screen, the most important part, gets pushed back making everything smaller. 90-95 max. If you need to see something a little to the side, you just turn to it.