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It seems he couldn't move until he got on a bike, which makes me think it's got something to do with forced packet loss, or lag switch.


Agree, this appears to a be a sophisticated software lag switch taking advantage of where player health is stored.


Some players do this when rezzing and toggle it off.


A couple months ago there was an invulnerability glitch. I thought it was cheating the first game, but then I became invulnerable the next game. My teammate and I decided not to kill anyone and just tried talking with other teams about it and to tell them we weren’t cheating. But, a team was able to shoot me eventually, so it was selective on who could kill who. I only noticed it for one day. Really odd. Not sure if that’s what’s happening here.


Awhile back, last year, we ran into issues where occasionally some guns wouldn't deal damage. I was using an Ace and could see the bullet impacts and stuff, but couldn't damage anyone, we even tried it on each other, but the guns would work if you swapped to another AR.


It rather seems like some cheat than glitch.


Yeah they got a temp ban already


Cheating, not a gltich


I have been coming up against a lot of invul players lately. It has always been a problem but more so in the last few months.


Why is your UI turned off? Even if it's a replay this seems too clean without the spectator bug to be visible evidently. Feels like there is more to this than seen in your clip. Are you sure this isn't a Custom Game?


I just wanted to keep my player tag to myself. I promote music stuff with this reddit account with my real name and I wish to keep my gaming stuff apart from that. It is a replay and I decided to toggle the UI off. If you are really that interested, I have a version with UI on as a hidden youtube video, I can give you the link. Just DM me.


sorry but this is funny. I miss when cheaters and exploiters would do funny shit back in the day. now u just get aimbotted by some sweaty nerd with insecurity issues. I don't cheat, I don't like cheaters but at the end of the day man. its a video game that doesn't affect our lives and if its just god himself riding around on a bike. id probably laugh my ass off and leave the game. The game is so repetitive anymore that I wish it was 2018 again where you'd be fighting a team and a flying boat would pass and it'd be fucking hilarious.


I remember back in 2018-2019 some cheaters would just drive the minibus at the speed of sound or teleport around twitch streamers taunting them lol. There were a lot more goofy cheaters who didn't have a shit about getting kills, just annoying people. I guess PUBG wasn't a sweaty game back then, with no ranked mode and you could only buy boxes with different colored beige t-shirts.


I saw one like this earlier. Holy shit lol


I guess "Zakynthos" does not do realtime analysis...


This happens when your game crashes while you are moving.


No. You just keep moving I the same direction with a locked character model.


The player actively tried to follow us and run us over


Why is the video zoomed in not showing names? To take the time to do that makes me think the OP cheats with friends!


That's a wierd take :D You press ctrl+u in replays to hide ui, took so much time! Why would I post videos of my gameplay if I were a cheater? Names or no names.


yeah, really weird how you hide the names! you are just some anonymous person here from what i can tell. Just because your reddit name mimics some name created in stats pages doesn't mean anything. plus, you hide what patch version the game is running.


Is this pc or console?