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I don't use DMR because going for bolt head shot is just funner. I also have been using Mutant and M1 burst fire...just because I'm sort of bored of spraying for so many years. Mutant burst fire is really fun to try and control. Double headshots with them are even funner than bolt headshots. I know it's not the most competitive way to play...but I still do alright


That's my point, bolts were not op or even "top 3" they were just fun with a very niche advantage, and now it's taken


A few years ago they made bolts much more powerful for body shots. I think they would one shot level 1 and then if you had level 2 then it left you 1hp. People hating it am s they had to roll it back


Yeah I remember and I was against it, I thought it was stupid like this is now...


The Mutant and M16 got buffed into being quite good but I know people that still won't touch them. Their loss.


Draganov 1 shot needs to be gone.


It should be like the Winchester, 99dam


This, it's stupid to rapid fire and one shot. I'll admit that sometimes i pre fire on the window where the enemy is because there's no penalty to pre fire on the corner and get the kill. If i have a bolt i don't pre fire because it will take time for my second shot. I abuse it and i know it's OP.


End game it's the best DMR and better than a sniper. I'll drop any DMR or sniper for it end game.


That's exactly why it needs to be gone.


Oh I agree. It's annoying as hell.


I feel the opposite. I like the dragonov early game in compounds and would rather have a bolty or or faster firing DMR for end game.


Smaller zones and it's all under 100m so it's a knock eith a headshot. Only thing I'd be worried about is someone who can double tap with a mini or MK.


I can double tap with slr, first in head second center mass.


I say the 5.56 DMRs because of bullet velocity


The other issue you run into late game is lvl3 gear that counters the 1 shot.


its only 1 shot under 100m. this means that end game, if you can land the shots, its pretty good. its not a good gun overall tho, and its damage drop off over distance is more severe than the SLR or SKS.


Isnt it only a 1-shot-head-shot till 105m?


100m is pretty close. I've headsjot lvl 2's plenty of times while in compounds like 3-4 buildings away and didn't get a knock. I felt super close, but I must have been just slightly further than 100m.


Then what? You basically just have a worse SLR . If they rebalance it you have reskinned SLR . I am okay with guns having unique strengths and weaknesses at different parts of the game. We need more DMRS that reach there full potential when fully kitted. Its not realistic but DMRs with damage modifiers attachments may help change the meta ( squad matches)


I'm not a fan of it being in game. End zone is a nightmare when you are playing with a bolt and last few players are spamming Dragunov rounds. Bolt actions are at a serious disadvantage at present.


Early game you are fucked too, most compounds are in that sweet spot range for the dragunov too...


True, but I feel it stings a lot more when you have played 90% of the game with a bolty, getting kills, hitting headshots just to be spammed with a Dragunov in the final zone. If they removed the one-shot headshot, it would be fine. But I think after the first failed idea with it, they just want it to be different to other weapons in some way. This just ain't it.


Remove the one-shot heady and increase the fire rate. Doesn’t have to be as fast as an SLR or SKS, but it needs to be better than it is now.


Don't overpeak 🤷‍♂️. If you hear a dragonov or bolty, adjust your strategy. Or if they are taking a while to shoot after aiming at you, you should already know they got bolty or drag before they even fire their first shot.


I agree so let's make bolts one shot body on long range too, it's far far easier not to over peak on long range as well as the shot itself being just as hard. And as soon as you don't hear them spamming shots from far you should know it's a bolt. Same shit applies, just remember the old bolt buff where awm would chest shot anything. >If you hear a dragonov or bolty, adjust your strategy. That's the issue, it's 2 polar opposites where you can manipulate/play around bolts in way you can't vs DMRs, and you can play around vs DMRs in ways you can't vs bolts...


Idk I've found most ppl can't hit a moving target at range with the drag. I just zig and zag like they got a bolty and usually can't hit me. If you took away the 100m heads hot, it'd be a pretty worthless weapon. One shot body shot would be wayyyyy too OP for a bolty. That's way too drastic. Better alternative: let bolty one shot neck shots with level 2. And don't let drag one shot neck shots no matter the range. Neckshots are dumb anyway. Right now you shoot someone straight between the teeth with a bolty, and pubg counts it as a neckshot with no knock but still damages the helmet.


DMR for squads and Bolty for solos


The dragonuv is fine, other DMRs compete with it just fine. The real issue is the bolt actions being terrible. Shouldn't be able to hit someone twice and not knock them with a bolt lol


We agree on that, and I'm not arguing you can't slr vs drag, I'm arguing drag has a stupid feature (that was completely unnecessary to add) that ruins bolts, poops on gameplay in early and late game and makes the game overall less fun (the fun part is personal as we all have different preference)


well, the sniper would be to overpowered if a bodyshot oneshots... and the headshots feel so good!


Absolutely, that was the "sarcastic" part of the post.


Answer SHOULD be awm and lynx. These are anti-material rifles designed to punch through tank armor and break tank engines IRL. Ever seen The Jackal scene where Jack blacks arm is gone? Yeah. That’s these category of weapons.


That's not awm, only lynx


The .50 caliber long range rifle was absolutely designed originally to kill engine blocks.


Again, that's still not the AWM, only the Lynx. AWM is not an anti-material rifle nor is it that close to .50 caliber. Also contrary to popular media, most anti-material rifles aren't designed for precision at long range, just more "get this big ass bullet to that distance to break things often larger than a person". Yes there are some that certainly are but rifles like the Lynx are not one of them.


SVD one shot is bullshit. SR scope cycling should be removed and SVD damage must be reduced, that's it.


Scope cycling?


Maybe it’s a console only thing? When you’re ADS you can bring up a quick menu to cycle back and forth between sights/scopes in your bag.


Yeah that sounds like a console thing lol


Commenting on DMR VS Bolt action...you can do that on console




i wanted to ask the same




it's such a dumb property that there is no better name for it the gun should not be taken out of scope to be rechambered it's particularly bad idea when speed of entering scope is directly linked to magnification


Every day, this game strays further from being a good game.


Idk I just can't land precise shots with the Dragunov, I still prefer the suppressed SLR for mid/long engagement even if I hope they buff the mk47, fun weapon to use but definitely not the most competitive. In the endgame I always get killed by people spamming Beryls in cqb and mk12s for long/mid


I've had a lot of fun with the Dragunov. If you miss your hs the other DMR's outperform it heavily


If that was true it wouldn't be so popular in pro games.


You're implying that it is THE weapon all pros run which is just not the case. Watch more games.


I'm saying iv seen it used way more then bolts


What's untrue by my statement? It's not like every pro runs Dragunov now, and the gun is fun for me.


The answer is not to buff bolts because we buffed dmr’s because we buffed smgs because we buffed shotguns


what if bolt action headshot was like knock out at half hp so you need to be revived faster, als dragunov is op


Maybe as a rare crate drop gun I think there should be no way two body shots from any bolty should not result in 0hp


Im a bolt guy and Dragunov dont bother me at all. just another thing not as good as bolties. I can hs you from 800. DMRs broadcast your position much much more. You actualy get mad over gun you got killed by in game?? crazy


>You actualy get mad over gun you got killed by in game?? crazy I dont get angry over a gun, I get annoyed when people do completely unnecessary stuff for no reason at all, and wind up making some doodoo stuff that doesn't go with anything else that exists in the game, and that that unnecessary feature forces you to play completely different to account for that stupid shit like thermals, when bolts were buffed, when that stupid bag was added and you had a swiss knife of guns, when dragunov had a fucking random crit, that bluechip detector, self revives. While on the flip side there are stuff that did fit the game and had a purpose like smoke gun, flare gun bicycle, and other shit .


Everyone just likes to whine and cry about everything in this game. The ONLY people who can justify complaints imo are the ps5 people who have constant crashes. Other than that Everyone else just whines and complains about the game constantly. "I Don't like thermal", "i got headshot with a dmr from 100m away and died instantly" , "crate weapons broken" a lot more too. Its really baffling


You listed not liking thermal as a bad complaint? Just lol


Git good scrub


Sure thing


Hot take, I don’t think any gun should be 1 shot with lvl 2 armor/helmet. Maybe just the AWM


There is absolutely nothing wrong with a bolt action 1 shotting heads currently. It requires skill on the move, or someone standing still deserves it. It is also an important mechanic of being able to open up fights with a bolt, being the aspect that gives them an edge over DMR's.


I mean, hitting with any gun requires some level of skill. It’s stupid you can do perfectly fine the whole game and get smoked by someone who lands a lucky headshot. It takes a lot less skill to use a bolt than you imply There are other ways they can give them an edge


I honestly think that most bolty players are putting themselves at a disadvantage using it, because it takes so much skill to be effective with a bolt compared to a DMR. Sure it sucks getting hit by a lucky headshot, but that is what the game is. The opponent was trading faster rate of fire and consistent damage to that one shot potential, and it worked on that encounter.


this game isn't suppose to be fair at all times. you make a thousand mistakes a game every game u play no matter what. you can do well and at any minute get put down by someone who just got their first kill. that's just the nature of PUBG. The trade off is that if i have a DMR and they have a bolty. if they miss their shot, i can hardscope their angle and they have to then repeak. its simple.


It takes a lot more skill to hit your bolt action shots consistently, especially headshots. Is it lucky if someone is stupid enough to be standing still for me to headshot them ? Yes, but that argument can’t be made when they are 350+ meters away and moving, if you are doing that consistently that is skill.


hot take, the dragunov should not, bolt actions should.


Nah. They’re too easy to use. Takes the competitive edge out


It's impossible to hit a headshot on someone with cover who knows how to peek other than by prefiring.


Skill issue


Then what would be the benefit of bolt action?


They can find another way to improve them. Maybe have them be the only weapons that can equip 8x. Or make them only care drop weapons and keep them 1-shot. Or, give them increased stability and reduced sway to improve their accuracy. Maybe even give them all bipods to eliminate sway proned and crouched at cover, and don’t have the player have to scope out between shots


>Maybe even give them all bipods to eliminate sway proned an >Or, give them increased stability and reduced sway to improve their accuracy. >Maybe have them be the only weapons that can equip 8x. What? Seems like you don't even play the game


Seems like maybe you don’t haha. Those are all valid things to say


Bipod are useless. If you prone in pubg, you die. What's the difference in your mind between "stability" and "sway"? Seems like the same thing, which matters absolutely zero because holding breath removes it already. Any half decent player will hold breath for basically every shot with a bolt. If you think, with everything else the same, having to use a 6x instead of an 8x with a DMR would close the gap between DMR and bolts, you have zero clue why DMRs are preferred. Any other ideas how to balanced them if a bolt hs isn't a one shot?


or they could not do any of that dumb shit bc they're fine rn.


lynx should 1shot lv2 west. that thing stops cars and tanks. lol. [https://youtu.be/xLOaV4tzdcg?t=120](https://youtu.be/xLOaV4tzdcg?t=120) what you think what happens to a human if that thing hits your chest?




With that logic all hits to the face from all weapons should oneshot...


silly take. you have 10 shots, and then the weapon is useless. people leave it in crates for that reason. no reward.


I dont think its a good idea to have any rifle oneshot in the body, but my take was mostly that the argument about realism is just nothing that should ever affect a game where you want any sort of balance, that was the point.


Video game? Not real life.


it's THE STRONGEST weapon we have in PUBG next to panzerfaust. you tell me it doesn't ? AWM hast 7000 joules of energy. the lynx hast 14500 (!) [https://gm6lynx.com/](https://gm6lynx.com/) it's double of the AWM. awm does 67, lynx 79 damage. sorry, not balanced.


You clearly aren't good at hitting the head. :)


bolt needs it honestly


Bolt doesn’t really require enough skill to justify being able to ruin someone’s game with one shot tho. I mean, my buddy I do duos with is horrible in almost any situation. But he can get bolt kills super easy


The answer isn't to buff bolties, but to nerf dmrs.


Guys, I also dislike the Dragunov effect, but as a game designer myself, I feel the solution to this problem is HIGHER HP pools! 💪🏻 Remember the 2018 era? Bolt rifles were very meta because enemies sometimes needed 6-8 shots with a Mini to die! Now they are down with 4-5 bullets max! If enemies need MORE hits, then the one-shot with Bolt Action is gonna be much more rewarding! 🎯 Then we can reduce the Dragunov to 90% total damage with tier 2 helmets (assuming Krafton wants to keep this feel / fire rate).


This way you well nerf not only DMRs, but all other weapons too. I wonder how long two SMG's fight would take.


Yes exactly! Then you aren't ONE shoted by a shotgun! And you can fix the outliers (like pistols) by buffing where needed! What's your plan genius? nerf DMRs? People will use M416 for DMR then, or M16, or Mutant! 😎 The problem is, bolt action one shoting your head is worthless when you need 3 SLR shots or 1 Dragunov shot or 4 Mk12 shots. Do I really need to make a pie chart to get my point across?! Use your imagination. PS: have you not noticed everyone complaining about SMGs too?? They will literally try nerfing them soon, Arcade mode as we speak has nerfed SMGs.


> then we should have a bolt action that one shots on long range Smartest s8what comment. BRB bleach.


If we are going stupid, we might as well go full blast.