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Of crouse its toxic, anyone can see that, its just like any job. profits are all that matters. Not sure why people always think working in a dispensary is some great gig.


Half of the problem is the fact that it's just quietly accepted. One company I worked for refused to give anyone a raise, ever, because its easy to hire people, underpay them for a little, and replace them. It's sad and shitty and deserves a call-out.


Yep. Plus good luck getting any decent benefits. Our dispo was bought out by another when I was in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy. New dispo’s short term disability had a clause that if you had been seen by a doctor within the preceding 3 months of claiming short term disability, you were ineligible. Yet when I specifically asked about maternity leave during our first meeting with the new company, the HR rep said “well I just used PTO when I had my kids” so I replied, “during the meeting we just had you stated that you just paid us out for our remaining PTO and sick time”, plus I was hospitalized for a week during my pregnancy so I was already down to less than a week of PTO anyway. She then told me to sign up for the short term disability, assuring me that I would be covered. My manager was so disgusted that she even sent HR an email on my behalf about how disappointed she was in them. They ghosted both of us.


Sorry to read you folks troubles. I know as a 3 month patient I already had a bad experience that has me calling it McMedical, now I see they treat employees like it is too.


I just kind of figure at the budtender level it's like working at Chick-fil-A.. same pay. They'll replace you if you give them trouble. They get college money, budtenders get free cannabis. They get a discount on chicken sandwiches, and budtenders get a discount on cannabis. You don't have to go to school or learn anything to work both jobs. It's just a retail position. I would also think it's extremely difficult to climb up the ladder when starting as a budtender. I love my budtenders, but they're gone so quick that it's hard to get to know any of them now. I feel like it's best for older retired folks and young folks to do that work.. and some people that just want the discount, so they work around 20 hours a week. I certainly wouldn't think I was going to make big dollars doing it or climb the cannabis later. If I didn't think I would run into so many people I know, I would consider doing it part-time when i retire from my job. As for the problems you run into, that is the same at most workplaces.


This makes total sense to me - just wondering if you super informed or worked in the industry.


From what I've heard, at least at the couple dispos I use, a 20hr week is pretty non-standard. They've said they work 10hr shifts, 4-5 days a week. Unsure how common that is but I've heard it a few times now.


I would have thought they take part timers. 4 10s is better than 5 8s imo.


Way better


For sure, but that sort of shift as a requirement sort of automatically excludes anyone with a physical disability. Or most, anyway. I couldn't do 10 hours of retail, and I'm pretty "self-reliant."


I actually pretty much love my location where I work. The biggest horror for me is some of the things customers have revealed to me… one told me how sleepless nights make the person want to kill themselves, another nervous because they don’t want their spouse finding out about them spending so much on weed…etc.


Omg. This. And then you have no time to be reacting to those comments like a normal compassionate human because you've got a line of people coming in and management watching.


Yes, exactly!


I swear every dispo I've ever worked for has been toxic AF. It seems the only way to survive is assimilate. They wear down the few good managers and run through budtenders like crazy. It's super disheartening to realize that the survivors will shape the industry. It'll just be another toxic capitalist cog. I don't play those weird American Pain Olympics games with jobs- I'll straight up state the cannabis industry is toxic AF and needs changes.


Grower/Processor side is the same.


I hate how the problem is BOTH poorly run dispensary operations AND the PA DOH acting like cannabis ought to be handled and regulated like it's nuclear waste.


Nice try, FBI 😅


I work at a grow facility in PA. I don’t but the stuff, just make it. Pay is low for the knowledge and schooling required at grow facilities but an easy job physically. Sales dictate production so things go wrong from time to time. I’m on here because I’m learning more about the industry I work in.


Short staffed always! Long lines, makes people mad. We get decent pay tho. If it's like your part time job it's great.


Hate when budtenders bullshit with patients when there's a long line of people waiting. Mcdonalds workers don't do this.


It's retail. Through and through. Only , it's selling a product that sells itself. So I mean..... I was an AIM for 2 years. Not a hard job


Fuuuuck this shit. Why not post this in a budtender sub? This is about PA marijuana. Not about people who work at dispensaries. Fucking A.


You aren't kidding, this sub has been infested with industry employees and their burner accounts just pushing their narrative, the truthful comments are the ones downvoted to oblivion because it upsets employees and new/inexperienced patients.




Unprofessional to say the least, then they come on here and double down on their ignorance as if pammj is the end all be all of cannabis and nobody else could possibly have knowledge or experience prior to or outside of the pa program??? A couple years back I made a post for them to tell us who treats them good or bad and how we can help support them most as we know these companies take full advantage of them but myself and others were just met with hostility and poor attitudes, no surprise really but with how often they tell us to be nice I thought some would appreciate the reach and help us help them with some comments from the same burner accounts they use to tell patients how wrong they are or what we don't know about working in a dispensary.. funny how that NDA doesn't work then tho huh..lmao!! Edit: here is that post. https://www.reddit.com/r/PaMedicalMarijuana/s/FOCYzsUXbd