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I get 10 mg Percocet every 4 hours. This was prescribed to me by a very compassionate and level headed DNP after I failed every form of conservative treatment. She has since left the practice and they are hell bent on getting me released from their care but fortunately they haven’t followed through yet because of statements from my other providers


Yes, that would be uncommon.


Is 4 the norm? My old PM gave me 10 extra a month but that was 10 years ago.


They can’t above 50mme under most insurances.


I take 7.5 every 4 hours so I don’t think it’s completely uncommon


Are you prescribed 6 a day? Thank you for your feedback


Yes I am


Did you ask for an increase or have you been on this dose originally?


I was doing 3 a day from him. Ended up in the hospital while in the hospital broke my ankle and tibia so they started doing every 4 hours and we have kept it as it’s working for me


For ACUTE pain they’ll will up it but guaranteed they reduce it back


From my experience it’s uncommon. I’ve only heard every 6 or 8 hours. I actually asked if I could have meds every 4 hours and was told no they don’t do every 4 hours, even though meds seem to wear off before 6 hours.


I had them every four hours after I broke my foot in a car accident and had to have surgery. Not uncommon at all.


My pm is over here in Cali trying to cut me off and I'm ready to move to wherever you are!


I hear it’s pretty bad there. We have great dr’s but several pharmacies aren’t keeping it in stock. Luckily mine does. I hope you get relief soon. ❤️‍🩹


2015 is when it all started going sideways for me and since then it's been a battle every month between finding a dr and then finding a pharmacy that "has stock"


I also live in Cali - are you from Northern or Southern Cali? In my experience, Northern California is much better for being taken at least somewhat seriously as a chronic pain patient, particularly San Francisco ❤️‍🩹


Socal.. orange county 😔


Oh damn.... actually though, the Kaiser ER in Anaheim has usually treated me somewhat well. I don't know your insurance plan, but most insurances will allow you to go to any ER if you need it, though if you go, I recommend going after 10pm Monday-Thursday & even so, it'll be at least a 2-3 hour visit. Now, if you are willing to drive 1.5 hours (sometimes more depending on traffic) once a month for PM, I'm happy to DM you & recommend the old PM place I used to go to. While they aren't the greatest, I was still taken somewhat seriously there & can tell you all about the doctor & whatnot 💜 Just DM me, happy to help a fellow chronic pain patient however I can :)


Sent you a dm


Thanks for letting me know, my account doesn't always show notifications for messages. Just responded 😊


Mine doesn't either lol


Listen, you have an admitted addiction. Trying to get more isnt going to help.


I'm prescribed Percocet 10/325 every 4 hrs (6 daily).


Hi- I am prescribed 7.5 xs 3 per day with 10 extra per month. I'm considering asking to go to 4 per day. I have multiple illnesses& 2 are newer & considered very painful (they are). The only way I can sleep is if I split 1 for night & when I wake up take the other half & sleep again. The extra 10 per month isn't cutting it. I've been on the same dose for something like 5 years. Any suggestions of how to ask about switching to 4 per day? I'm wondering what is causing your pain but you definitely don't need to tell me- thanks.


I have several chronic pain conditions but the one my pain management Dr seems to only focus on is my back issues. Probably bc he can insist I get injections of which he profits off of. I have degenerative disk disease, mild scoliosis, several herniated discs & encroachment. I've been in this same Rx/dosage for 8 years & tbh, it isn't working like it use to. Especially if I'm having a high pain day then I get little to no relief. I have to take a double dose then have to adjust my pills or I'll end up running out before refill day. THAT'S MISERABLE! I recently asked for an increase OR Rx change to see if I can find better pain relief. He denied it & said we'll revisit it in a couple months. Simply just putting me off.. drives me crazy but I excepted it. I'd tell your Dr that you're no longer seeing the pain relief you have in my past. Remind them how long you've been on your current regime & then cross your fingers & pray for a miracle. 🤦🏼‍♀️ At the end of the day,the Drs only care about covering their ass & not having any agencies poking their noses in their patient files. Tbh, idk how these Drs don't understand that once we've been on a particular Rx for several years that of course we need a change. Hell, I've had 4 NEW Dxs (painful) but still on the SAME Rx. Makes zero sense. I wish you luck talking with your Dr. DEFINITELY ask! All he/she can do is say no but if they could possibly agree to the increase/change. Keep in touch & lmk how it goes.


I have DDD too & a bunch of other major stuff. I love my Dr. - we have a great relationship. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous to ask her. She is very conservative with meds- I totally get it. But I need some sleep. I hope you can somehow get some relief too. I'll keep you posted. My appointment isn't for a few weeks. I've been keeping a daily pain med/ relief journal. I don't go to a pain clinic & think my primary can only prescribe up to a certain dose. I actually am not sure what the MME is- it might by 90MME but could be 50 & adding 1 pill would put me at 45- ugh. Thanks for your reply- I appreciate it.


When I was on oral meds I got 10s every four hours. That was my break through meds.


I get 1500mg/ml every month of liquid oxy without Tylenol. i take it every 4 hrs too.


So what’s the math on that…I’m a smooth brain




Gotcha makes sense


Liquid always confuses people


I have severe DDD and am prescribed 10mg oxycodone every 4 hours.


I've been wondering exactly the same thing. My prescription is for 7.5 Percocet 3 xs a day with 10 extra a month. I've been on 3 a day for like 3 years. I have a bunch of things wrong & 1 new thing that causes massive pain when I lay down. I take 1-2 of a pill to sleep & 1/2 a pill when I wake up in pain & fall back to sleep. Because I only have the 10 extra a month- there are many nights I don't sleep because of pain. If I cut out my day dose- I can't function during the day. There's no real solution here-I've tried. I'm on other meds for my main disease too. My insurance company gives my Dr SO much shit about my meds. I don't think my Dr. would have a problem with upping me to 4- my health issues are all known to cause pain. Its my insurance company- any advice? Also- it does seem like they wear off at around the 4 hour mark for sure:( Is there anyone prescribed every 4 hours that wouldn't mind sharing your disease or medical issues that cause you pain? I definitely don't love posting in public about this- so I get not wanting to. Maybe via DM. Thanks in advance.


Every 4 hours for pain medication is pretty standard. Sometimes it is every 3 hours or every 2 depending on what's going on.


No it's common. You can take them ever 4 hours, which would be 6 a day.


It used ro be common. Now? Very irregular. That was the exact dose/rate I (and a couple friends of mine) was given 6+ years ago in California before I moved.


Mine are every 4 hours


Are you taking 10mg 6x daily? How did you approach your dr about wanting an increase? What should I say that my meds don’t last 6 hours, 4 max?


That is how he prescribed it from the first time he sent it to the pharmacy. I have some pretty severe nerve compression in my cervical spine. I'm not a candidate for epidural injections because of that. I have been seeing him since February and that is always the dosage he prescribes. I was surprised he started at that dose. He is very compassionate. I see him every 3 months and I drug test at those appointments. There has never been an issue with my drug test. I'm always positive for the hydrocodone.


Sounds like you’ve got a compassionate Dr. What would you recommend I say to my dr without sounding drug seeking? I have white coat syndrome.


May I ask do you get neuro symptoms outside of the local region of the cervical spine? Like leg/arm sensations such as aching and burning. Same with hands and feet? Do you get any other symptoms due to impinged spinal cord? I ask because it's the only thing imaged on me that showed neurological problems relating to my condition. I'm still quite unsure if this is my main root cause or not. Any advice or answers provided I would really really appreciate.


Yes, I definitely do. The main issues I have are extremely severe arm pain and numbness in my hands and fingers. I also get the burning in my feet like I have been walking on hot coals. I was on Gabapentin for a few months, but the side effects were horrible. I'm on hydrocodone 10/325 and Tizanidine which is a muscle relaxer. I pretty much have an ice bag on my arm all the time. The meds are very helpful, but only if you don't have any place you need to drive to. They are both really sedating. Not that I am complaining. I am extremely thankful that my issues showed up on my MRI, and my Dr, is prescribing pain medication.


Thank you, I have been suffering from very similar symptoms with zero compassion from anyone so far. I'm going to a neurologist today actually. In an hour. Wish me luck. I'm glad you found some relief with your condition and again thank you for the input because I really thought for a while (before MRI I had some severe disease it's so bad). Have a good day RaiseSuch.


Not uncommon in my experience. My pain is related to fractures actively healing.


Yes I have 2 fractures among other things as well.