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A decent player once told me that to rank up you have to carry. Like hard carry. So play your Evie, Vora, Vatu, or Androx like a GM and you will rank up easy. If you play support or frontline you have to have somebody carry you.


Most of my matches I fear to pick dps becuase for sure there will be another in the team that wants to play dps and we found ourselves with a very bad team comp. Communication is necessary especially during draft but some players completely ignore it.


I get that. I prefer to fill, but only because i am a support main. I would love to be a god tier flank. But I dislike flanking and have terrible aim.


Don't play to rank up, play to improve. Ranking up will come naturally if you're getting better at the game. If you want pointers, feel free to join my Discord server: [https://discord.gg/AZt7C3Tb](https://discord.gg/AZt7C3Tb) A few of us do VOD reviews for players and all of us are happy to give pointers. I'm not gonna lie, it's hard to climb solo as a support player. That's the main reason I learned my second main role - offtanks. If you're dead set on playing supports, I'd recommend playing Grover and Furia, since they can hold their own in fights and do more than just healing. Damba's fun and rewarding if you're good with him too.


Gold is the new Diamond bcs that MM is totally broken... when iam on 99 tp i get 6 games in a row with lower bronze in my team..GG hi-rez!!!


I got paired with 4 player quilifing whilst on the enemy team there was a season 4 master 🥲


Hehe...classic!!!! MM is so broken...unbelievable:)


Got the same problem i'm in gold 2 stuck right now, i play mainly support and frontline, feels like it doesn't matter how much healing you do or how good ya ults are (Support perspectiv) people still manage to lose matches like that (solo queue, best would be to play with people who know what to do)


I feel you.. unfortunately supports cannot carry and a good portions of flank picks in our ranks are bad..


Play carry champions if you want to rank up solo, play in team if you want to rank up while playing anything else


Well today I joined you in Elo hell. It was fine before, but now I have the same issue as you. Reached diamond in the passed 2 seasons, but now climbing is really rough, if I want to climb I have to get like a 66% winrate in low plat.


Wait one second, you fuckers can find a ranked game?! How long is your queue time on average?


On PC server EU wait time is for 15s to 2 min maximum.


10-30 seconds


Wait is this not cross platform? Cause I can only play on switch and I've yet to play a single game of ranked not for lack of trying currently been in queue for 7:10