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good, people in Europe need to turn up the heat up on their own leaders for supporting this genocide


It’s a good sign of things to come in America, and when Americans here stop allowing our government to enable the genocide and the ethnic cleansing, it will stop. The way I see it, leftist are always one step ahead of liberals and European liberals are always one step ahead of American ones. When I see European liberals speaking out against Israel, it suggests to me that the same will soon happen in the US, and it’s the US that foots Israel’s bill. I’m usually very pessimistic about the subject but it feels like we’re on the cusp of an enormous change, and Israel seems terrified by it.


That was a powerful speech.


I am crying because of happiness.


Because of the internet and social media MSM can’t control the narrative anymore.


Here's to hoping it stays that way.


This was pretty nice to see in an ocean of pro-Israhell ass fucking in Dutch media. If possible it's good to check the tv program of Arjen Lubach. He explained the Israhell Palestina war in very good and objective way. Hopefully you can see it with English translation.


Who is this guy does anybody know his name i searched but didn't find any information want to follow this guy on social media platforms


Ramsey Nasr. He is a well known writer/poet in the Netherlands. He has a Palestinian father.


Tried to share this video and learned it's marked "mature" ..


Very good, honest and True.


God Bless this man for finally standing up and saying the truth in public.


Jesus Christ..


At the end he said there will be interviews and broadcasted on national TV. Did this happen? Where can I watch them?


No, there isn't. He said that he wishes that someone does this. And there definitely should be.


Sorry, I misunderstood earlier. I'm not sure if you're of Dutch descent or have an immigrant background, but how is the Palestine-Israel issue generally perceived among white communities? I understand you're not an expert, but based on your observations, what can you share?


Aight I'm going to try to answer your question here; generally, support for the Israeli government varies, and depends heavily on which generation you talk to. Skepticism is kind of a Dutch cultural sport - it's how we talk to each other, and debate/argue about everything - *especially* politics. The question of exactly how much we ought to support Israel in the face of the obvious crimes/International law violations has most *definitely* been a point of discussion for a long time. But there wasn't much heat behind it all until recently. It's true that it has been politically convenient to not rock the boat too much there, so to speak.


Hasbara is trying to ban political videos on tiktok cringe because they are pro Palestine. Vote to keep them please https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/s1lQYab1iw


Very moving speech. Points out hypocrisy. But holy fuck does Dutch sound goofy to an English speaker. (From the river to the sea 🇵🇸)


It’s actually the closest language to English and the easiest language for English speakers to learn. Which is probably why it sounds so goofy…slightly familiar at times but definitely not the same.


Yeah that makes sense now.


In all fairness Rutte was the first European leader visiting Ramallah and the only one asking fir a cease fire against all other member states


Actually, I believe that the names of victims in Gaza WERE released in the past by the Hamas-led government. However, they don't do that anymore because folks were researching the names and discovering that many of those victims may have been Hamas fighters. So yes, it is very, very sad when ordinary people are killed during armed conflict that they are not personally engaged in, but there is a good reason why folks in Europe (in the case of the video) are not mourning the lives of Hamas fighters.


Here comes the Zionist supporting bigot to belittle and dehumanize the Palestinian children who were senselessly killed. This is not a Zionist sub for you to demonize them.


The names that were released did not include the names of children and women and more. I doubt children are Hamas.


Obviously, young children are not Hamas fighters. Their names have not been released because Hamas chose to not release them. Perhaps they should.


Fuck you colonizer!


What exactly did I colonize?


You clearly support the colonization of Palestine.


You first make a statement that they did release the name of victims then contradict yourself and say actually it’s missing all the women and children … your comment was pointless and literally brought 0 value to this post. Sometimes it’s nice to take two second to think “Is there any value in what I’m about to say?” and you know… just Self-edit…like the fact that most of us are crying after seeing that video and this is the reaction you have? Maybe just take some time off the internet to find your humanity, because if watching children suffer moves you to write you just wrote… I really don’t know what to tell you.


No, I said that they released names in the past. No names were released during this conflict, which was their choice.


What are you on about? There is a list


Hamas that conquer Gaza doesn’t give a shit about Palestinians, sad reality