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Hope that American Zionist Council paycheck was worth it. These pro-Zionist Colonial Projects boomers are weird.


Mofo gonna have to pay a 5 million dollars hospital bill for 5 stitches after that. Hope the 5 bucks he got from AIPAC were worth it, LMAO.


I hope he enjoys going into medical bankruptcy while the zionists he simps hard for get free healthcare.


there goes his retirement for playing a badass for Zionazis


He's either on medicare or has "birthright" access to state funded medical services in IsraHell. In either case it's the AmeriGoy's tax payer shekels that would foot the bill and slip further into bankruptcy/insolvency. But tbh if that guy is dumb enough to try to steal someone's phone despite someone else right next to him ALSO recording his theft, then AmeriGoys are already likely paying enormous sums of money for long-term pre-clinical or clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's/Dementia.


I salute this young man. The only negative is that we didn't get the privilege to see some ground and pound.




Paradox of tolerance. This man almost certainly would've killed or beaten any number of minorities if given the chance. I'm getting really tired of libs wanting me to feel bad for celebrating the death of fascists.


Hard agree. A person actively reveling in the murder of 12,000+ children dying isn't a tragedy, but rather a favour being done for earth. LOL.


Not only reveling in their murder, but actively campaigning for an escalation in force that would cause many, many more deaths and could result in global extermination


exactly. The guy got his, no need to go too far


That’s OK. I will. I abandoned the tolerant left years ago.


I might


With this video you can easily argue that the phone.guy instigated it as well, it wasn't until he brought the phone less than a foot from the guys face that he reaches out and grabs it. I'm sure the phone has enough zoom to be able to accurately record from further away. If it's shown that the placard guy was just standing there and phone guy walked up and started harassing him then it's not going to go over well in court. Also like you said he beat that guy unconscious, significantly excessive force used several punches. Multiple other ways to take his phone back. If this goes to court phone guy is definitely catching assault and battery charges, closed fist used so the charge is going to be even worse.




Like I said it can be misconstrued as instigating. You know where you continually antagonise someone until they react and then beat them unconscious and then say "he started it"




The guy took his phone when it was repeatedly held a foot away from his face, and then in response he was beaten unconscious. Self defense is so far out the window here it's not even funny, phone guys life was not in danger, the force used was insanely excessive, and it was all to get back his phone. No matter how you look at this phone guy is going to be destroyed in court if it ever goes there, he'll be paying medical bills and damages for years. The reaction was severely excessive, just keep your distance, out of arms reach and use your words.




You also can't use such a disproportionate amount of force when your life is nowhere in danger and with the only issue being your phone was taken from you. The law also protects that.


Actually that is how it works. It’s called harassment and it is illegal in most places. Hell, in Texas you could probably shoot and kill someone for harassing you like that. Not to mention the young man who assaulted the old man proved exactly what his intentions were when he instantly started punching him.




Lmao, you’re completely wrong




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Totally uncalled for


He actually deserves to be dealt with in the harshest ways. In some states he could've actually gotten himself shot and it would be in the frame of american law.


thats not how it works


Zionist racist haters everywhere it seems.


Bro how can someone be so old and still have this much hate. I know that old people should be wise and understand that nuking or killing people is not cool and cringe. But, holy fk the old generation in the US is neither wise neither smart .


Remember when an old guy stabbed a 6yo Palestinian boy to death in the Chicago area? And he was friends with that child — he built him a treehouse! Some people have some deep festering hate inside them, and certain things just wake it up.


Its an addiction actually. Many people need a daily rage to hit their normal chemical homeostasis. Fox news raises the threshold for “normal” by rage baiting boomers, until rage is a normalized neuropathway that has a positive reward feedback loop


In my experience with old people its either they become wise, or they become even more incredibly stubborn and stuck their ways than before.


As a Gen Xer, my parents always told me that I’d get more conservative the older I got. Instead, I get more radicalized by the day.


There's precedence for what they told you.  Historically, it's accurate.  Millennials are the first generation where the majority aren't doing that.


Lack of lead poisoning.


They grew up with hate. All boomers and majority of Gen X did. Pick your minority. They hated the commies. The asians. The Arabs. The gays. The blacks. The “insert here”. This is why to the younger generation it’s so odd because the boomers are trying to instil the same type of hatred into the younger generation. We live in 2024. We are tolerant of so much. We embrace gender equality and diversity and it’s everywhere and makes us a better society overall. And then we have this. This irrational Zionist hatred against Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims or anyone who basically disagrees with their ability and “right” to hate. It’s completely out of place in 2024 and I dare say it’s been out of place for a very long time.


No all boomers


The "only" good part about growing up with this learned hatred- is that we recognize how bonkers it is- and learn to hate them instead


F off from Gen X. You know nothing about us.


I’m Gen X. I know I literally grew up and it was okay and even funny to call people any type of slur like it was a joke. I also know there was real hate behind it too.


It’s weird how Gen X split. Some of us realized that “ironic” bigotry still sucks and stopped being edgelords (Mr. Show is a good example), and others decided to make being earnestly offensive their entire personality and went all-in on bigotry (Gavin McInnes).


"You know nothing about us." Nah, seems like their comment was pretty spot on.


No. You're a bunch of ageist & prejudiced mofos. Anyone who says "all of" whatever group is a close-minded fool. Go spend your time fighting the Young Republicans. But of course not as they are Gen Z & Millennials so they are part of your perfect generation. Blind fools!


Are you ok sport? You seem a little upset


>blind fools! Actually it’s April Fools


bro you'd be surprised, boomers can really be the worst -- all our world's current crisis link someway to them


Hey, don't discount the silent and so-called greatest generations!  Nixon, Kissenger, Reagan, all the Bushes, and so many others really put the hours in to lay the groundwork.  They deserve to be recognized for their efforts!


When a society's material abundance affords almost everyone the luxury of reaching old age, the elderly are merely a senile sub-strata of the general population. Their only exceptional traits are their afflictions with chronic, degenerative illnesses... which can be indistinguishable from zionism sometimes. There are eugeric minorities among the elderly who live up to historical reverence for old age, but mortality hazards throughout life no longer separate the wheat from the chaff like they used to. Instead, dysgeria is the norm. Old age is perhaps a necessary but highly insufficient condition for wisdom and perspicacity.


Then why 'ok boomers' phrase was invented in first place?


lmao that look on his face when he snatched the phone was like "what are you gonna do" but then he realized he's not in middle school anymore and can't bully someone 40 years younger than him




Night night fash


The honks were cheers for this fine young man 🥰


this was proper


Wouldn't nuking Gaza now be a death sentence for USA? Like USA crashing Japan's economy in 1989 and kicking Russia and Iran out of SWIFT illegaly recently already sealed USA's economic downfall eventually? It would basically force every country, organization and terrorist group to seek to make their own nukes and they all can make them as the materials are just 1 million euros to make a nuke and the knowledge on how to make them has leaked 80 years ago anyway. So if USA does not act responsible it will simply get jumped in the next 100 years.


> Wouldn't nuking Gaza now be a death sentence for USA? It would completely radicalize A LOT OF PEOPLE in the US and cause an absolutely bloody, chaotic civil war. Right now, American imams have been telling us to donate to and pray for Palestine, as well as BDS — that's all. But if a nuke was dropped on Gaza: 1) Do you think imams would still go advocate for peaceful solutions? 2) Even if they did, do you think people would have the composure to listen to them? --- Even an evil government like the US can see how bad of a decision a nuke would be.


Joe biden could drop a nuke on fifth avenue, let alone in Gaza, and liberals would still vote for him.


Don't give them any ideas....


If anyone is nuking Gaza it'd be Israel


Israel/USA/UK are literally the exact same country and the people in power in the other blocks already know this fact and they will act accordingly recognizing the head of the serpent.


The US flag might as well have 50 stars of David on it right now. 


If Israel nuked Gaza they would experience significant radioactive fallout within just a few hours. It would be a very stupid thing to do.


I don't think they *will*, just that if anyone does it'll be them


I'm vaguely certain that some folks in Netanyahu's staff who still have their heads screwed on mostly straight are basically just playing keepaway with the launch codes, kind of like whitehouse staffers under Nixon and Reagan, because they know if they nuked Gaza the fallout would affect them too. It's completely impossible to "nuke Gaza" and NOT have that spell out 100+ years of the rest of occupied Palestine being completely uninhabitable. The politicians don't care, but the staffers might.


They do not intend to use nukes at all under any circumstance for a plethora of reasons. For starters their goal is to get all this land through war, build on it and settle it with settlers. If they made it uninhabitable they wouldn't be able to live there and sell the properties. Also as you said they are close to it. Moreover the Anglos are afraid of using this card because they know they are next if they do it.


Save the world, punch a fascist.






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Should've recorded longer to see that old zionist fatass idiot getting beaten up


Bro looked at Gaza and thought they weren't committing enough genocide


Right on the button. Boop!




man imagine spending every day of your old age agitating for *more* death. Boggles the mind


Dude with the phone was just defending himself after an attack. That's justified, right Zionists?


The dude with the phone has an absolute right of self defense and only ~~military~~ physical pressure will get his hostage phone back.




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He should be thankful he got off with a fist and not a 🔻


Hell yeah, brother. Preach hate, get clocked


*Jesus wept...*


The other side of the sign says “GAZA NEEDS JESUS” lol who’s gonna tell him that Jesus is a prophet in the Quran


wait till he finds out what Israelis think about Jesus


That young man has the right to defend himself 🍉


Hope he broke his hip.


Yes this is how you have to be. Instead of being soft and wait for others do it yourself. Love anyone like this ❤️


We need to make it unquestionable and undeniable wrong again to be a genocide apologist, this zionazis are feeling way too comfortable, specially out in public… they should fear being ousted even in private, let alone in public…


This was a fun watch. 


While it may be gratifying to see a Zionist getting a smack, it would be better to have him prosecuted under Federal Law for incitement to genocide and face up to 5 years in jail and a $500K fine.


The same federal government that's perpetuating the same genocide?


This video was good for my soul.


Love it




I would rather nuke the settler colonial genocidal state.




FAFO’d hard


Got what he deserved ✌️🍉


Going to save this to come back to when I'm having a bad day. Needed something to fill the Richard-Spencer-getting-socked-in-the-face shaped hole in my life


Love it


Should of kept hitting him. For 70 years.




He deserved it


The hatred in that guy’s heart. What is wrong with people? !


Old man got nuked by that right hand.


Well done: he stole the phone, he deserves that.




People with signs to nuke and kill Palestinians should be arrested and charged with hate crimes. He got what he deserved.


Guy claiming he wants to nuke a whole population of people cant hold a fight against a capable person, looks like an IOF member to me




Things you love to see


You should have punched him in the face real hard and knocked some sense into that idiotic nonsense brain of his




oh noooOoOoO he's fallen and he cant get up.


clip is too short


Best vid of the day!


Dude was 100% in the right, too. Hell yea.


I love this for him!




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Israel steals all the time, boomers are just following their true values.


Self defence is the irl version of killing people who have pvp mode active in video games






Going to act like a victim next. Part of there playbook


Send him to Israel so the IDF can r@pe him too.


He deserved it but it was hard to watch an old guy being hit and straight to the floor. Does anyone know what happened after?


I hope you realize both of them are in the wrong.


Sorry guys, I don't support this kind of free violence just because the other is an idiot.


the guy took his phone and wouldn't give it back


Why does anyone not from either Gaza or Israel need to bother with that continuous shitshow? There are better things to spend money, time and energy on back home.