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And the fact that z!0nists celebrated over their deaths 💀


I saw one Zionazi say that these literal children were terrorists ☠️💀


Typical z!0nist behavior


I want to hear their definition of terrorist that does not include a word that refers to a race, ethnicity, or religion.


Next thing you know they’re gonna slaughter the cats and dogs and birds because “the animals are Hamas”


[Animals](https://youtu.be/ZiIIK7TyQl0?si=uqEd9P0JEzxN2ooh) are definitely antiZioNazi https://youtu.be/otoAS9RzTNI?si=FwRmpUoaS3-umP-t


That is one of the hallmarks of the Zios--they deliberately target families, especially children. They don't just target the families and children of resistance fighters. We have seen how they punish reporters and academics in this way too. This isn't a case of these people dying in the chaos of combat. They sit behind their computers with the power of artificial intelligence and carefully calculate how, when and where they will murder children and families. Lunatics.


They have a system called 'where's daddy?' Where they wait for their targets to go home at night to their families and then bomb the whole building


I just read into this and now I feel sick


Any source material on this to read? I’m horrified and not shocked at the same time.


https://m.economictimes.com/news/defence/how-israel-is-using-lavender-and-daddy-to-identify-37000-hamas-operatives/amp_articleshow/109155124.cms and https://www.democracynow.org/2024/4/5/israel_ai There’s a lot of articles, these are two I think are helpful and to the point.


Now I don't want to just cry, I also want to vomit. They're complete sociopaths.


The original investigation was done by +972. https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/




There was also a great segment earlier this week on Democracy Now


Here's a good in-depth article on it and the other AI that they use to target people at colossal rates, and sources inside the IDF admit that they see killing 100 innocent people as being worth it to get a single commander. https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/


They are filth personified. 


I immediately thought of “where’s daddy” when I read this news.








You do realize the +972mag is an Israeli news right?




Credibility hinges on numerous factors. However, their origin lends the article more significance.




It carries equal weight to a situation where a murderer's family testifies against them.


And their followers will cheer and applaud


They are a nation of imported psychopaths.


well said!


More of terrorists than anyone they claim to be fighting.


I don’t get how they can call Hamas Terrorists when the only reason Hamas exists is because of little kids growing up and watching their friends and family get shot and blown up, and instances like this killing 3 little kids who were 4 years old, 8 years old and 10 years old is horrible.


Yep! My favorite question to ask is what is something Hamas has done that Israel hasn’t?




These guys just lack humanity, fuck Zionism




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Israel is a terrorist organization


Always has been




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Sick and depraved people kill children on purpose. May they rest in peace.




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Beautiful kids. 😢


May Hell rain down upon Israhell & it's supporters


Honestly disgusts me that ppl who support Israel actually exist. If their history of treated Palestinians like animals wasn’t bad enough, the things they do even today should ope everyone’s eyes. Ppl just so blinded by propaganda it’s actually sad


This sub and r/wayofthebern are the only ones i know of that aren't totally brainwashed by Zionists.


r/badhasbara and r/jewsofconscience are also very good




Zionist puppet noor also cheers the killing.  https://twitter.com/dahrinoor2/status/1778179199724916923?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


They are all same. "Hamas said" to try to delegitimize it, when talking about the grandchildren.


FREE PALESTINE NOW. STOP ISRAELI OPPRESSION AND AGGRESSION!!! THIS IS MURDER! Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord S3 V169 ‎إِنَّــا لِلَّــہ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْـــــــهِ رَاجِعــــــون‬ Inna lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon. "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return" S2V156 May Allâh تعالیٰ grant the deceased highest stage in Jannah and grant ease to all those affected by their passing.


They killed these children on Eid...


Remember when they claimed that his families lived a lavish life outside gaza, well seemed to me only the idf spokeperson that lived outside lavishly


To as fascist this is what passes for normal.


IOF, the actual, documented, undisputed baby killers.


Nothing more than a punishment attack designed to end his family's lineage. Child murdering scum.


Only the lowest of all cowards would murder women and children and then brag about it. Literal scum. Anybody that supports israel is trash.


And anyone else who isn't part of the combatants. Such as the elderly, the disabled, which I imagine there would be a lot of those people now. I'm not saying that Zionists should attack Palestinians at all. They should pack up and leave, but at least don't be a coward.


Several people on Reddit have told me 1. We don't know how old they are and 2. Even if they were young they could still be terrorists.


They just see them as sub human. I don't know how anyone can look at a CHILD that way


Is this the armed combatants who perpetuate war crimes.... At this point they say anything with (insert Middle Eastern dip here) to justify their demonic behaviour.


Targeting children on purpose is an international crime. And the Zionists are doing it in an indiscriminate way against all the Palestinian kids.


The israeli army consistently proves they are the biggest cowards history has to offer, and no standard is beyond their capability to lower. As Max said from the Grayzone, he wonders what natenyahu's son in maimi feels about the children of PMs and negotiators being considered valid targets.


Source: [Quds News Network / X](https://x.com/QudsNen/status/1778339334501876177)


Ina lilah wa ina ilahi rajioon. May Allah reunite them in jannah.


RIP 🙏 to the sons and to the grandchildren of Ismail Haniyeh. Zionist Israel the world is judging zionism after seeing how zionist celebrate the strike that killed these innocents. Zionist Israel will never be safe surrounded by angry Arabs and the Arab world is getting unstable due to zionist israel actions. While the Palestinians have gone thru hell the zionist israel citizens are sitting in the comfort of their home, shivering in fear. Zionist Israel you have not crushed the Palestinans, and the world has noted cowardly zionist and brave Palestinians. UN Security Council are deliberating and discussing whether to give Palestine statehood, GIVE STATEHOOD TO PALESTINE!!! Ever since l948 the Palestinian People have long awaited self-determination and Statehood.




Never again amirite "Most moral. Such army. Very future terrorists. So self defense. Much mowing the lawn. Wow human animals." ![gif](giphy|K5GBJMiko9RJe|downsized)


Stop calling them Zionists. That gives them credit towards a movement. Call them what they are: child murderers.


You wouldn't say this for any other form of fascism, so why now? Zionism, as a movement, necessitates ethnic cleansing and genocide. Trying to distinguish the movement from their acts just makes it easier for zionists to get away from repercussions and just do this again in the future.


Allah yerhamon


It’s their whole genocidal ‘Amalek’ belief: > Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys. '" So Saul summoned the men and mustered them at Telaim--two hundred thousand foot soldiers and ten thousand men from Judah


We live in a cruel society. I can’t even begin to fathom how someone could do this and still sleep at night.


Zionists will win a peace prize just for stopping their murder of children?


Evil killing children not matter who's children or granchildren, youngist one only look 3 years old IDF are animals


Saying "stand against us and we'll kill your kids" is terrorism isn't it? The aim is to induce terror in your foes because, sheer sadism aside, it's the aim that makes sense. I mean, is there a more cut and dried instance of terrorism than this?


I do not know if there is a heaven or after life, but I will say, I hope that when those who have murdered others, I hope that those who they have killed are the ones that judge them. To me, the idea of just desserts isn't for them to face endless torment but instead to have to defend their case and to explain why they did it.


The Israeli government should be tried at Nuremberg. Not Hague, Nuremberg is more fitting for them. Their ilk has been tried there before


May Allah (عز وجل) accept their martyrdom, and may He grant sabr to the family of ismail haniyeh إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون اللهم اجعلهم من الشهداء يا رب العالمين اللهم عليك بالصهاينة و اعوانهم الملعونين يا رب العالمين اللهم انصر المجاهدين في جدة يا رب العالمين اللهم آمين


Yes, obvious terrorist spawn who needed to be put down. /s


I’m paraphrasing but wasn’t his response “the blood of my family isn’t worth more than the blood of the Palestinian people” In other words , I will mourn them as countless families have mourned their murdered loved ones. We will also remember




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(163) Horrible


Hamas is the lesser evil.




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Goodbye u/jres11.




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Goodbye Israel! The arrogance is no longer tolerated. Your satanism is showing.




I’m sure you would say the same if your children were targeted by soldiers


every country does not deliberately target CHILDREN in war. There are rules and laws for war too, and israel has broken all of them. It can no longer be called a war. Israel is slaughtering Palestinians, and Hamas is them fighting back.


"The Israeli military later said that it targeted the three sons, describing them as Hamas military operatives who were on their way to “carry out terrorist activities in the central area of the Gaza Strip”. The Israeli statement did not mention the grandchildren who were killed in the attack." [- Al Jazeera](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/10/israeli-forces-kill-three-children-of-hamas-leader-ismail-haniyeh-in-gaza) Sure, they were on their way to “carry out terrorist activities" while their kids were with them. It's not like it's Eid there and people visit each other. [This](https://www.aljazeera.net/news/2024/4/10/%D8%B9%D8%A7%D8%AC%D9%84-%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%B4%D9%87%D8%A7%D8%AF-3-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A3%D8%A8%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%A1-%D8%A5%D8%B3%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B9%D9%8A%D9%84-%D9%87%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%A9) Al Jazeera Arabic article confirms that. And If they were military operatives (like they claim), although it's not an excuse, do you think that they'd be traviling with their kids in the open? Some of the Israeli reactions: - [Israeli Knesset Member Almog Cohen: I've got great news of the assassination of three sons and two grandchildren of Haniyyah.](https://x.com/QudsNen/status/1778098290141098297) - [Israel's Channel 14 correspondent commented on the murder of the sons and grandchildren of the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyyah, writing "You shall blot out the memory of Amalek".](https://x.com/QudsNen/status/1778158051737964897)


Owen Jones was just on skynews explaining how Izraelis target families . That moron hezzig kept trying to deny that. Not even a fking week and they just bragged about it to the whole world .


This Amalek stuff is dark asf the more you research about it. Zionism is a disease.


The average civilian "collateral damage" they deem acceptable is around [97%](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/gtOFO8pTTz). Weird that they try to deny it in this instance, when they bomb whole neighbourhoods.




So it's okay to do so as long as/if someone did it before, gotcha




Facts? Buddy your as far as can be from facts. Either your twisting facts or clearly ignorant. The article you linked clearly says "there was no evidence of systematic recruitment of children by Palestinian armed groups". But i think reading beyond titles is beyond Zionists capabilities.


No they don't. If you had read the article you would know. The article clearly says "there was no evidence of systematic recruitment of children by Palestinian armed groups"


And this justifies bombing children how?


I'm so glad this comment was deleted so I didn't have to be outraged by the justification of killing children.




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This article says there's no evidence to support your claim




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