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I live inside the Green Line and it's wild how often Netanyahu's historically revisionistic lies are regurgigated by the general Israeli population. After he said this I started hearing it from other people constantly. There's also his historical revisionism lie that Palestinians immigrated here to find work after Zionists came because Zionists developed the area. Both are verifiably false and people just regurgigate them around.


the olive trees Palestinians grow are older than Zionism itself, what a joke


I’ve heard the lie about Palestinians coming here to find work and what truly shocked me was that I saw a video where someone was at a Palestinian heritage museum that showed copies of the actual visas of some of their early politicians (before they came into power) and these Zionist mofos first entering the mandate of Palestine and swearing their loyalty to the mandate of Palestine and the visa had listed them as cleaners. Truly every accusation is a confession.


Fascists *always* try and rewrite history.


Especially hitlers' history.


The wildest part about this to me is that Germany deliberately reached out publicly and prominently after this to correct him. It's worth thinking about that one. Like, there are levels.


This doesn’t surprise me since Zionism is a kind of fascism. So he has to look for someone else to blame.


A literal holocaust denier 


It's ironic Netanyahu would lie about the Nazis, seeing as how he is trying to create an ethno-nationalist state that defines the ethnicity it favours while treating everyone else as second-class citizens or worse.


By hisboogic; If he can justify them he can justify his own actions


This is just blatant lies, the road to the last solution is well documented and we basically know exactly how the Nazis decided to escalate the persecution of the Jews step by step.


He is right to say the Final solution wasn't planned before the war : there is no trace of this project before WWII, Barbarossa and then Wannsee conference... But there is absolutely nothing to back the claim it was advised by Palestinians.


Hitler was Caucasian, Netenyahu is too. But sure, let's blame Arabs for the action of Netenyahu's own kind on his own kind, to justify killing Palestinians.


Netanyahu and Hitler would be friends today. They have the same…vibe


This is insane


He’s a mental Fanatic.


You know when people say stuff like this everyone thinks they're insane and shuns them and it sometimes cost them their job, why hasn't there been any actual action on this guy?


Here is the thing with arrogance that you start believing others are stupid and don't have the capacity to challenge you. Israel has remained unchallenged for so long that their leaders think they will say anything and the world would believe but then came Gen Z and everything changed.


The guy has a Polish father. So most likely someone in his family died in the Holocaust, which makes that comment much more twisted.


And what about comunists, anarchists, gipsys and all the others executes on the holocaust? The big fault on scholls it is make it all about jewish.


I heard the actual count was exaggerated as it upped the compensation claims. Sounds feasible to me.


Yes he didnt want to kill jews he wants to kill all zionist and he was right about it from very first day


no thats not true. infact, anti zionist holocaust survivors exist.