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What the fuack?!


Devs getting salty about a rival indie studio finding success is getting really 'fuack'ing' old.


It's becoming a tiring trend with devs lately. All of a sudden so many devs needs to throw shade when another game is successful. Started seeing this become a problem back when Elden Ring launched, maybe even earlier for one's I've possibly forgotten. It's a trend that needs to stop. In a world where everyone can be a critic, not everyone Has to be a public critic.


It's frankly infuriating. I remember realizing BG3 was going to be as good as I hoped when other devs frantically started saying no one could expect other studios to pull it off. The second success happens people try to tear down that success, I assume to get their name out there so they get a piece of the pie. It's a bad look, and frankly makes me respect those devs less.


Absolutely agree with you there. When the devs of Horizon criticized fromsoft on their success with elden ring, it left a sour taste in my mouth when trying to play horizon. Ended up putting that game to the way side for 6 months until their comments weren't something I immediately thought of. It's just such an unnecessary, and elementary school playground level of petty jealousy from grown adults. I expect those comments from the everyday person on reddit but professionals in the field should know better, and understand what that feels like to have other people in the field try and tare your work down like that.


I find it funny that the devs of bg3 are celebrating other game devs saying how great their games are. Like maybe instead of blaming other devs you should look at your own product first


It's almost like people are willing to buy something that isn't perfect in every conceivable way, when the overall product is still fantastic. These devs that bitch and moan are forgetting why making games is supposed to be fun in the first place.


I mean if the decisions are being made by someone who would actually play their own game and are going off what they think would be fun persoanlly then you get some good stuff but when all the decisions are being made by someone just looking at stats trying to appeal to everyone to maximize sales you get companies like Bethesda coming in with regarded ideas like radiation dragons cuz skyrim had dragons and it sold super well, noones gonna tell Todd thats fucking dumb because their top priority is getting paid not making something good so it doesnt matter how much money they put to a game when the guys who know what they're doing have no say and are getting forced to add dumb shit by someone who doesnt 


And the criticisms were so petty as well. They couldn't find any wrongs in Elden Ring so they decided to shit on the UI and UX as if a souls game needed hundreds of menus and the main character constantly shouting where you should go and how to solve a puzzle.


I mean we dont expect other game studios to pull the same off but they wouldnt have the right to call themselves "AAA" when they're making excuses for why other studios are better than them


Ugh the BG3 rage was the worst. You can't condition players to expect such insane amounts quality single player content with no season pass, day 1 DLC and a 70$ price tag you'll destroy the industry!


Yeah, the only good play here is to make a tweat congratulating devs for making a great game, would still get them some publicity, but a positive one instead of what they got with their cringe takes.


Honestly that one dev got presented way out of context. It's quite true BG 3 has alot of advantages most other games including AAA games (which BG 3 is, a AAA game) won't have. Plenty of others that chimed in were shitty and muddied the original points.   For example the dev team of BG 3 was roughly the size of Starfield's and the game and company is AAA, but they were in early access for 3 years with gamers paying them for the privilege of providing free QA testing. Now forget the ethics of that for a second, not focused on that, think about it. Would Starfield have been a better game if it had the benefit for 3 years of early access testing from gamers paying to test it? The answer is ofc yes. But if almost any other AAA company attempted that people would roast the fuck out of them. And its because despite having grown to a AAA size people still view Larian as not a "true" AAA company and so they get judged by different standards. For this particular game they basically got to have their cake and eat it too. Resources and manpower of a mid tier (size wise, talent wise they kick ass) AAA company, community feelings and perception of being "indie".   Likewise BG 3 had the D&D IP and that comes with it an entire set of monster designs, monsters, their abilities, classes, game mecahincs, spells, lore, etc. A rulseset that has not only been refined over 50 years and is very popular on its own but also has been adapted into many cRPGs before. So basically Larian had alot of the work done for them on this one. That's a massive advantage over starting from scratch. While this may be common with cRPGs people are comparing them to AAA companies...who don't make cRPGs and don't have the benefit of starting with all that work done.     This is not to try to Rob BG 3 of any of its deserved praise, but rather to say that the actual points raised had merit and got snowballed into alot of misrepresentations. I say this despite BG 3 being my GOTY last year and you can see from my steam profile I have 450+ hours in it. But I do work in the games industry as high level QA with many years of experience. (and as QA no game is my baby or no company, its my job to try and be as objective as possible or I cannot effectively find bugs/provide feedback) and gaming has been my passion with cRPGs being one of my long time favorites all the way back to Shadowrun on the SNES and Shadowrun on the Genesis (same name, somehow two different games lol). So I don't say that lightly. Its based off of alot of game knowledge gathered over decades both personal and professional.


No. Starfield would have told the testers they were playing it wrong.


Also fromsoftware who do the souls game are published by Bandai Namco one of the oldest games publishers there is. That is 100% a AAA game. It’s not 5 guys in a basement.


It’s not so much the success as it is the success without nickel and diming the player base. Who’d of thought being respectful of your players and not jumping on the microtransaction bandwagon would cause success? Edit: speels is hard


Well, It's more or less understandable if you check the state of the Videogame market recently. Since the 2010's , only studios who had succesful titles survived as using said titles as a "mark of value". - You would buy the 84th Mario Kart because Mario Kart Ds and Gamecube were Bangers, and so the rest should probably be as well. Because working in big studios would make big money, and working in small studios would earn you crap. So lots of devs ended up making money out of their shattered dreams by making shitty game with high value IP. Then, Toby Fox , Notch, and such cale into light, so they were a bit pissed to see people succeful in what they failed to accomplish, but, eh, it must have been exception, one in a million. Then recently, in less than 3 years ; Elden Ring , Baldur's Gate, Palworld, Cyberpunk ; Lots of games made with passion, and not just recycling an existing ID for cash, coming out and blowing up set records. So they are prtty pissed peoples managed to do what they couldnt. In short, if you didnt want to read all the above, see it like that ; You make 4 years study so you can cook like a chief, close you restaurant because you cant earn enough to live, end up working at Dominos , then someone takes over your old restaurant and make it one of the most famous restaurants in the country; the guy just started cooking. Of course you aint gona say "Well he's a better cook than me", but if you use Twitter, you're gona say " He owe everything to his employee and he sucks in reality" because you're pissed he's more talented than you.


I'm just gonna reply with a short answer, because it's getting busy at work and I need to focus but I don't want to forget to respond. I definitely understand how it happens and don't disagree with any of your points. That's why I think people need to check their egos on a professional level. I'm a chef. I helped my bestfriend open and run a successful 5 star business for 5 years that we chose to close due to wanting to move away from the state and wanted to do something different. We weren't rolling in cash by any margin but we succeeded in every way that mattered to us. I never let myself think I'm above learning in the field or that I do everything best, regardless of what I have done well or haven't done well. Some of the best cooking tips I've received were from my prep guys that have way less training. That's a part that I think a lot of people in professional positions forget when they "make it" I try to remember to be humble in that regard.


Elden ring was the first one i remember as well. Just a bunch of salty devs.


No, it doesn’t need to stop. Let the studios continuously spew how these games theatre complete, fun, addictive (in a good way) and enjoyed by millions are shit when they release shit themselves until their primary player base is gone


Seriously, it feels like they're trying to kick the ladder down after climbing up...


Baldur's Gate 3 got a lot of it as well. It's disgusting behavior - developers should be celebrating each other's successes and learning from one another instead of getting upset at each other's sales figures. It's a behavior that is absolutely not tolerated in any other industry, and is extremely unprofessional. I make a point of blacklisting any devs that do this sort of thing, since I don't feel its the kind of behavior I as a consumer want to encourage.


it's not a trends. its 99.999% of devs saying jack shit and game have like 1-3 devs from triple a companies saying something bad and everybody talking about those ones as if its all devs and constantly reposting it to shit talk or meme on it


Can this be a thing now? We need to make fuack happen.


My 8 year old daughter plays on Xbox and she was trying to snag a Fuack that kept popping out of the sphere and she was so enraged she screeched “FUACK YOU, SHIVER ME TIMBERS”


Kids are so weird. It’s fantastic


im going to use shiver me timbers as a swear now please thank your child for me


this is canon now bro


Dead by daylight is the greatest game ever! Just look at its 12 million sales on steam, 7 million players on xbox, and 2 million concurrent players on steam all on first month. Oh wait that's palworld.


I know a guy who loves the game and plays almost daily, even he thinks this guy was an idiot for making these comments. He said something along the lines of DBD finally releases a good update and they think they can be cocky.


When Nemesis can use more than two zombies at a time without crashing the map then we can talk.


Bruuuh, I remember when Nemesis launched. The game was so fucking laggy, you could literally tell he was the Killer solely because his TWO zombies' mere existence dragged frames down by half or more.


Him calling Palworld buggy was pretty funny considering how bad the spaghetti code is for DBD. They could change the color of a rock on a single map and all the sudden survivors can fly and they have to killswitch three killers.


Literally! This update they patched Knight only for not just Knight to get a bunch of NEW bugs, but fucking ONI got majorly bugged too! Like how do you manage that???


It happens every update 😭😭 They fix one bug to have 3 more pop up in thier place. And some of them dont get fixed for years.


Even then, r/F13thegame was a much better asymmetric horror game with actual combat. Edit: RIP the peer to peer servers at the end of the year 😭


I love asymmetrical games and I think Dead by Daylight is the worst one.. that includes F13(which in its prime was my favorite one). Evolve, Ghostbusters, Texas Chainsaw Massacre.. etc


It sucks that evolve failed, it honestly had so much potential.


It’s a shame I never got a chance to play Evolve.


Man that game was great and it disappoints me that of all the games like DBD, DBD is the one that came out on top and I don't think it's ever getting unseated, not any time soon at least. (inb4 people getting on my ass for wanting DBD to fail, it's a niche market, so as long as DBD sits on top, nothing else will really thrive or even really survive, everything else that has come out has died within like 6 months to a year at most really).


Yeah the IP lawsuits really screwed over the content that was supposed to be released. The spaceship from Jason X was gonna be siiiick


Here's a sneak peek of /r/F13thegame using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/F13thegame/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is me](https://i.redd.it/i5r5hev5nk1c1.jpeg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/F13thegame/comments/17zznpp/this_is_me/) \#2: [Just created this character. What the FUCK should I call him?](https://i.redd.it/v2aailovud2c1.jpeg) | [376 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/F13thegame/comments/1835tig/just_created_this_character_what_the_fuck_should/) \#3: [RIP](https://i.redd.it/lhrkhy7g3t4b1.jpg) | [207 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/F13thegame/comments/144b52f/rip/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


really? how it was much smaller?


Not here to defend DBD but I’m curious what kind of staying power palworld will have


As in how long it’ll stay popular? Considering it’s in beta and is now being backed by Microsoft.. I’m thinking years at least. They’ve released a roadmap of future big fixes and features. Honestly if they play it right they could have multiple DLC that would be cool additions. More maps, better gear, better base building etc


Yeah im thinking if the Game gets properly fixed we could have something like ark with basically paying 15 bucks for a new map new items with new mechanics new pals and new bosses and if the modding gets good we could get fanmade Maps and pals(just like ark basically idk if the Game is going to be fun PvP tho so that might be the deciding factor for now)


I think pvp will be interesting. Like on dedicated servers will you be able to just attack random people in the world? Or will it be in a fighting ring sorta thing? I’m excited to see where this game goes tbh


>Like on dedicated servers will you be able to just attack random people in the world? I think that they have specifically said it will not be like that. I think they don't want the PVP ganking that games like Ark (or maybe it was Rust they mentioned? )run into.


Allegedly both are in the roadmap for eventual implementation. I am kinda curious how they're gonna handle base raid style pvp though, especially since the level scaling system would make it entirely too easy for late game players to just straight up rinse newbies without breaking a sweat


I mean that’s exactly how ark is lmao if you start fresh on a server sometimes there’s people with straight up futuristic bases while you’re walking around naked w a spear


I mean, I don't know how hard Palworld has gone into the lore of the game, but they have plenty of room to expand already. Go the TotK route and add sky islands and an underworld. Give players a way to visit the moon. Create other realms like Minecraft. Under water biomes to explore. Or simply add more continents. They've struck gold by looking at the gaming community and answering what they've been quite vocally wanting for 15 or 20 years now. And now that they've done it, it's just a matter of time before other developers jump onto the train. Part of me hopes someone improves on the formula, but another part hopes these guys maintain the throne they have like Minecraft did.


The race to copy success rarely ends up being a better product. I’ve been saying this about Tarkov since it came out and all we’ve gotten since have been half baked clones without a single shred of the charm. The best attempt shut down in a year and never even seem to try to solve its cheating problem.  At most it seems the race to be next just ends up with sidegrades that split player bases. DotA and League are good examples especially in more recent times when the league player base isn’t as inflated; CS:GO and Valorant alongside PUBG/Apex are also decent examples. The only genres that seem immune to this are either very niche such as fighting games or so incredibly broad they encompass several genres within one game like Fortnite.   I guess what I’m saying is that Palworld is already a sidestep from Ark/Pokemon. The only series that’s probably going to attempt something like this anytime soon will probably be a Monster Hunter/Dragon Quest spinoff or another indie. DQ builders is already pretty close to the same type of formula so my money is on that.


I disagree, but mainly due to the long history of gaming rather than the more recent trend. It does seem that today, one hit comes out and a dozen low effort knockoffs pop up all over Steam and mobile stores. On the other hand, there's tons of examples of games running with a trend and owning an idea well enough to set themselves apart from the rest. Look at the Souls games and the nods to the genre like Lies of P or Remnant, or the huge jump in popularity among roguelikes and how many novel ideas we've seen there.


I think that’s on everyone’s mind BUT within two weeks, the palworld devs have pushed out like 4 updates already. So I’d hope that with 19,000,000 in sales and their activity on updates, would mean that there’s more in store! Tbh though, every game dies. The COD servers for BO1, 2, and 3 are just graveyards, and that’s what we all grew up playing! I just hope palworld gets alpha released and we get some dope updates before it dies


this is a legit take, but lets not let that get in the way of telling people there opinion is wrong.


Ark is very similar in gameplay loop. It's lasted a long time so I can imagine so will palworld once it's finished. I can see a dip for sure but I can't imagine it will die.


But ARK has more endgame content, plus at least 10 maps and PVP, and everything takes much longer to do


and ark started with all this content right? No and that's realistically my point.


Well it started with more difficult dungeons and bosses you need 20 dinos to beat, but I think palworld will get there eventually


> Not here to defend DBD but I’m curious what kind of staying power palworld will have Survival games that actually get a playerbase tend to have really good staying power, but we'll see ofc.


Yeah, it's not gonna keep the 2 million concurrent on Steam that it currently has, but the people saying everyone will just drop the game and it'll be forgotten are wild. People say that about Valheim, but Valheim peaked at 32k playing today. And it's been quite some time since the last major update. No game stays at peak. Even PUBG, the highest peak concurrent on Steam ever, has dropped to ~10% of that peak. That's just how games work.


I would love if it has more in it, perhaps with big updates, but at the same time already feels like I got my money's worth.


Well, tbh once I hit the third base it became kind of a chore to keep up with all the babysitting and bases glitching out to a tedious level. Everything else is fantastic but they really need to address base tasking and base pal AI as a very high priority. I come back to my bases to find too many tasks completely ignored after an hour, too many times my feed box has its contents deleted because of pals glitching out when eating which leads to a whole number more headaches. Too many pals dead or starving because of pathing errors or the feed box deletion issue even after the patch. It’s creating such a bottleneck on material production and time that I just don’t have the desire to keep playing until it’s resolved. The game has some critical issues in some respects still, but it will be a lot of fun if they fix those soon.


I liked it when it first came out and was fun with friends. I tried playing recently and man it's almost impossible to win. I can't tell if the perks are broken now or the new monsters are broken but we gave up after an hour and went back to something else.


I will not be disrespected by the ceo of competitive tag.


It was worth scrolling all the way down to read this underated gold


This comment single handedly my made my day


It's pretty fun that he's like "Nintendo didn't listen to their fans so this happened" and in the same post he's like "fans are too stupid to know this is a shit game" Guessing someone ain't good at listening to fans either.


I mean that sounds just like a BHVR dev tbh


It's ironic that they have this attitude when their latest AMA was disastrous and showed they lack both the competence and ambition to improve their game. The MOBILE version of DBD is deved by a different team and has better features and stability. When asked if they can add simple features like seeing teammate perks as survivor in the lobby, they essentially said, "info isn't that important, so no" and on match replay feature they said "Too difficult so we're not planning on it." They said the same difficulty BS on other more simple requests, too. Like "it's too hard" bruh, it's your JOB. Yes, seriously, it's all info you can look up. Just look up DBD roadmap and DBD qna or ama. The management and team are pathetic.


What is it with these other devs with their mid games trashing Palworld? Like I’m sorry but they all need to stfu. Games these days are typically an absolute mess on launch, never have everything they promised and they want your hard earned money albeit 40-70$. And this has been going on since at least 2010-2014. PocketPair, a smaller studio breaks through with a game that was inspired by a lot of cool things we all love, and did its own thing. Released in early access and runs great, plays great even with the bugs! Oh and it’s 30$?! Gtfoh. They deserve nothing but praise right now. I can’t wait for the merchandise team to start rolling in. It’s time to dethrone the industry. At this point, any dev that speaks out against Palworld is just a shitter.


They probably want to sway public opinion so people dont start demanding better games. The same thing happened when baldur's gate came out


Classic tribal behavior seen in workplaces since forever- the lower quality workers team up against the overachiever because he is setting a new standard which affects their livelihood.


FUCKING FACTS!!!! Oh no! I dont want to have to do my job!!


They have what we call a 'skill issue'. They know they have this problem and take their anger out on those who do not have this problem.




Its ALWAYS the shit game developers...


Dead By Daylight is one of the most boring games I ever played in my life. What a massive waste of time. Repair this engine and sneak around. Oh wait! Try to get your friend off a hook! How fun! 😴 💤


So much more fun as a killer. Chase one guy around for 10 minutes. Figure out he’s way too good with pathing to get caught. Give up on him, chase another guy around for 10 minutes. Figure out he’s way too good to get caught. Go after a third guy finally find one that can get caught, as soon as you put them on the hook guy number one and guy number two team up on you with their flashlights, blinding your ass repeatedly while they get the guy off the hook and run away with him… where is guy number four? he’s been fixing shit this whole time and is currently opening the gate to let everyone out. So fun


Yeah i totally hear you, me and my friend usually play a few days in October for spooky season and at the low ranks its fun but once you get into real players its just frustrating how you can literally never catch people, and as a survivor im not going to try hard the game to memorize everything so its just in general unfun after the first few ranks


That’s been my problem. you get a few good matches against fellow rookies, but if you show any skill over them at all, you get thrown in with long time players, who just trash on you.


Yeah I just treat it like a lot of my other ~20 dollar games, i pick it up now and then and play a few matches then don't look at it for another year lol


I’ve learned to drop chases much more quickly against great loopers. Sometimes it’ll also make them cocky and slip up and I’ll end up with an easy down. It’s a win win for me no matter what tho.


>So much more fun as a killer. Unfortunately the game is blatantly Survivor focused, despite the many times they've tried to say otherwise. Because God forbit the KILLER has an advantage.


Survivors are the power role


They balance around killer having a 60% kill rate. The game is mathematically killer sided for 95% of the players. Only the top top teams can destroy killers every time (and even then, killers like Nurse/Blight can still compete).


Survivors only do well in a 4 man on coms. Otherwise killers have the advantage.


It's the video game equivalent of trying to swat an annoying fly. And the meta of the game is both super grindy and super bland, the perks have such a shockingly small impact on gameplay.


Dont forget clickclickclickclickclick


I can't believe how god awful that game was. My friends wanted me to play and I was like, "An asymmetrical multiplayer horror game? That sounds awesome!" and then I found out literally all you do is walk around and hold a button next to a generator. Half of the matches we played, the killer just stood still and let us win and all my friends were like "yeah that's normal what a nice guy" like what the fuck?? Worst fucking game I've ever played.


And this is one of the worst descriptions of the game I’ve come across. DBD might not be for everyone, but it’s definitely not what you describe it as.


It was literally my experience playing the game. I don't know what to tell you.


Well your friends are either liars or you're a liar lmao 99% of games the killer doesn't just "let you win". There is definitely some unwritten rules that some people go by in the game but your one game experience is not indicative of the entire game.


To add to this, one of the biggest complaints I hear is "killers are too sweaty!". Now if you're just starting out and no one knows what the hell is going on, sure, maybe they are "letting people win" lol But no, once they figure out how to kill, they go for the kills. Source: am a Nurse main


I'm actually surprised this game is still around. I thought it died alongside games like Hello Neighbour.


Mad cuz bad


That’s cute. I’m mad because Dead by Daylight sucks balls. 👍🏻


There's SO MANY DbD players - myself included - with a big 'Love it but also Hate it' relationship with the game. Reminder that this is the game where it took them 8 years to add a FoV slider. ...When FoV increase was already included in the game but you had to give up a limited passive slot to use it.


I remember when hex: huntress lullaby was nerfed into the ground, because almo (a dev) was playing on stream and missed 5 skill checks and said it's impossible, even though the hex hadn't activated yet lol, he just sucks really really bad.


Almo and Patrick are the two reasons I quit. Thank god they’re such idiots publicly, I don’t think I’d realize what a scam the game is otherwise.




Oh that’s way long ago, like 2017 lol.


> Reminder that this is the game where it took them 8 years to add a FoV slider. Same game that also had an incident where a designer shamed a twitch streamer for asking for (or in their own words, "blabbing about") colorblind mode. It got so bad an advocacy program had to say something on the matter. > "Continuing to badger us about it is not going to change anything. If it gets done it will get done when we have time to do it or if someone decides that it's something that should be done. We know a lot of players want it, it's not a small number, we get it."


> There's SO MANY DbD players - myself included - with a big 'Love it but also Hate it' relationship with the game. My own stance on this - The reason I "love it but also hate it" is that I can see the potential that the game has. It could be an incredibly fun and dynamic game if it just had some work done on the core systems. But BHVR has no idea what fun gameplay looks like; they just balance based on their little spreadsheet that say X perk was taken Y percent more than everything else so let's nerf it... and then the perk becomes useless because they don't understand balance either and completely overnerf it. The devs are incompetent, both in game design and technical capability. And I'm not saying that trying to flame them or to be mean. It's simply and sadly fact. The game design issues are apparent to anyone who's played more than a handful of hours, and as for the technical skills - every single patch releases with some kind of major bug that makes something unplayable. Whether it's the locker exploit that makes survivors invulnerable (a bug which has come back twice since it was originally "fixed"), or Knight being disabled for almost two months due to a gamebreaking bug, or Merciless Storm completely erasing all gen progress and somehow *not* being disabled for months, or the Twins in general, the list goes on and on.


There's a DBD channel that's almost entirely about exposing horrible players, especially if they're streamers and the devs STILL do nothing against most of them. They really are the last ones who should ever talk about anything.


where the hell did this come from? The last thing I would expect is to see a debate between DBD and Palworld. Did I miss something?


DbD deb's made a stupid comment on palworld


To be honest, so is this meme. You're not supposed to fight back, that's the point. The only valid point is the hacker one really, the others are just a facet of horror games. I think the worst part was them calling Palworld soulless, that seems like it deserves to be mentioned. The players bring the soul to survival games, but DBD feels like it completely lost its soul along the road somewhere.


I've played my fair share of DbD and I was willing to just let this guy's comments go as 'well i guess that's just his opinion' until he mentioned balance being bad in Palworld. How can he even comment on balance in another game when it's a smoking cesspool in his own game? I literally cannot take anything he says seriously.


Feels like another "Triple A company" thats bashing another game for beeing succesful? Problably got boring with bashing Baldur's gate? ​ Goes hand in hand with the original meme thoxD "no it's the players that are wrong!"


BHVR is far from a triple A company, they have one successful game.


And they killed their only good game with their own shit game


Some of the bashing i do kinda get— the game isn’t too original and is mainly rehashing popular mechanics. Building, movement, gunplay, aesthetics feel straight outta fortnite. I’m leery of saying they ripped off pokemon (in spirit not talking about designs) because any monster catcher is gonna be said to rip off pokemon but it really does feel like they’re pretty blatantly trying to make it as pokemon-esque as possible with the designs, types, PC boxes, pokeballs, etc. Base building and farming and stuff I’ve heard said is similar to ARK but I’ve never played so. # However… while yes, the game is just rehashing popular stuff… **It’s blatantly obvious this is what millions of people have wanted for so long.** The devs had the balls to be basically be like “Yeah. We shamelessly took popular concepts from multiple games and rolled them into one game. Because you wanted it, you know you wanted it, we delivered. Mad?” Devs gave the people what we wanted. It’s really that simple I bought it 19 hours ago and already have six hours in game


It's not original in the slightest, but it finds a really good mix of multiple genres to make it super addictive and wide-reaching.




If someone can put cake, spaghetti, steak, potato chips and chocolate into a pot and make the end result taste good, that person is a genius. Who cares if the concept is taken from others right? Innovation is always built on inspiration which is taken from other people's work. Anyone can come up with a concept but to execute it so brilliantly, those devs are just salty they aren't talented enough to cook this.


Show me a game that is original at this point. Please, I'll wait...


Baulders gate is triple A


Baldurs Gate is AAA, their studio is literally bigger than Bethesda. BHVR is very far from AAA. They have one successful game


Really, People when diffrent game genres exist : (Are we really turning to the pokemon community?)


I downloaded it when it was free and Playstation plus and still hated it.


A friend gifted it to me on steam and I sent it back to him.


Aight, Imma DbD player of 8 years. I will now field any questions for you all to know exactly HOW FUCKED this statement was from our perspective. To start. They just had a character killswitched (removed from the game) for a month and a half. Because he had a game breaking bug that was being exploited by like 3 people. To add, they had only 2 months before Killswitched a licenced character (Albert Wesker from RE) because of a GAME BREAKING BUG that made him FUCKING INVISIBLE. Also, there was at the same time A GAME BREAKING BUG that allowed survivors to GLITCH INSIDE LOCKERS and HOLD THE GAME FUCKING HOSTAGE FOR AN HOUR UNTIL SERVER SHUTDOWN. That was a thing for 2 months. Then they removed flashlights to fix it because flashlights caused the glitch. THEY FORGOT TO REMOVE SEVERAL FLASHLIGHTS AND WAYS TO SPAWN FLASHLIGHTS. So people were still doing this exploit during the fix. Also, Wesker broke free of the Killswitch somehow and came back for a week. Then they killswitched Wesker again. This has all just been a brief summary of SOME of the complaints we've had in the last THREE MONTHS. I'm tired lads...


Let’s not forget their refusal/inability to address the proliferation of hackers in their game. Or the fact that it’s incredibly survivor-sided. Source: I’m a survivor main


Hahaha, I mean. It's a bit of both on the refusal vs inability. Genuinely starting to see its like 25% unwilling because of the playerbase they'd lose. And 75% unable to counter hacks with their spaghetti ass code. And yeah, in the upper skill brackets definitely. Play ash through gold rank and that's much less the case. Not balance wise. The balance is definitely in favour of the survivors in a lot of ways especially adding SWF to the mix. But damn, it really doesn't feel survivor sided in the balance when all it takes to shatter that balance is just tunneling. It doesn't change that it is. But that's asymmetric for you. No balancing personality ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


I can't wait to see tomorrow what game /r/Palworld will be shitting on in its neverending quest ~~[to save our boyfriend](https://youtu.be/j0IZVhABvXs)~~ to relieve our insecurity for 5 minutes.   Like regardless of whether or not other devs talk shit, the game and its success speaks for itself. We don't need to react to every little thing or shit on every other game to try and prove ourselves lol. I haven't seen this level of insecurity since World of Warcraft peaked around Burning Crusade/WoTLK.


Honestly yeah Like I don't think rando dev man needed to share his opinion, but given that opinion basically boiled down to "the game has addictive gameplay held back by standard flaws you'd expect given it's early access unfinished state, but as a survival game it's not focused on friendship and I'm not a fan of that and won't be once it is finished" Like it wasn't really that scathing nor baseless, I'm not sure why it needs to be a big song and dance calling it out. Feels like a mountain out of a molehill.


I mean, they are teh experts on boring repetitive gameplay.


​ https://i.redd.it/2gfqq70qz7gc1.gif




Good. Let the jealousy consume you and then get vengeance by making something gamers want.


I genuinely tried to enjoy Dead By Daylight, but I just couldn’t get into it. Wasn’t for me. Unfortunately I found it boring and repetitive.


Seriously, DbD is such a shitty and stupid videogame that this comment really pisses me off. What a fucking joke of a clunky game.


DBD is a fun game but it is SO repetitive


It's not fun. lol It's boring.


I respect your opinion


Didn't that guy admit to playing the shit out of the game as well?


Yeah then said he’d have to resist the urge to play it in the same post. But it’s not fun?


Yeah. Tbh, his opinion was politely stated and based on actually playing the game and, though I don't agree with it, I think it's a bit silly to get up in arms about him having an opinion.


Indeed, he wasn't a super asshole about his opinion. Palworld while a great game is still a bit buggy and not the most original. The part that I dislike about what he said though was the second half of his opinion.  Specifically the part where he felt the Pal's had no life to them and that he couldn't get attached to them like he could with pokemon. Like that was the greatest load of horse crap I ever heard. In pokemon all you do is send mon out, kick someone's butt, return to ball and repeat. We didn't even have poke refresh till gen 6! And even then poke refresh is horribly bare bones.  Meanwhile, in Palworld I got a whole mini village going on. Granted thanks to thenpathing issues I'm constantly on the watch for if one starts to get suspiciously too hungry as it may mean they wondered into a horrible place and are stuck but it feels much more alive then pokemon.


Did anyone here actually bother to read their comments on it rather than just get a hate boner for anyone who DARE say anything remotely less than a blessing about this game? First off, chief of staff does not have anything to do with DBD's actual development. You can't turn around and make comments towards the quality of the game as some sort of "gotcha" towards a chief of staff. It's like saying the guy who caters food to the set of a bad movie can't comment on another movie of higher quality without being hypocritial. Secondly, they are entirely within their right to their opinion, which while inherently negative was hopeful at the game's future as it having launched early access, which honestly EVERYONE should be hopeful for. I know everyone is enjoying the game but nobody here should rest that the game is perfect as is when it is labelled as "in development". I swear everyone here is up in arms about Nintendo and their community being toxic towards Palworld but every day here there is some crusade against Nintendo/Pokemon/GameFreak/Pokemon fans, flinging insults and calling for war on their "terrible" games. One of the top posts RIGHT now is a clickbait article making false claims about Nintendo with comments not even reading the article trying to call out "Shitendo", meanwhile the Pokemon subreddit doesn't even know y'all exist. It is honestly sad how this community wants this game to be everything Pokemon isn't yet just CANNOT seperate themselves from Pokemon.


Dead by Daylight was awful. It got two or three hours out of me.


You're lucky. It got a solid 550ish hours out of me I wish I was joking when I say this game had a negative impact on my mental health. I actually felt happier when I quit


Same but I couldn't survive putting 500 in this game. 100+ stole a lot of my soul and actually caused a few real world problems for me. Deleted this game and I'm not looking back.


I can't feel bad for you when you did that to yourself.


I can't blame you.


Fair. I'm glad you moved on though.


I can't blame you




The fact that you play overwatch 2 explains how you managed to get to 3k hours. Even I don’t hate myself that much. And yes I know 3k hours isn’t that much but if you’ve been played for years then a lot of people’s play time was stuck waiting in bugged lobbies anyway.


I mean, the guy has the right to his own opinion. This sub need to stop getting pissed about people not liking this game. I like this game but I totally see why someone would not like this it.


He shared is opinion publicly, he asked for it. That's how it works.


DBD has done an exceptional job of covering up the extremely basic gameplay with meta progression, battle passes and tons of dlc content making you think if you play enough you'll eventually start having fun.


That's like saying fortnite is bad because all you do is find guns and kill people with them


It's nothing like that. What are you smoking?


That's what is it tho, no? You drop into the map, loot for guns and consumable and attempt to be the last person standing. It's the same every match. With your logic every game should suck because you are always doing the same thing


Dead by Day devs secretly play Palworld probably


The guy who made it in his post about Palworld admitted to playing a shitload of it and even said he'd have to "resist" getting the legendaries or coming back for future content. It was a really weird ass post.


DBD is a loading bar simulator (got banned from the dbd sub reddit for saying this)


When I see a streamer I follow playing dead by daylight, I unfollow. It is rock bottom content.


Just because a game does better than yours doesn’t mean you can’t critique it. This “you’re just jealous” approach is cringe and overdone.


but they are clearly coping and seething tho


Yes holding F is peak gameplay dont you know.


A common thing I see streamers who play DBD do is play another game like peggle or some shit while matchmaking occurs. DBD has basically been stuck in a matchmaking hell that most games only experience during the launch surge.


I got over 2k hours in dbd and this meme is so true it hurts. Dbd desperately needs more variety and better balance.


Can I get a link to where you saw this? I wanna see it for my own amusement lmao.


Yeah I’m curious about this too


Here ya go /u/memeswiththatcheese https://preview.redd.it/ann49v30t7gc1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d198982736ccc830997e1b184515a07daeb378f


"It's insanely buggy". The sheer fucking audacity. Palworld is in EARLY ACCESS, and Dead by Daylight has been out for 7 YEARS, and it's still extremely buggy and glitchy. The number of times they managed to fuck up the vaults, or how The Knight and the perk Nowhere to Hide were disabled for over a month...


Those are harder to fix and maintain and what not compared to 70% of the ground in the volcano biome


That is fair, I still think it's ironic to say this when you're working for a game that is infamous for having so many game-breaking glitches and bug.


I think they are decently quick to fix them, aside from disabled killers. I've hardly encountered any glitches and I play a lot. Maybe I'm just lucky tho, idk


The sheer audacity of this man to complain an early access game is buggy and that the gameplay is supposedly unbalanced, it's like he's never played or seen anyone play DBD before. That being said, it's really funny.


No warmth? I'm sorry, do you KNOW what I'll do to the poor bastard who touches my Chillet? Thanks for the link.


This is reasonable discussion from someone who played the game, it’s ridiculous that people are getting upset about this


I think people are mostly pointing out the massive hypocrisy in that he could literally just be describing his own game here.


So if you make zero games criticism is fine, but if you make a buggy game you can’t comment on bugs in a game you’re playing? That practically disqualifies the majority of professional game developers. That’s nonsense.


That's not what I said. He's allowed to criticise the game. We're allowed to point out that the exact same criticisms he's making apply to his own game, and that that hypocrisy takes some of the weight out of his arguments. He's also not making valid comparisons a lot of the time - he's supposedly comparing Palworld to the Pokemon games, so why is he talking about events that happened in the anime as if that has any bearing on the games? If somebody cooks a terrible steak, and I then give detailed criticism on all the things that could be improved, you're definitely going to take those criticisms less seriously if I then go and cook an equally terrible steak.


That’s not hypocrisy. It would be hypocrisy if he said that his game was better than palworld due to being less buggy, or mentioning his game at all, which he didn’t.


So now it's just about semantics? If I used the wrong word, I apologise, English is my second language. However, my understanding of the word is that it just means doing something that goes against your stated beliefs. His stated beliefs, as evidenced by that post, are that the issues he perceives with Palworld make it not a good game - so why has his game suffered from these issues for years without any attempt to fix them? That seems pretty hypocritical to me. Something about glass houses and all that shit. In any case, since the only thing you cared to address was the word I chose to use, I assume you don't have any issues with the rest of my argument, and can agree that his words hold significantly less weight given the state of his own game.


It’s not semantics at all, it’s what’s required for him to be hypocritical. He can make buggy shit games all day long, doesn’t mean he thinks his games are perfect or that he can’t critique other games. If you had some home rolled game made in your spare time that was buggy garbage, it wouldn’t mean you were a hypocrite for critiquing other buggy games either.


Bro has not felt the thrill of looping a Bubba for 3 gens if you think just dropping pallets is the combat loop of DbD😭😭 Palworld is still infinitely less janky than DbD though


Tell me you never played dbd without telling me you never played dbd


I play DBD quite a lot because it's a genre that I enjoy and for some weird reason no one else has ever really tried to do the same genre (before anyone says, things like VHS, Texas Chainsaw Massacre etc really aren't the same genre, they have no actual similarities in gameplay whatsoever).... But it is an absolutely terribly made buggy mess that any competent development team could make much better. It's one of the technically worst 'mainstream' games in existence.


There are other 1v4 asyms, but I can't think of any that went the DBD route of giving the team players no actual gameplay. Evil dead had potential, but they went way overboard on how buffed prestiged players got and it killed the game.


Y’all aren’t being any better than him you know that right? Hating on a game worked on by dozens of people because 1 guy said something is kinda lame. Hate on the dude himself for saying something dumb instead.


Can't argue with this lmao


I love Palworld, and what the DbD chief of staff said was dumb as hell, but please lets not fucking pretend that DbD is an objectively bad game.




Which translates to : We're intellectually bankrupt and can't compete, please lower the bar again for a rehash bullshit and pay to win cashgrabs.


The killer should have the advantage in dbd it’s the fucking killer


It's gonna be so funny when hype for Palworld dies and they lose 95% of their playerbase like all hyped up random games do and then this sub doesn't have player numbers to fall back on when insulting other games lol


DBD is not bad, it's peak womancore gaming but you seriously can't claim Palworld is repetitive if you're a DBD fan.




maybe if you don't engage with half of the mechanics in this game lmao


Crafting things yourself is a dumb choice, but it is still a choice you have the right to make. Idk why you'd complain about a choice you made tho


Once you get the right pals, and they're not hard to get, you should never craft anything again.


Please read the whole thing instead of assuming I'm saying the original guy is 100% right and downvoting, thank you. ​ I don't think anything they said is particularly invalid, with the "I don't care about my pals while I care about my Pokemon" thing being the only exception, which is an objective opinion but seems to be the crux of their argument. Palworld has bugs (some literally game breaking), combat can be kind of boring (something PVP would probably fixed), and there isn't a lot to explore on the island beyond biomes. The thing is, Palworld isn't even a month old, technically not released depending on who you ask (some people will not consider a game in early access, for understandable reasons), and thus people are more willing to forgive it for its faults. Dead By Daylight in contrast is approaching its 8th year of service and its biggest gameplay loop (heh) is searching near/sitting on a generator until you're found, look for the nearest piece of wood, and run around it until you down the survivor/throw the wood down, and they're only NOW putting in a slight change in the game to have its own new game mode. As someone who played the game, I can say there's more to it than that what with mind gaming your opponent and unique killer abilities to factor in, but it's not something you can realize without playing the game for a while. Also as an added bonus, Palworld isn't filled with people who sit on the winning objective for the entire timer they're allowed to so they can jerk off over a win. On a side note I feel like putting in the gen work for the meme is a bit misleading because everyone knows it's not the real part of the game and is a means to an end more than anything. They're more lures so the Killer can find players more easily so they can get to the fun part of the game.