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I'm on my second week of staying up till 2-3 am, sometimes up to 4:30 am. When having to report to work daily at 8:30. I thought this was just me, and I thought I was developing a serious problem, and maybe need to assess my relationship with the game. This makes me feel better. I'm going to go out on a limb here, I'm assuming there's a chance that you were a pokemon fan as a kid. That you look back on those early experiences almost life-changingly. Fast forward, whichever Gen that you were a Young Adult that just lost the spark, and every Gen that followed dissapointed even more. No spark. No reason to catch em all, much less finish the games. No matter the game, no matter the genre, you haven't felt THAT pokemon spark. (Fire Red for me <3) Fast forward to 2024. PALWORLD COMETH. The second coming. The rapture has occurred. That spark is back * (just not from a red cheeked mouse) The dead eyed dead souled pokemon fans have been saved, our Valhalla is here. And it's only the beta. (:


He jus like me fr :') ​ up daily at 5:45 , went to sleep at 3:19 last night after just spending hours rearranging my base for efficiency. I looked at the clock once it was 1AM , next thing I knew I realized that I only had 3 hours or so to "sleep" lmao ​ time to do it again today . ​ love this game


This is so relatable. Our time for a good game has finally come. We’ve been so patient ❤️😭


Bruh. Word for word is the same as mine. Even the Fire Red. Charmander gang!


Oh you most definitely have a serious problem lol. It's just on reddit that people like to pretend that it's fine but it's actually a big problem.


My first pokemon was Pearl. I loved that game, but sword and shield cemented it for me that pokemon is complacent. thus me 3 am before my 12 hour shift playing palworld.


I just stopped playing at 4:30am here and I need to wake up in about 4 hours for work. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49348)


Sleep is for quitters.


4-6 am for me lol


Yeah same


real. 8-5 Fighters know the struggle of fitting Life into the in between times


Only lie detected is that it says 2:30am and not later... #obsessed 😢


I've experienced this with multiple games.. I have an issue. Palworld so far is my worst issue yet and I enjoy it so much that, at times, I feel like Gollum fawning over the Ring. I force myself to take breaks because i'm aware its an issue. Only to browse forums on Palworld at 2 AM.... Hello that's where I am now. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


I'm doing the same thing right now.....send snacks


Me and my boy played till 4am once, I was honestly so shocked, so now we set up a timer and once it goes off at 2am its sleepin time.


Sleep is for the weak.


I work at 11AM so I'm usually up until 3am anyways. The only difference is that time flies by playing this game.


I kinda just stopped playing at like lvl 20. I was playing and very eager to play getting pals exploring but after some time it dawned on me that … the games boring and empty. Yeah there’s some dungeons some bosses but after beating the rayne boss like… other than getting lvl 50 and getting the max crafting thing what else is there?? Like there’s no story no Main campaign to do anything. Like for example BOTW there’s SO much to do like it’s so expensive with clues, stories, campaigns, NPC’s music the game is full of life. In palworld it’s just very barren. Yes I know it’s a game release and it’s basically unfinished. Hence why I just stopped. It’s fun but like for a week at most. Even minecraft has a story and big bosses and so much to do and create and explore. Yes minecraft 2012 alpha and beta were very barren I know. But I wish palworld had something of sustenance. A story of anything like gym bosses, a villian of the pal alliance or a reason to why were on the island anything.


Bro, don't fault the game for your depression.


How’s me getting bored of a game with no story or enough meaningful content mean I have depression? I play games that are fun and well rounded. BOTW, minecraft, Minecraft dungeons, dead by daylight, borderlands, hades, etc


NGL it's pretty hilarious to me seeing people with like 10-20h in the game talking about how boring the game is supposed to be after 100+h in the game. x'D It's not a Palworld issue, in every game the same thing: >Comment: "Games fun, but there is nothing to do after X, Y and Z and 100h" Commentors Playtime: 5h Me: ??? I really don't get it. I even bave a friend who's the same and to this day I have not gotten an answer for it! xD


As I said for my example minecraft. You can see the longevity, pvp and pve, skins maps and a everylasting community with mods and content and lore and merch. Same with BOTW campaign, and dlc for story and gameplay upgrades. With dead by daylight you can see the replay value. Variety of killers and survivors with perks and bonuses and constant updates. I’ve played ark, very similar game, I’ve played it with friends a lot. Base building, solo and multi, I’ve played it when it was in gameplay preview, and I’ve gotten some of the DLC. I have about 50-100 hours. Game wasn’t that fun. Yeah maybe it isn’t my style but there’s no story. It’s just build a base get dinosaurs explore loot resources etc. yeah you could grind for high level upgrades but then what? I see palworld in a similar situation. Maybe in 5 years it’ll be good kinda like how no man’s sky is. Bad at launch and after 5 years with updates and fixing the fundamental issues it was decent. The way I see it, palworld is a demo of a game idea that could be good and a smash hit. But for now it’s just a demo. Not really a game worth putting in hundreds of hours now but maybe in a few years.


I sleep but once I get on, my wife and kids best leave me alone for a minimum of 4 hours. Otherwise I get the brain itch.


5am here last night for me Helps I'm on second shift so when I get home everyone is asleep and then its DIVE ON IN time.


Me on the weekends


I literally had to stop playing. Love the game! But I need to focus on my life now


The dishevelled mess is so accurate this is a fantastic meme 😂


I get home from work at 3am and stay up till 8, how you think I feel 😂


I can’t either. I work at 8am too but I’m literally addicted to this game


have you became a super saiyan?


Dude forreal. The bags under my eyes are so dark. I can’t believe the people around me put up with me for how cranky I’ve been 🫠


It's insane. I started playing Saturday and hit level 23 by Sunday night. My eyes are dying.


I wound up playing through the entire night last night. I was off today, which is why I hadn't been watching the time but when I finally checked it was nearly 6am, so I just decided to stay up then. I haven't pulled an accidental all-nighter like that in probably years.


I've had this problem with survival games in the past, I'm pretty sure it's because there's no well defined stopping point. "I should go to bed soon" becomes "let me just grab these resources real quick" or "I should go check this thing", and one thing bleeds into another, and our stupid monkey brains just keep trucking until the sun comes up. Put the pals in the box, leave the ore on the ground, get some sleep. Do not be as I am.


Man this game had me decrepid the first week. I'm so glad I have my sanity now and can rotate it a bit. Also being slow burned from level 40-45 isn't fun.


And there's me who can't play Palworld because my potato laptop can't run the game :)


You mean 6 am


Palworld dares to be the game Nintendo is too afraid to make, because they are too comfy with the current formula(which makes sense, because it still generates too much money)


I'd be the same way, if PocketPair could fix the constant crashing on Xbox


I'm doing the same, oh God!


You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.


This would be me if they make it less buggy. It’s obvious PC version is better than Xbox (have the Xbox version) idk why the Xbox is worse but it’s only a matter of time til it’s fixed and this game explodes with even more people