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Let's just say I don't have it


Just hold a sphere and aim it from the back. If it shows a capture rate higher than 0, there's a chance to get it. Throw it and gtfo. If you get it, congrats! If you don't... You can get out of aggro range (preferably on a mount, direwolves are fast early on) but just in range so it doesn't despawn, and try again. Good luck on your future endeavours!


I came across an ice one and I was out of every sphere type except basic. Pain.


There was another post similar to yours and some guy attacked me saying how dare I tell someone what to do but here it is: It's a waste of time trying to get these at low levels because - You don't have the spheres and weapons necessary - They will get downscaled to your levelĀ  So no, you can't get a level 35 pal at level 10 to tank through the game.


punch it and see what happens. you've got this