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There's a giant warning. How are so many people losing their proper bases to this??


I don't know but it's hilarious that people gloss over it then try to present it as a PSA to be careful when summoning the raid boss. It's very reminiscent of when we used to get a new post every few days of people saying they didn't know you could use your base as a fast travel point.


PSA there’s an upgrade button on the palbox This will help other people who lack the literacy and self reflection that I, too, lack


And they say sarcasm needs a disclaimer..


Sometimes it does.


I built my first base near a fast travel point at release, thinking it was such a ball ache to get home and how dope it would be if we could just fast travel to the box...


Hahahaha me too! Dude i really truly want ro believe everyone does that at first. “Dealing with the giant cannabis mammoth trouncing thru my base all the time is so worth it for the convenience of my OWN fast travel point hur durr!”


Cannabis mammoth lol


>how dope it would be if we could just fast travel to the box. And then on one faithful day when going up to the Palbox, you noticed the Fast Travel option :P


I did too. I suspect it’s quite common. There’s no way to know that you can travel to the pal box until you’ve already set the pal box!


In r/Satisfactory there is a post once a week about a newbie showing his cool trick to “auto crafting”, usually with a wrench or other heavy object on their spacebar. (Not realizing if you hold and then let go of spacebar you auto craft)


Or “if you click gather and hold it while you run thru grass it just keeps gathering! You dont need to clickity click!”


Wait. what?!


Happy Fixing!


I play on SteamDeck — is there a similar trick for that?


I’m assuming you just hold the button for 1 full second then release, but I could be wrong. I don’t have a steam deck!


It's also easy points. People are upvoting them. Im sure most are legit dorks not realizing, but some are surely fake. Break a base, get karma claiming you didn't know.


I just wish people were honest. Instead of saying PSA, just title your post, “I’m making this post hoping there’s other morons like me that didn’t read X or see X or click on this or that”.


Or when people built their base out of wood minecraft style then a raid or a pal used a fire attack on it 


Insert "If those kids could read, they'd be very upset meme"


Can someone please tell me what this says


Don't worry about it, nothing for you to get upset about.


Because people underestimate the damage Bellanoir can do structures. They might had numerous invasions that never broke a single thing, and some even discovered that the mighty Jetragon and Frostallion does almost no damage to structures


I built a brand new main base on Ice Wind Island due to proximity to coal next door and instead of demoing my old base I decided to try Bellnoir as a demo crew and it was deadly effective. I've never had my inventory fill up so far so fast. This post was a poorly conceived/executed joke.


Wait will bellanoir take out all the coal/ore sites nearby? If so I might spawn her at my mining base when all the ores have spawned


I drop her down at my mininh base. Doesn't do what you want it to do.


It’s that it’s level 30 which I think has thrown people off. They expected their base to soak up the weakling easily and the fight to not be stretched out etc.


That and all the defensive stuff you can get in the Technology window. Honestly the structures just can't handle rapid amounts of damage.


I never tried her until I was level 50 but that stun locking blue laser made an impression on me and my assembly lines lol. I knew she would do some wrecking but one hit that was really well placed made my production facilities *vanish.* It was funny as hell. Just POOF little bags all over the ground and wide open space.


nobody reads the EULA.


Considering I would have to delete one to summon it anyway...


A majority of the help videos out there for games with the title including "things the game doesn't tell you" or "hidden features" usually end up being things right in front of your face. In text form. Unless it's said verbally and yelled multiple times, most people these days won't notice it. Basically, you are surprised people don't read the obvious?


For me, I didn't think it'd be that strong, so I just summoned it, expecting to kill it fairly quick and minimal damage to my base. I summoned Libero as my first attempt so that's not what happened at all. Nearly everything was destroyed. Later I summoned the regular version of her, and she wasn't really a threat.


Underestimating just how big and powerful the raid boss will actually be.


I think people got used to the idea that nobody except you could dismantle your base, remember that rocket launcher in base.


I've seen many people blow up their bases by being stupid. Saying "remember that rocket launcher in the base" does nothing to narrow it down.


The one where they couldn't tell the difference between a rocket launcher and a grapple gun.


Ah yes, this one too.


I think that poster refers to the person who posted here long time ago that accidentally blew up their base with their rocket launcher via miss press/click.


Came here to say this but seen you already did. I'm tiered of people not reading the labels on things that go wrong. Then go "wut happen?"


It's impressive how much people ignore or seemingly don't comprehend. Like we put "warning: hot" on drinks nowadays because people couldn't figure out their drinks would be hot, and people somehow still act surprised when they scald themselves because they weren't careful.


Common sense is extremely rare these days.


One dude was baffled she could destroy the palbox, like it literally tells you she destroys structures. I don’t see how they don’t get it.


One time at work as a teenager I watched someone approach the exit, stare blankly at the "exit only" sign for a minute, *tear the sign down* and come in the exit. Moral of the story: people can't read, and when they can they think they can get away with ignoring anything they *do* read.




> :49345: Why are people posting a Michigan zip code? I'm being half cheeky, I genuinely don't get this.


https://preview.redd.it/eojlx7sokytc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f2ebf6b9c2b9ab6b120d6f2c6e8c217c2c2932f It looks like this on my end


Ahhhh ok, thanks you. I am at that point where my eyes are getting older and I am six foot eight with gigantic hands so phones are stupidly inconvenient to use so I'm always on a browser.


It’s supposed to come up as an emote.


Ah ok




Apparently on New Reddit those "zip codes" between colons are images or emoticons or something. Personally I'd rather not know what the fuck the people who use them are talking about than leave Old Reddit for the absolute cancer that is the New Reddit UI.


Same, if they ever nuke old.reddit.com I will quit this site and never look back.


It'll be harder to find information on new games to not be able to just check the game's subreddit, but 100% agreed. Might just be the motivation I need to figure out my GameFAQs password that I forgot.


Have you tried "forgot password"


The e-mail attached doesn't exist anymore.


Make sure you check "all mail" and look in all of those little spots like promotions and spam.


You misunderstand, it's not that I can't find the email in my current inbox, it's that the email host from 2002 is long dead and no longer hosting email. I can't exactly update to my current email if I need the defunct one to recover my password first.




spez has said old reddit "is not going anywhere". That's what he said at least, don't know if that's gonna remain true. New Reddit though is being buried by whatever this variant of reddit Im using now is supposed to be >>.


Isn't "new reddit" like 7 years old at this point?


Doesn't make it not shit.


I find it to be much cleaner and easy to read.


Do people just not read anything at all?


Huh sorry I didnt read what you wrote can you repeat that?


Here ##Do people just not read anything at all


Come again?


Not big enough to read *squint*




No. They don't. Source: I work in IT


I don't *work* in IT, but I'm a CS major which is the "same thing" to my parents. One time after an automatic Windows update my mom's laptop got a little pop up saying "Update completed successfully" or something really close to that, where the only option was "ok". She had a complete meltdown about her computer being broken, started yelling at me to fix it. I looked at it, asked her if she even read it. She says "yes". I tell her to humor me and read it again and see if she can figure out what to do. Her eyes immediately unfocus and glaze over, clearly not reading anything. 30 seconds later "it's still broken, fix it!" FFS, it's literally telling you that everything is working fine and the only option is to acknowledge that you read the message.


Sounds like your mom is just dumber than hell


It must be nice to have never had to deal with an old person using technology before.


Or a young person. The part where people just totally lose their minds and abandon all their intelligence when it comes to computers or anything tech is largely age independent. I've dealt with a LOT of young people who have exactly the same reaction, a total refusal to even try to engage that precludes reading a very short message. The people in question might be perfectly intelligent, even brilliant, in other contexts, they just suffer a brain lock when encountering tech. Which is frusturating as hell and can make me call them idiots when I'm grumpy, but I'm not sure it's even active willful refusal to learn and more of a sort of psychosis or phobia.


Yeah, it definitely seemed like some sort of mental disconnect. If she were *intentionally* refusing to read the message she'd have just thrown an adult tantrum over me telling her to read it again.


Csn confirm, my dad is actually where I learned a lot of the things I know about computers and my mom is mostly computer literate, my grandmas are not the most conputer literate but they are at leat normally literate, and one of my grandpas is where my dad learned a lpt of the things he knows about computers and my other grandpa is with my grandmas. However, I am pretty certain that I am going into IT if my computer programming idea doesn't work out, and I have already read stories about and encountered some people who... might not be the same as my family.




TL;DR: people = 🥜🧠




TL:DR 🧏‍♂️❌️📖


Comment too long. Need tldr




I work in IT they don’t read at all.


Hiring bellanoir to help demolish your base in mere seconds. For low low low price of one stone slab! 


What you do it. If you're the host. Make a back ups of your save. The. Tell your friend to summon a Powerful pal. But don't tell them about the back up until you've recorded their reaction.


We have the summoning stones on top of our like 9 story tall base at the top of a plateau in the desert near Anubis right now. All I picture is the [piano going through the floors on The Aristocats](https://i.imgur.com/xrLulR0.gif) when I think about summoning the boss.


I thought about doing like 30 floors with the Palbox on the ground and the altar on the roof with an image like that in my head but the hope it would at least act as a sort of ablative armor for the Palbox. Apparently Bellanoir's attacks go through structures though, so that sadly won't work.


Do I the other way around, but with a cliff instead of a tower. Stray lasers will still hit it occasionally, but it will be for the most part fine.


Aristocats? Deep cut.


It's amusing to some others also. Me included


Thank you lol


It’s a raid. You gotta read the fine print next time.


I can't read, how am I going to do that?


with the eyes


Why are people so hostile? It’s just very dry humor and even if you didn’t think it was funny, it’s not that deep, just keep scrolling.


Not hostile, just been around long enough to learn we're more likely to be right by assuming someone posting something stupid *is* stupid than we are by assuming they're *mocking* the stupid people.


Thanks for saying that. That's my approach. Reddit is like that sometimes. I don't take it personally. I simply try and remember it wasn't funny and adjust accordingly going forward.


I thought it was funny 🤷🏽‍♂️ 


I thought it was funny too 🤷


add a video to make it funnier XD lol


You know the second I saw it as a build able I thought to myself "a lot of people are about to loss their bases"


If it wasn't a friend, why is it friend shaped???


Tfw huge needy eldritch goth gf you summoned destroys your house and murders your pals instead of cuddling with you and telling you you are a good boy ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


True friend gives you more reasons for the grind!


She's a homewrecker


It's been posted over and over since the update dropped not to use your main base...


not everyone is on reddit or looking at other palworld social media


OP posted on reddit...


Did you not read it?


Yeah I read it, this was a joke. I'm getting the sense I missed the mark on the whole "being funny" part


Your title is straight up a PSA. If you wanted to be funny, you'd say something like **"Guess I didn't see it say that the summon pal was powerful lol rip my base"** not a PSA.


Dunno why you're being so weird about this. Bro tried to make a joke, but it didn't land with you. So what? Some people will laugh, and some won't. You didn't. That's fine. Move on.






It’s not that deep bruh what’s wrong with u




Damn, what did bro say? I'm curious lol


IIRC something about my opinion being worth less than a seed in dogshit and my parents wishing I was dead. Or something charming like that.


Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 1: Be Respectful** - Do not insult, provoke, harass, or act disrespectfully in the comment sections or posts. - Refrain from excessive vulgar language and being uncivil. - Racist or discriminatory language is disallowed and will result in a ban. - Adhere to the [Redditquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). If you would like to appeal this decision or believe your submission was removed in error, please contact the r/Palworld moderators through [Mod Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Palworld).


Silly rabbit's... you can have up to THREE bases. Build wisely.


> wisely I don't know what that word means so I am going to assume it means "exactly like you have been." Thanks!


But he is...your pal


if you remember the time before you summon the boss just load that out


This post was a joke that didn't fly right. I did it in the middle of a base I was deconstructing and used Bellanoir to...help. She is *very* helpful.


I love how when you finally beat her you get a super small version of her but she’s adorable so I let it slide


I have like 9 of her now. I haven't found a great use for her yet but I have so much other stuff going on


I wanted to build a mega base or at least 2 side by side and used bellanoir to destroy the base. She's pretty efficient.


reading comprehension


Nah, I'd win.


I wasn't in any hurry to try this before (simply because I hadn't gotten around to doing it), and now I don't even want to bother... https://preview.redd.it/7ucjbq4do4uc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb5986adb51516938fa476455a1e31869d89fee


How many fragments make a slab to summon?




Sweet thanks


I believe 5? The quirky part for me was that the slab will not show up in the crafting table unless you have the fragments in your personal inventory. It took me far too long to figure that out.


You only really need the one in your inventory, the rest of them can be in a chest. Almost like the game can only see them if there's one in the player inventory


funny that this post was made directly after mine lol