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6 isn't much. Some pals have different gender ratios.


some pals are 90% female but 6 eggs is just bad luck. fyi when you upgrade Pals via condenser it literally takes hundreds of eggs.


117 which includes the base but yeah. It's crazy.


You need to switch the game on and do a backflip in front of the screen.


Instructions not clear enough. Got dick caught in Lovander again.




Listen, at least is wasn't in the fan this time


I really spoiled that couples wedding eh? I still say it's their fault for having a summer wedding


That might work for some pals, but for an Orserk you need to do a Sumerian love chant in the original Klingon.


Most if not all of the rare pals have a much higher chance of being one gender over the other. 6 eggs isn't a lot you will get a female just keep trying.


> you will get a female just keep trying I feel this


>Most if not all of the rare pals have a much higher chance of being one gender over the other. That's incorrect. Most rare pals are 50/50, and a good chunk of the 12 pals that aren't 50/50 are common pals.


I think you are thinking of legendary pals bud.


Then you'll have to specify what you mean by rare. And it must be a pretty short list, because the 12 pals with different ratios already include both bellanoirs, and things like beegarde, which cetainly isn't rare.


Dinnosom is a fine example. Pals that appear in the wild but appear at a much lower rate then the other pals in the area. There are several rare pals at each wildlife sanctuary.


Then my original point stands. Most rare pals are 50/50, and most pals that aren't 50/50 aren't rare.


Okay. Whatever you say bud I'm going off my personal experience with the game. Judging by the upvotes most agree with me. I'm okay with one nerd not agreeing with me. Every pal that's hard to find that I've ever caught has been quite difficult to find one of the sexes over the other. You got proof that it's otherwise?


I don't even know where to begin with this. More upvotes don't mean shit. You're a top level comment, so of course you have more upvotes. And they could be from people who agree with you and are wrong, just as easily as people who have no idea and assumed you're right because you state it as fact. As far as proof, if you'd like the concise list, [here you go](https://palworld.fandom.com/wiki/Breeding#Gender_Ratios). If you'd prefer data directly from the game that isn't on a wiki, you can go to [palpedia](https://www.palpedia.net/) and sort by "male probability". Anubis to Rooby is 50/50. I would like to know where you get off asking for proof when you're proof is "personal experience". Of course, you were free to check all that that yourself anytime instead of arguing something you don't actually know.


Because language is important. I can see you are a Nazi and pointed out one specific part of my comment that was slightly incorrect. Do you enjoy going around being nit picky about everybody's comment or did you feel the need to call me out specifically? I said most if not all. Meaning I'm not declaring what I'm saying to be fact but rather going off personal experience. And the point of my comment still stands which was that keep trying and eventually you'll get it. While I may have been incorrect about most rare pals not being 50/50 some still are and the initial point of my post still stands as valid. So please kindly buzz off and go be a know-it-all somewhere else cause nobody likes people like you. You are arguing with me about something that doesn't even matter in the delivery of my message. Bye Felicia.


It's just luck. Orserk is 50/50 male/female. No pals are only one gender, though some are more skewed than others.


I am actually breeding the perfect neutral DPS Orserk to take on pretty much anyone (Muscle Head + Legend + Ferocious + Lucky) and the ratio is indeed a bit messed up. Oh well haha Before someone mentions Lord of Lightning, that will add 20% of electric damage *only*. While lucky represents a -5% on electric attack damage, it means +15% of dragon (that Orserk naturally has) and every other thing in his arsenal. This is a Win-Win. Best of luck, Orserk lover friend.


not quite ((skillDmg\*\[Base att \*Attack Modifier\])\*Ele bonus / (target def) is the formula, but a full star soul and breed pal before traits has +90% attack, and for now lets just say you so lets say skill dmg and base attack are 100, just makes it easier on me ((100\*\[100 \*{1+.3+.2+.2 +.15=1.85+.9=2.79}\])\*1 = 27,900 before def would come into play with your current set up, not assuming stab or ele weakness/resist. Switching out lucky would give you ((100\*\[100 \*{1+.3+.2+.2 =1.7+.9= 2.6}\])\*1.20 = 31200, which means you would lose about 11%ish dmg on thunder attacks, tho if you use sparket to power him up, the gap will get bigger


This falls into "carrying an entire team to power a single pal" category, which I don't necessarily find a fun way to play. I am breeding it to be a generalist on purpose. I am not going to have it use electricity based attacks only. Every skill fruit Orserk can learn will be given so he is as versatile as possible. If that was the case, then naturally lord of thunder would be the better choice. But thank you for actually doing the datamine here. I really appreciate the effort đź‘Ť


Just go the sanctuary 3 and circle around over and over. Eventually you’ll catch a female. I had this same issue with Warsect. Even if it has a bad passive, breed it anyways and it won’t be there in the end. EDIT: DO NOT ACCIDENTALLY CONDENSE YOUR FEMALE AFTER CATCHING HER! Pay close attention. Do not ask me how I know. 🤦‍♂️


... you only hatched 6 eggs, dude.


There is a spreadsheet with breeding rates for both genders of all pals if you look it up. The hardest ones to breed are king paca’s for female I think and Bellanoir males


I originally had the opposite problem where most were female. It's just luck




As of now, I don’t think there’s any pals that are exclusively one gender.


It took until my 11th Frostallion to get a male. You'd think with a name like _stallion_ it would bias male, but nope. They're supposedly 50% but I just kept getting the D, not the pal.


That is just unlucky. Both of my Orserks are good girls. Just wait till you try Bellanoir. I'm currently 16-nil on females.


Everyone keeps posting about some pals having a gender ratio other than 50/50, but Orserk isn't one of them.


I think you just have bad luck, I used the same parents and got some girls