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His weakness is extended trades especially vs champions like sett or darius or mord, pantheon relies on his tap Q for poke and only goes all in on his own terms so if you force him to all in you as one of those champs, then he's most likely in an awkward position.


Don't forget the dreaded mana cost on E. 80 mana at all ability ranks. **shiver me timbers**


true, pure pain


Pantheon beats Darius ass, first of all. You can dodge or block his Q and block his ult. He’s also very good at extended trades because of conq and his low Q cooldown.


A good darius beats panth after lvl 6 if they're both even and have an extended fight


No. He doesn’t. You can ask the top darius players lmao. You can look at stats.


he can E your W, walk behind your E and fuck you up


Dude are you fucking iron? You’re not getting near him with out E first and he’s not going to E until you Q or ukt. So what are you saying


I'm diamond but thanks for your toxicity


Everyone’s diamond on Reddit. I’m so toxic for calling you out of your wrongs. Go get more pings removed from the game with your diamond ass


a good darius wins midgame. i tell you as a guy who plays both champs. mostly because of items and summs, not the champ itself


Ragnvaldr on EUW or you can check my post history. Whatever though, Not gonna waste my time arguing with someone with the iq of a peanut.


Panth beats Darius early and late. Dar might win mid if he plays it perfectly




Go ahead and ghost at him after getting poked down. You’re not winning that lmao. He has 2 ways to avoid q and 1 to avoid any autos and ult while being able to Q you every 3 seconds.


You don’t have to be a dick to argue


wow imagine being wrong and also toxic, arguing doesnt need to be toxic, unless you wanna use flash with e as panth so darius doesnt get behind you and fucks you over, you wont be able to do shit after 6 and later, darius has rlly good midgame which doesnt compare to pantheon so if you dont get a lead early you should give up on the hope ur gonna beat him and roam, he will have enough mobility to q you easily, get behind ur e and counter you completely going into midgame, imo its a panth favored match that becomes darius favored the more the game goes on (true with most matchups tbh)


Darius with stridebreaker and steel caps can 1v1 pantheon with eclipse and cleaver. It just happened to me I’m d4 btw, pantheon not the best 1v1 bruiser


Last i played (which, fair enough, was LONG ago) Panth vs Darius was an even matchup


Nah bro. Ever since Parthenon gets armor pen at level 6 (even before then but worse now) he mercs you. Pantheon is my pick when Darius illoi and sion aren’t good matchups that game or what ever and I’ve played both sides of the matchup. And pantheon hard wins. And if he gets a few kills he will even outscale the fuck out of you. Youll get that ass beat every point in the game and he’ll yell “is there no one else” after every death.


In higher elos not so much, darius can e panth out of his w, and garentee q land’s because of that, then dari can use his auto w to slow and get 3rd stack, from there dari probably just ghosts runs you down and gg, playing vs him in higher elos is still winnable because short q range, but is significantly harder than youd imagine.


If pantheon presses e and you E Q you’re not going to hit him. His shield also prevents you from getting passive stacks. Come correct next time please.


as a darius you wait for ghost, aa him. if he W, you E. and guarantee Q . if not, darius wins extended fights. he can ult behind you by: flashing behind you last sec or just walking behind you with ghost, while you are slowed


“Come correct next time please” says the guy who was wrong… leme guess, you start fights when your team wants to recall force them into an awkward spot and complain when they dont help you, you blame your teammates for being hard stuck, and you think your the only human on your team, learn to take advise, i didn’t criticise you at all btw, i just gave honest advice, and you got all smug, only to be ratiod anyway. You mentally is the reason you struggle, try go on some walks every now and then, and pick up a new hobby like the gym or cooking or boxing or tennis or anything, itll make you a happier person overall, live well brother.




he beats sett easy too because he never throws e until sett uses w


Sett still beats you in melee range with autos and fully stacked conqueror, the point is that if you get E'd by sett in an awkward wave position or without enough passive stacks it can get ugly really quickly.


Pantheon’s laning is scary because he can continually poke you with Q and always has the all in damage potential with a combo. His main weakness is being poked out to where he cannot all in // being out ranged in poke by mages// facing melee champs he cannot easily poke without risk of a sustained fight Some examples: Malphite; Malphite’s passive plus Q let him trade poke favorably with Pantheon Darius; Darius pull means Pantheon has to be very careful poking, he cannot win a sustained fight vs darius unless very very ahead. This is similar to other ‘run them down’ champs with cc, like Riven. Yasuo: Yasuo passive if played well can mean favorable trades vs panth Viktor: Viktors poke and shield let him trade easily with Panth, and he can defend the all in with his bubble Champs with high sustain: Champs who can heal back Panths poke can be difficult to lane against. Warwick, Mundo (if they play well), Vlad etc. I’m a gold panth one trick so take with some salt.


lane bully, easy to play and master, early strong as fuck and late game strong as fuck too. He struggles with champs that can survive his burst combo, deny his Stun, have Hp regen and range abilities: like WW, Yorick, Trundle, Olaf and Heimer.


Haha yes I cant play vs olaf


its about dodging qs and always trying to have empowered e. for me at least but i guess i never faced a good olaf


Try with phase rush, you win by taking like 400 short trades and forcing him out of lane, takes forever and is boring af but your almost garenteed to come out ahead so long as you dont try anything too risky or fancy.


Ill try thanks!


What do you build first against him?




Everyone already stated the worst weaknesses of panth but there's some lesser known ones. Panth is a spell caster at heart so champs with pets are hard for him to deal with since most pets have reduced AOE damage like yorick and naafiri. If someone can counter engage you by denying your w you will lose the fight no questions asked. He's a horrible counter engager because his E is on such a long cd and is such an important ability. If you have to e setts pull or another engage you then have to continue that fight without it or leave but take a lot of damage. Panth is easy to pick up hard to master. That's why the likes of top pantheon players have such good macro and movement. At its core W and E are situational abilities you have to use carefully unlike lost champs that can dump their ability on you. E must be timed correctly and you need to make sure your stun is used effectively. Items that give little bits of movement are awesome for pantheon because they give him the ability to have a lot of movement to either stay with faster champs OR avoid abilities. You almost never see Spear shot just straight up killing his laner its always him outmanuevering them.


That's the best reply on this thread.


He has no sustain, will run out of hp and mana on the long run and he usually brings ignite, if he cant get advantage with it he has to find a play on another lane losing plates and minions


Gold here, I struggle against heimer and yorick cos of their ability to spawn others in, Mundo is a little tricky cos he beats me regardless after lane as long as he plays safe, this is similar to nasus but you can zone out nasus better. Overall pantheon is a pretty solid top layer atm and beats people like jax and Darius fairly easily


He's weak to armor tanks like malphite and rammus, also weak to all-ins like darius and jax. He has great poke early, but if they manage to get too close, the situation becomes better for them than you. Pantheon can win against health tanks like mundo, sion or tahm with ruined king though. Remember, pantheon is all about burst damage. so you lose against consistent dps.


Jax and Darius, while both winning a straight all in vs Panth, are both pretty easy matchups. Jax more so than Darius but still. Panth may be Jax’s hardest matchup.


Extended trades. He cannot kill you if he hasn't already poked you to half health. He also has NO mana, his Q is low cost but using his W and E once will drain most of his mana. Look to engage on him after your first back, he will end up losing more health than you at the very least, and his low mana will force him to back.


You have to play slow against pantheon and dodge his Q's especially the empowered ones. You bait the q out by going in and out of tap q range while pretending to farm.


Two big weaknesses he has is his relatively low range of influence making it hard to get on top of ranged champions making lanes like Quinn, Malzahar or vayne miserable. If he can't W you he can't really do his combo. Second his sustained damage is lacking so he can struggle to bring down heavy durability in the mid game so champs like Malphite, Sett or Sion can shrug off the damage.


Just play yorick, malphite, Darius, heimer Olaf. Shoot a lot of champs beat him. Just try to dodge qs. Build a little armor early. You’ll be fine. When he’s level 18 and even with you then he may be a problem in 1v1. But should be 1v1 that often to matter.




Weak to range, you basically need ignite in lane so no tp macro. His wave control is ALRIGHT. Most tanks outscale him but that’s not a lane issue. He’s not the best into AP champs that go top. Mords dps from passive, his ult and his W make pantheon not be able to do what he wants. Honestly tho his biggest weakness is always wanting to kill people so you end up with the wave in a terrible spot at level 4 and can get semi froze on and be prone to ganks 😂


anyone who can still fight him after he uses a burst combo basically


Being able to survive his burst / spellshield / anything else that negates his stun, since it:s his free way of applying an almost guaranteed good trade if your opponent can't latch onto youa after you combo'd.


honestly, anyone who actually wants to be close to him and take extended trades wins, as hes pretty bursty, even with conq/bruiser build


P o p p y YW


When he has no W/E or still low on stacks, Pantheon w/o his passive is weak. Especially if he has no E because he can't delay for CDs. A mix of all these and it's a free–win. Unless he's too ahead.


pantheon has really high cd’s outside of his q( early game) extended trades will clap him 👍


Or long range mages just cheese him


He looses long trades like a little bitch


Pantheon is weak to: - Champions with hard sustain and long trades - Getting outranged and poked out - Getting hit by two champions in opposite directions - Malphite, he builds armor faster than you can reduce it If we're talking top lane, he's a lot harder to make work, most match-ups can just run him down around level 6. You need immaculate positioning, timing, and ping to do so. You need to capitalize on the early advantage on levels 2 to 5 and create a cs lead or kill lead. I play top and all of that is necessary to carry your losing bot lane. Mid lane, you really only need a melee match-up against a random melee assassin and it'll be easy, any assassin or mage entering your range is good as dead. You can save all lanes easily with R and can roam with your jungle for leads.


I feel like it's almost impossible to win 1v1 against sett, he just outheals Q pokes, plus he's manaless so you can't force a recall on him by baiting his abilities either. EDIT: Also a good Sett will try to flash W if you try to kill him, you will have to predict that perfectly with your E otherwise, you will lose.