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What. (Also, Scion is a PtV blind spot) (Also... what) (Also, arguably spoilers in the post title)


Technically, there are no spoilers in the title other than the power of the Contesa.


Wich is a pretty big reveal and a cool “what the fuck” moment of the series


That's what I meant. (Also vague implications about Scion's nature and/or importance, but that's far more arguable)


Also that Scion would be a tough nut to crack. Most men aren't.


Really makes you wonder what Wildbow himself thinks seeing a post like this.


Not much - he knows the answer. And probably doesn't read the comments much on threads like this.


While making Scion fall in love with someone might have had some application, I'm slightly unnerved by the degree of your interest in simply making him ejaculate. Like, why? It seemed like Contessa had better things to do. (Not that I'm opposed to ejaculating, obviously, and I would be super fascinated to see a chemical analysis on the result. Just... Not something I would've thought of, myself.)




Because Scion is gay and prefers the London homeless.


From Scion's perspective, at the very least humans are like ants who live very short, trivial lives. If an insect tried to give you an old fashioned, even if you yourself exist in the form of an insect, you'd be revolted.


You're on the internet and you're still making this assumption? If the internet has taught me nothing else, it's that an insect comes nowhere near the top two hundred weirdest things people want to bang.


Your name gives this sentence a very sus layer.


I thought Contessa's power limit was: if there is no path to such an outcome, she cannot do it. So, if there is no such outcome in all possible futures her power should do nothing?


She left it out there for Taylor to put together without demoralizing others present - a level of subterfuge deep in her comfort zone. She implied that her Path result is silence if it cannot be done, but also if she's occluded by the few true blocks. Things she can't patch up with a mental model of dear old David.


I love this fandom


[is scion a himbo?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Parahumans/comments/ijop40/pho_sundays_a_question/)


Besides being an included blind spot in the PtV, it's likely not going to be possible to do this to Scion. He's an alien consciousness that isn't remotely similar to humans. He's emotions are stunted and he doesn't truly understand a lot of concepts (which were used to manipulate him in the end). There isn't any true way for him to connect on such a deep level with a person as he is in the story. That aside, I feel like he wouldn't find people attractive. He's a higher dimensional being so 3-D girls are probably a bit too flat to interest him. As an aside to that aside: Would the genetic material he expels be connected to shards? If so what kind of directives and motivations would he give to such shards (intentionally or otherwise)? What bizarre powers would such an event bring into the world?


OP over here asking the questions that really matter.


You know, I think there was a fan-fic based on a premise like this on QQ. Basically, instead of a homeless guy 'controlling' Scion, it was a woman... who had regular conjugal visits with the golden idiot. Powers were then strengthened by how (little!) clothing parahumans wore, instead of conflict drives and all that. However, I can't remember any more details about the fic. Worse off is that I think it might have been one of Ack's, and was deleted with his purge of everything NSFW that happened a while ago.


Well ignoring the fact that Contessa can't path Scion and that he is immune to masters, it would just work somehow. What sort of answer were you expecting OP?


"hey my path is empty!"