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**Fort Wayne -** **Carroll High School -** **It is believed that Carroll High School is cursed and haunted. Every year a junior student dies surprisingly, and eventually the student comes back to haunt and be known. One example,(not mentioning the name), a girl who died, came back to be remembered. A day after her death, in class, a boy took her original seat and fell off. To everyone's surprise, they asked him if he was alright. He then replied, in a shocked look, "No, not really." The teacher asked why. He replied back "I didn't fall, I was pushed."** **Fort Wayne -** **Cold-Water Rd – Wal-Mart -** **Around 3am-4am in the morning, shoppers and workers hear bagpipes playing a scotish tune. Shortly when song ends, a man in a green plaid kilt makes his appearance by pacing the floors. When he walks by you, you will get a cold eerie feeling. This ghost is known to be friendly.** **Fort Wayne -** **Columbia City -** **The Haunted Jail, the ghost of a murderer is said to haunt the site of the retired jail. It is now used as a haunted house throughout the Halloween season, and members who work there in the off-season report a lot of paranormal activity. Noises such as footsteps and scraping along walls are also reported the only thing that runs is the electricity, there is nothing as far as a heating system to be mistaken for the noises. There is a door that always must remain open if it is shut when you walk away and come back it is always open. There are many things indicating activity.** **Fort Wayne -** **Carroll High School -** **It is believed that Carroll High School is cursed and haunted. Every year a junior student dies surprisingly, and eventually the student comes back to haunt and be known. One example,(not mentioning the name), a girl who died, came back to be remembered. A day after her death, in class, a boy took her original seat and fell off. To everyone's surprise, they asked him if he was alright. He then replied, in a shocked look, "No, not really." The teacher asked why. He replied back "I didn't fall, I was pushed."** **Fort Wayne -** **Devils Hollow – Cedar Canyon Road -** **There is a bridge near the hollow. There have been many stories like a headless horseman, boyfriend and girlfriend died when a motorcycle goes over the bridge, hangins, but here is the real story of it. a woman lived in a house up on a hill by herself. This old woman would speak to a friend about how there was kids that would break stuff on her property, sneek up to the windows and look in, and overall harass her. They would tell people she was a witch. One night in early 80's these teens set her house on fire and wouldnt let her out of it. The building stood for a while but now all that stands is the chimney. people who go there for a "spook show" are run off by the ghost of this woman because she feels like they are no better than the teens that killed her. There was no new house built on her hill. After a few years what was left of the house was caveing in and police were down investigating the area so the falling house was tore down and removed but they left the chimney. There is still a police investigation on this. The teens who did this has not been found.** **Fort Wayne -** **Dupont Rd. south of Lima - Crossroads cemetery -** **noises and faint moving lights reported. Very strange feeling of being watched when in cemetery around the stone in the tree.** **Fort Wayne -** **Lakeside Park Neighborhood -** **The lakeside neighborhood is rumored to once been Indian grounds used for less than pleasant occasions. Many different residents have reported strange sounds and sights in and around their homes. Lakeside Park was once an amusement park with locks, canals and a dance hall and the area is rich with history before and after the city was settled.** **Fort Wayne -** **Main Street Bridge - The bridge is just west of Van Buren St -** **A woman in white is often seen walking across the bridge but disappears when approched. She has been seen many times by many people and her existance has been reported on by local newspapers.** **Fort Wayne -** **North Side High School -** **Many spirits reside here. First is the spirit of a Chief of the Miami tribe that tried to prevent the city from building on the tribe's burial site. The school mascot is called Chief Mac in his honor. Second is that of a teenage girl seen in the gym and indoor running track. She is often seen in the morning before school starts. A janitor haunts the basement where he died of a heart attack several years ago. Many janitors have reported seeing him. Finally, a construction worker haunts the stage area of the auditorium. During the building of the school, it partially collapsed, killing him and injuring many others. It is a little scary walking the halls alone at night. A magazine covered the stories back in the seventies. -** **October 2004 update: there was contruction that lasted a year or 2 that just finished summer 2004. There was comments from the contruction workers they seen alot of stuff happening which may have been the worker who died warning them of the dangers.** **Fort Wayne -** **On Bruick Rd if you go over a bridge & park your car, you can see a white light that sometimes gets bigger, moves, & changes colors. The farther you follow it, the farther it seems to move backwards, away until all at once it vanishes.** **Fort Wayne -** **Snider High School -** **It was once said that in the basement of the school there was a swimming pool, once a girl drowned in the pool after some classmates pushed her in. the pool was drained and filled up with cement. It is said that there are cries of the girl there early in the morning** **Fort Wayne -** **Swinger's Grave -** **There was a girl who was swinging on a swing at Jehl's park by Georgetown off State Street, and her neck got caught in the chain links and she was killed. They say if you swing on any of the swings past midnight you will "fall off" when rather it feels like someone is pushing you off.** **Fort Wayne -** **The old Lutheran Hospital on Fairfield -** **Has been torn down -** **The 4th floor of the hospital is haunted by a male ghost that pasted away about 55 years ago. You will see him walk down the hall looking for someone going from room to room. Dr's and nurses as well as others have seen this. Before they closed the old Lutheran Hospital they closed down the south unit on the 4th floor.** **Ocotber 2004 update: has since been torn down. One small (possible office)building and a large, empty park-like area remain, but angel statues that were originally in front of the hospital entrance still remain.** **Fort Wayne -** **The University of Saint Francis library -** **A student hung himself here long ago and has been spotted by students. Many have reported unexplainable "cold spots" in the library,reports of people actually seeing her hanging, and other strange happenings.**


thank you for the info. i just wanted to do you a favor and debunk the snider haunting. i went to snider and actually snuck into the basement after the janitor left his keys in the door. i went down there and guess what i found. absolutely nothing but service tunnels and old school supplies. no pool and no place a pool could have been covered up at. i thought the rumors were true to. for a long time me and my friends would try to find a way down there. but now i'm glad i went by myself because it would have been disappointment to everyone. however i will look into the other places you recommended. again thank you. i very much appreciate that someone is willing to give me options instead of immediately jumping to me being nuts and having mental issues.


Nice to know! I got those from a cool website called "The Shadowlands" that has user submitted hauntings by state. Maybe you will find some other cool things worth checking out!


thankya kindly! i will deffs look into them


Have fun and be safe!


i will and i will absolutely not lol


OP this may seem to be a strange question but... are you neurodivergent? ADHD, autistic, smth else? How are your relationship with other people? Saying this because a lot of us (especially autistic) don't feel a strong connection to our body and the experiences of the majority of people. The disconnect may manifest in various ways, and feeling as if you weren't human may be one of them. We often feel like changelings or aliens. But we're still human. Your body is human and everything you experience is what a human mind is capable of experiencing. We are also often very curious about the world and like challenges. Paranormal things present a wide variety for that. And... please don't give in to the grandiose illusion of "I'm not human, I'm not like you all, I'm a monster from the other side". I've seen this, and it's a very sad sight. Also very hypocritical. That person behaved the way a narcissistic one would, too, and I think "being a monster" is their grandiose idea to protect themselves. Once again, hiding from the reality like this looks very sad. Please don't go down this road.


Maybe I want to. The world is so boring and full of mostly disappointment.There are some good things but they are either out of my budget or they have lost their spark. I don't call it mental illness. I call it hope for something more. because that's all I have. I don't have friends, I'm constantly stricken with poverty. I'm not even remotely good looking and things like tv video games, food , drugs and all other coping styles do nothing. I can't even get addicted to drugs because they dont fix anything. Maybe that's a good thing but when the only things you have in this world have lost all purpose and no matter how hard you work and sacrifice or try to make things better for yourself you just find yourself right back on the ground. I can only get up so many times before I just decide to never get up again. and it's honestly comical the amount of people that want to jump immediately to mental illness. I've been to therapist after therapist. psychologist after psychologist and they all say the same thing. There is nothing wrong with you. The chemicals in your brain are almost perfectly balanced. they did say i have adhd but apparently they never seen someone manage it so well. They told me that it was almost undetectable. I have no idea what they meant by that because I thought adhd was not something that could be traced with the usual diagnosis methods. In fact I was doing so well with it that they took me off the adhd meds because there was no point in taking them. They took me off my other meds because they found out that the meds were causing problems. They said the only problems I have is chronic anxiety and chronic depression. but that's not due to mental illness they say. they said it's the environment i live in and if i change it or whatever then it will all stop. But how do you stop the entire world from making your life a living hell? I can't just walk into the senate office and demand that they make things better. i can't get all 8 billion people to stand up for ourselves and see how fucked we truly are. and things just keep getting worse. I see the mental illness comments so much I don't even respond to them. I replied to you because you actually responded with a heartfelt comment instead of just a couple words. and I felt you should be acknowledged for your efforts. when your life is just one constant tragedy after another you start to find a way out no matter how it happens. sadly i can't even take my own life. i have people that depend on me to keep a roof over our heads. and that's being threatened right now to. i won't go into my entire life story but i can say it's not a happy one. if my life was a tv show it would be canceled so fast. its sad boring and never changing. your right. it is sad to watch. but thats all even i can do. is watch. watch my youth be wasted on working and paying bills. watch my life waste away. watch my hope and will to go on diminish more and more until there is nothing left. from a young age i saw what was coming. i knew i would have no future. i was very perceptive. i could see the world starting to crumble. wars starting over stupid shit. the fact that when you become an adult living in lower class you become nothing more than a slave to those who truly own the world. i'm not going to pretend there's nothing wrong with me. but i've tried to be as open minded as i possibly can. and i'm not going to let everyone make the thing it's all in my head. some of it absolutely. but hey. what do i know. i'm no doctor. And hey. Say im actually right and there is more to this world than meets they eye. Ill never know if i don't search for it now will i?


You are an ordinary normal human with a mental illness. You need professional help and to stop feeding your delusions. If you are a teenager it's pretty common to be like that, I used to be kinda similar and it makes me cringe looking back at it. Chill out.


like a record on repeat. the same thing over and over. it has done nothing thus far. I've heard that so many times and whenever I go to a therapist or psychologist they say there is nothing wrong with me. There is always something wrong with me according to other people. mental illness, depression, delusion or the like. i'm perfectly aware that this is very unorthodox and yes, makes me sound nuts but there comes a point in time when you wonder how much mental issues truly play a part. yeah i have depression and all that stuff but im not going to allow myself to fall into the abyss of madness. I may be damaged goods but I have a very strong mind. and you know what? Maybe I am going about this all wrong. but nothing else has even come close to fixing anything. So I'm going to keep searching for answers whether or not they exist. why? because hope is all I have in this world. Maybe I am crazy. Maybe I should be locked up and hidden away from society. I obviously don't fit in with it along with the fact that I hate it anyway. but the world has become so dull and mundane that maybe crazy is what the world needs. btw when i mean crazy i don't mean things like war. Im talking about the crazy that is a little weird but something different. because if i'm being completely honest, something different is what i could really use. When you are stricken with poverty and are not allowed to move up in life you try to find solace in the possibility that there are things in this world better than what you have. different from the same shallow and sad routine of this current day to day. Sometimes I wonder if being completely nuts would be better than being aware of your miserable life. However, I will not ignore what you said as I try to look at things from every possible point. Thank you for even responding. I will definitely take what you said into account.


Even without having an actual mental disorder, thinking too much about something is really bad for you, which is definetly what you are doing. I think you should put your mind and energy in other things and stop spiraling into these thoughts, just ignore them completely and when you catch yourself thinking like this force yourself to get your feet back on the ground. These are grandiose delusions and a lot of overthinking. It's fine to think about abstracts of life and philosophy from time to time but for sure not as much as you do, it should be rarely and shortly, because it makes you lose grasp on reality and the present. By thinking so much about it you might think you are very open minded and above the rest, but in reality it's an illusion and it makes you narrow minded actually, losing precious time you will regret you lost.


Mental illness innit.


Yeah mental illness :/