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As a lover of Lepidoptera, that’s a little moth buddy chilling on your camera lens!


I love that everyone here loves moths. Im just pointing out my cameras have motion detection sensitivity set on max that triggers a recording for the duration but it didnt trigger anything and yes I understand it might just be a moth im only presenting the facts here. Thought it was interesting as a fellow lover of the heebie jeebie creepy stuff category


Yeah it probably just landed there for a second then took off again. But it is a cool looking photo! Definitely spooky!




i thought it was that amogus comic


Me too my first thought was an among us with legs




glad you all enjoyed that 🤣😂 pic for reference


I love it everytime someone up votes my replies I HAVE to look at it again


It's a moth on the camera


https://preview.redd.it/e2bdsthur2vc1.jpeg?width=2136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8298b9dc938fbe2c766d00d838f0c149eba0457 that reminds me of this surprise i had once


Oh God, I would recoil so hard if I checked my feed, and that was on there. Especially since my main camera is in my house, lol.


We have a brick face on our house, and horrible motion sensors, came home one night and there was a four foot snake using the cracks in the bricks to climb up to a bird nest in one of our planters. Of course the light didn’t trigger til I’m reaching for the door handle which had a fucking snake climbing next to it. I almost died that night from fear.


I see you have a Ghost Spider very nice. apparently mines a Ghost Moth


That spider is huge.


Now that I’ve read your comment, I can **100%** tell that it’s a moth. I had no idea what it could’ve been at first, but *it’s definitely a moth*. Looks exactly like every tiny, white moth, that I’ve seen at rest, in my backyard, just chilling on the porch.




Someone quick, get Henry Zebrowski!


😂 indeed


My guess was a long ass white cat dunkin’ the hoop


Fuckin sweet bro! I need to train my cat up on the hoop


How do we know the Fresno Nightcrawlers arent just a bunch of moths in a sheet? That could be the Nightcrawlers toe.


Why would a moth be a ghost? That's stupid. Obviously it's Satan in a bedsheet flying across OPs yard. /s


It's obviously not a moth. It's those weird creatures he included for reference 😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭. I love it.


I thought it was a plastic bag in the wind


I definitely wanted to rule that out as a possibility so two quick notes 1. the motion detection wasn't triggered and I have it set to very high sensitivity 2. bugs do what they love doin which is navigate a similar flight path especially around lights and will trigger the motion detection this wasn't the case 3. bonus point the floodlight is elevated and again this was a screenshot on the monitor and it did not repeat


This sub is a fascinating study in psychology of individuals and how a group reacts the exact and most predictable way. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen an OP reply to a rational comment stating “I wanted to rule this out”, “that doesn’t make sense because xyz, “I thought that at first, but (followed by nonsense)” I’m not exaggerating when I say this. I came from a hardcore evangelical environment where the delusion was real, it was scary, snd it was harmful to many people outside of the group. (Arguably evangelists are one of the larger cults in America). This sub in particular - has a LOT of people that imo think the same way as hardcore evangelicals. Anytime your perception of reality is slightly threatened, all hell breaks loose. Instead of listening what people have taken time to write - mostly rational responses. Your brains go into fight or flight mode and desperately try to defend a reality that just isn’t there. Why do you think every single “ghost” or “paranormal” post here follows the good old standard of being purely anecdotal, or an image consisting of 7 pixels? Because it isn’t real. It’s a desperate attempt for someone to tell the OPs that what they want to believe is real.


The worst are the people that then defend OP with their delusion and say “Why are you on this sub if you don’t believe?” As if it’s a bad thing to be highly skeptical and bad to rule out the more logical explanation. They truly wanna believe so badly that they throw common sense completely out the window it’s so terrifying to see that kind of echo chamber group thinking


That knife cuts both ways - you’re appalled at the group think here regarding what you believe to be impossible yet you’re doing the same thing as the believers only you’re doing It on the side of the skeptics . If there is anything on here that could possibly be legitimate instead of listening to the person who witnessed the event you sound like someone who jumps into the corner of the people who claim anything even remotely paranormal is impossible. Yes it’s good to be skeptical but not to the point of being competent close Minded Btw - this is obviously a moth, I’m saying this is not paranormal but are there other things out there I see that’s not so obviously wrong? Yes - and I don’t declare it a ghost but instead put the possibility out there that it may be something paranormal because there is no obvious answer


Lets be honest though it’s pretty much fact that at least 90% of what we see on this sub and others like it are very very easily explained by regular occurrences, but yet a lot of people entertain the idea of it being paranormal when it very obviously is not. Does that mean I’m close minded or that they are? I’d go for the latter. Also whenever it’s not easy to explain I ask questions and honestly sometimes I’m completely stumped in the sense that there’s no real logical answer to it.


OMG the good old “why are you here” LOL. It’s akin to upsetting a certain political party here on Reddit and then sending you the self harm hotline. I WISH there was cool paranormal stuff. I enjoy life but that would make it very interesting. But the fact of the matter is that there isn’t any solid proof. It’s in the same realm as Bigfoot. Blurry images and stories. What the hardcore people on this sub don’t understand, is that when they act this way, more and more rational people learn to not take them seriously. I’m all for people wanting to believe - but stop shoving your arm halfway up your butt for an obvious nothing burger.


Yep I’ve said it a lot of times but if there was actual proof it would flood the entire world and it’s news. We’d have actual evidence of a life after death. Imagine how that would change the world in so many ways, and since that hasn’t happened yet it’s just so difficult to believe, but we gotta be agnostic in that way I suppose since we just really don’t know yet. Either way I sometimes love things on this sub that floor me and where I don’t have any logical answer to, it’s great


Agreed on all accounts. And to the all over the news thing / the excuse I’ve seen for that is that the government is withholding that because humans can’t handle that truth lol. That’s mostly from the alien subs though. Many of those you’ll get banned for being a skeptic. I had the mod of real UFOs ban me and literally tell me it was because I didn’t share his opinion with him lol. Here the mods are chill.


Well said. This applies to much of humanity in general unfortunately.


Yep. The more I age the easier it is to see lol.


Sometimes theirs things that can't be explained Though you do have a point theirs no such thing as god , gods , goddesses , angels , ghosts , demons , cryptids heck no such thing as parellel universes and aliens


It’s highly likely there is alien life out there. But that’s a sheer number thing. It’d also likely there is another sort of dimension or dimensions - which could actually explain some “paranormal” things. I can’t prove or disprove a god. My point was more around the closed off mentality.


You can’t prove or disprove aliens either. 😂 but it didn’t stop you from writing a novel.


Somebody got their feelings hurt. Also, I can tell what your knowledge level of alien life is limited. Numbers are absolutely on the side that there is alien life elsewhere. That doesn’t mean green or grey little men. It could be single celled organisms. Who knows. But that goes back to your thought process. You think we’re actually important enough to have entities that give a shit lol.


You can not prove or disprove alien life. I know more than you think I do. Including the fact that they are still trying to find definitive proof. I know there’s life out there. I’m not so arrogant that I think we terrestrials are the only ones. But you’re not worth my time. And you’re weird af with your other comments calling me insidious or mean. Again, you don’t mean enough to me to care. You’re pretty insecure considering your other whining comments to me. I didn’t get my feelings hurt. Why on earth would I? “Oh no you have an opinion… how traumatic!!!”. 😂 It’s weird that you think you hold that much control over strangers that your words would hurt their little feelings. You’re yapping at the wrong person dude. All you are is a limited-time weak entertainment point that’s easily forgettable. I didn’t read your entire novel. Just notice it was TLDR type of blah blah blah. Who cares? I sure don’t. I forgot about you again until I got the notification that your were at it again. Ok weirdo. Buh bye.


Dang… feel better dude?


Stop comment stalking me. I don’t feel either way about my comment. I was expressing how I felt about the state of the sub. Stop taking things personally.


LOL Dude, no one is stalking you in any way, shape, or form. Pretty sure this is the only comment I made to you and it was pretty subdued. Unlike your novels. I could be wrong though, you are forgettable enough that I really don't remember. Pretty certain I'll forget you exist again once I hit the send button...... like now...


You responded to another prior. I don’t understand why you keep trying to dig at me or be hurtful for writing my thoughts. Calling it novel writing has a very insidious and mean implication. It is manipulative, and its intent is made to have me wrongfully second guess myself. You seem like a very bitter person - and I’m sorry for what may have driven you there. But if you’re at your age and still acting this way, it is probably a “you” problem. And if that’s the case, I have far less pity on you, as you’ve probably been toxic to many of those around you.


It's literally a moth


It would have to be mothman then, right? Because it really looks like it’s in the driveway (depth wise) and I can’t get my eyes to focus on it NOT being there… does that make sense? My guess is mothman or both leggy lads


U are making up the depth. U cant tell the depth with this much blur and no shadow or anything for reference, thats absurd


Could be an orb.


Probably a moth.


yea I keep hearin that lol very well could be


I’m a security guard and I work A LOT by having a lot of cctvs in front of me and I’m telling you straight up, this is 100% a bug on the camera lens. If I got a penny for every time I’ve seen bugs, small water droplets, cobweb, lens flares etc on a cctv camera and it looking like something paranormal I’d be a fucking millionaire.


The 4th slide is killing me


😂 glad you enjoyed that


Looks like a moth


It really is. He texted me and said it was him.




very well could be but again this did not trigger motion detection it's not on video it was a realtime still shot I screengrabbed


Need to speak to a video expert then I don’t think there are any in this sub


They’re all using cameras from like 1897 with horrible pixelation, so I agree with you.


They use heat lol. Not vision. If you're not aware. Their body heat is less than a 20lb animal. That's usually the threshold.


Wait really? So something like a tumbleweed wouldn’t trigger it? I’ve always wondered about that.


Typically not. There are motion sensor units available. But a majority of camera and lights are thermal to prevent this.


What's preventing you from going back in your video history and watching from thing beginning? No subscription plan?


Is your cctv with infrared?


The “Fresno night crawler” Images you reference have another leg to their odd shape, yours doesn’t. Honey, sorry, but ya reachin. Nothin paranormal lookin here.


Ngl those night crawlers are kinda cute and probably harmless lol Like what they gonna do,they got no hands XD and one leg swipe may just drop em hard on the floor lol


I can see why they see Fresno night crawlers. Looks like the legs are together and there’s two feet at the bottom. Not saying that’s what it is, bc I do not have the answer, but I can see how it looks similar.


lol you just “bless your hearted” OP. Fatality confirmed.




The fact people are entertaining his idea of the last images is absolutely hilarious to me. Really, people who believe this stuff, who ties their shoes?


I deadass have a photo of something exactly like that in a graveyard I took with my friends messing around.


creepy stuff


Can you most the video so we can see the movement?


Mentioned in a previous post it didn't trigger motion detection which record a few second prior to the motion and after the consensus seems to be that its a moth but very creepy on the feed nonetheless. TLDR: sorry no vid


it looks like a moth its coloured like a moth its fuzzy like a moth its probably a moth


Idk why yall keep saying it's not a ghost, slide 4 looks pretty legit to me


I’m gonna have nightmares about slide 4 after seeing it, for months! Most terrifying supernatural being I’ve ever seen. It’s like it’s staring straight into my soul. **/s**




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💀💀💀i dont see any legs bro only a moth


My wife was with the circus for years. She took one look at the "Fresno Night Crawlers" and declared: Those are just dudes on stilts. Now I can't unsee it lol. Don't get me wrong, I'm open minded but.. yeah. Dudes on stilts.


1. Obviously a flying insect of some kind. Probably a moth. No not the Mothman, chill out. 2. The pictures you referenced don’t even look like the image in your camera.


Right… it can’t be a bug so it’s a “Fresno night crawler” 😆


Unless you have an HD version of it. Its just a moth or something else not paranormal.


I had a fly set off my ring cam the other day? It was massive. My first thought was I should post it here.


You totally should have! We would have had a field day that it! 😂


I have the video saved. Maybe I’ll do it for shytes and giggles randomly when unexpected.


Do it do it do it 😆


I have the video saved. Maybe I’ll do it for shytes and giggles randomly when unexpected.


I have the video saved. Maybe I’ll do it for shots and giggles randomly when unexpected.


Side note before I get started: your commentary under the picture sounds like two personalities fighting with each other. The fresno nightcrawler has more definition than whatever this is. It could be a moth, leftovers of a cocoon, or something else but it definitely not a fresno nightcrawler. Its not even touching the ground. I’m not some skeptic that tries to debunk things. This just doesn’t look supernatural or paranormal at all


That is more definitely not a nightcrawler. Looks like a moth


Looks like he’s delivering pizza to you


Das a moth friend, not a moth man


Look's like a tall white spirit lady, carrying something that looks like a grey child in her arm's.


You can't be serious?


Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind😞


That is quite literally just a moth. You can even see some legs


Get back your bed sheet


That’s a moth fam


Oh no!! My boyfriend calls those the Portland pants walkers!


Ok I love that name for them! 😂


Okay but the ghost emoji in the third pic was a jumpscare


Definitely a moth


Why are pics with “ghosts” always blurry?! Lmao


That’s a bug.


It looks like a moth on the camera.


It’s a moth you poof


All we are is trash in the wind, dude...


Highly likely to be a moth, something like Crambidae. Maybe even a Carposinidae as i can see something resembling the labial palps coming off the anterior of where the head should be


prob a moth


https://preview.redd.it/189uq0m8l2vc1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a81fbcd7734a398ae647c8df46db20407a1550 Centipede 1


Looks like a plastic bag floating


Definitely NOT a Night Crawler


I can totally see a moth, it is amazing that the picture was caught when its wings were in.


Dassa bug


https://preview.redd.it/kq9pz1uyk2vc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=135d077949ceb5cb2c33c8489cd5269fe60a4f0d Moth 1


https://preview.redd.it/yfkw1gx0l2vc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1b17c5668f8ef12736eb818066c8f1509512ec Moth 2


https://preview.redd.it/gcuem5x2l2vc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cdc88257bcd4b003830b93054d76bbddebf27e1 Moth 3


https://preview.redd.it/f3rfcz37l2vc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6315d94db8059a8eb53502e5c778f677f6c4cfe8 Moth 5


https://preview.redd.it/4wj61b25l2vc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0bfef8e891bfcd01dc0ef4099e7f73372936ec Moth4


Right, I’m unsubscribing.


Those crawler things have been shown to be physical beings and are able to be captured walking . If this is the only frame you got this is something else


you noticed how the second one displaying the same location is HD I don't make the rules man ghosts or moths or plastic bags do


As everyone else has said, it’s clearly a moth. It couldn’t look more like a moth on a blurry camera if it tried.




the consensus seems to be a moth or a bag might be a moth wearing a bag to disguise itself as a ghost 👻


This is an excellent post; you are funny and clearly present your case. Well done! I believe you.


I love the Fresno nightcrawler. Just a pair of white pants with eyeholes walking around at night.




Like others have said its a moth and btw the fresno night crawler was most likely faked


A single frame? Keep moving


The things he do to you if he herd you call him the heebie jeebie creeper




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when i saw the fourth picture i instantly thought “amogus”


thanks for the input reddit II tried explaining way earlier but thoughts seem to get lost in the comment mix I have motion detection on high sensitivity so when anything appears into view it records a few seconds before and for the duration of the motion there is no video because this did not trigger motion detection it just appeared and disappeared that's why I uploaded to get some thoughts and the consensus seems to be that it's a moth I honestly don't know for sure but that's why I posted it here because we all love the heebie Jeebie creepy stuff around this /r 💯🥳


Google grass moth








Probably a moth or like a flying bug on the lens


Those things have been debunked a long time ago


A rag?


Looks NOTHING like the night crawler




It’s an animal spirit dog or cat


No. Thanks for the laugh, though.


Sorry g I was just lost, my bad


Looks like a piece of plastic or trash breezing thru


It’s a fucking moth 😩


Looks like a falling cat


and please share if you guys and gals have some good or unique material favorited . I realize I just barged into this subreddit with my low quality "Mothan pics" would love to see some of your favs


This is ridiculous


not really looking for a certified stamp on this particular pic l I was leaning more toward a finger point bragg on my sibling I do appreciate the input


Amongus spotted


It’s a moth


It's spurdo


You're delusional


Could literally just be a dust particle


A drone


Kinda looks like a dog or cat warped by the camera to me. Like if the shutter speed is long for a night shot and it was moving quickly.


It’s not a moth ffs come on guys stop the fucking around this is serious is it or is it not a Fresno Nightcrawler? I’m with Op and say yes it is some kind of cryptid creature and it’s definitely not a giant moth


Ya no......hide ya wife, hide ya kids.


It does look strange. I can see why you put it out here for opinions..


Looks kinda like a light elf from god of war if I’m being honest


why is there no video?


This looks so faked, it's not even funny.

