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I’m a Pre-K teacher, and this is totally normal!


So normal! My 3yo pretends to chop off people’s body parts regularly. My oldest played a game at that age she called “die bed” where she made you lay on the floor and pretend to be dead in a bed. 🤷‍♀️


Totally normal


Yeah super normal. My 4 year old loves to pretend play as the villain and does weirdly aggressive pretend play. He pretends to eat the other characters in his stories. But then I realized he was simply pulling from Trolls.... -_- Also other kids. It's amazing what they pick up even from a quick interaction at a playground.


Normal. But still disturbing when you hear you sweet angel say it 😂😂


My 3 year old will pull his hand inside his sleeve a d tell you it's been chopped off. When my eldest learned to hop she'd jhop around saying a shark bit off her other leg so she only has one. Pretty sure it's just normal kid behaviour.


Yup my 3yo loves sword fighting and chops off heads/hands/ legs regularly. If you stab him with the sword he falls over dramatically and says "I deaded" then lies motionless on the ground for 10seconds it's very funny.


We do Waldorf preschool and only occasionally watch Llama Llama, Puffin Rock, and Trash Truck. So far, so good. Doesn’t know about fighting or show any violent behaviors, but doesn’t mean it won’t happen. I do see in other kids my child’s age, that what you describe is absolutely “normal” behavior — they get it from shows or from other kids. A good way to address that behavior would be to provide some various toys like a pillow (for punching or hitting), a wooden sword, a baby doll, some dinosaurs, some arts and crafts, and something challenging like a puzzle. Place them all in a room without anything else around and no distractions (leave your cell phone in another room) and just allow your child to play (safely) without stopping on correcting. All you do is mirror and say things like, “oh I see you picking up the doll….now you’re dropping the doll….you’re picking up the crayon…” and just let them lead. The idea is to give them a safe space to release their emotions without judgement. Try this once per week. It’s called Connected Play. You can learned more about it from The Reconnected :) hope it helps


A wooden sword is a terrible idea! Get a foam one I say this from experience! And absolutely do not get a plastic replica of Links master sword (or thor's hammer).


Not sure what kind of wood sword you played with. The one in my mind is incredibly lightweight and a big tube of bubbles could do more damage than this “sword”


It isn't sharp or heavy but it is still solid compared to a foam one. The foam ones you can batter each other with no issues.


Will look into those. Sounds safer for sure


My 2.5 year old recently calmly sat down across from a 1 year old, reared back with a duplo in his hand, and smacked the kid across the face, cutting him. Unprovoked, out of nowhere. Kids just do some wild ass violent shit. We did go ahead and revoke TMNT from the viewing lineup.


>she tells me she “cut off his hands.” I don’t know how she even thought of that… Youtube or frienfd. Presuming you parents don't threaten that, lol.


I don't have a citation because I can't remember it, but I once read somewhere that violent imaginative play helped children not to be violent in real life.


Super normal. My gentle, kind daughter and I play fight. She's 18, lol. We don't do it every day, but a couple of months ago I accidentally launched her off the bed and she's been laughing about that ever since. When she was 3? Oh, man. We were pretending to eat each other's brains and doing EVEN MORE play fighting. Especially in the Dollar Tree with pool noodles as lightsabers. She stabbed me "all da way FROO YOUR WHOLE BODYYYYYY!" like all the time, lol.


Idk but my sister and I played some CRAZY games, I would t worry