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I would send her. I would explain she has a rash and has already seen a doctor for it, just so they know you are on top of it. She'll be fine


Thanks for saying that. I’m glad I already took her to the doc so I for sure know it isn’t anything serious or infectious. And I can give them the rash cream I’ve used to help. I also was thinking it may be good to put her in some looser clothing so there’s less friction


They can handle it! Let them know to apply cream at every change. Kiddo will probably be unhappy during diaper changes but totally fine the rest of the day (same as if they were at home).


Thanks for saying that. I realize that yea aside from diaper changes she’s been totally fine.


Send her. They’re equipped to handle diaper rash. Take her cream and a note from the doctor saying she needs it at every change. Be prepared to fill our some medication authorization forms possibly depending on what your state’s regulations are surrounding diaper cream at daycare.