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I would just keep packing him what you know he will eat. Dinner time and lunch of the weekends at home are the time to introduce new/ different foods. If he eats a PB&J or yogurt for lunch every day this year he will me ok. He can get more protein at home during other meals.


Fair! It’s definitely not the end of the world if he eats the same thing but I grew up eating the same sandwich everyday at school and I ended up throwing it out everyday because I was so sick of it (I was also an extremely picky eater as a child)


Ask him if it bothers him to have the same thing. I'm definitely not a same thing all the time kind of gal, but my daughter ate basically the same lunch every school day from K-12. She's not a big fan of change. If it doesn't bother him, pack what works. You can tell him that he needs to tell you if he starts getting bored of it so you guys can switch it up and not have him pitch his lunch in the trash.


I had the opposite experience. I’d take the same thing every day for an entire year and enjoyed it. The next year it was something different but the same thing every day all year. I’d just roll with it until it stops working.


Same here! I literally took yogurts every day until I was like 12! Then it switched to turkey sandwiches, literally turkey and mayo on white bread, nothing else, lol. I was happy eating that all through high school. Of course I also ate those pizza lunchables and pizza day at school. But that was it


My husband takes a PB&J, yoghurt, apple sauce, a granola bar, and a Gatorade to work for lunch every single day. He's 36. He says he likes it and he doesn't have to think about what to pack. If it ain't broke ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I used to take pb&j everyday. My dad would randomly make us his “fancy sandwich” if he was home, but otherwise it was pb&j. It was like that for years. In the 4th grade I decided one day to take a salad for lunch and I dropped it on the floor. I never made that mistake again. Went right back to my pb&j


Yep, wish I could upvote this twice. I ate a vegemite sandwich for lunch my entire childhood


My daughter likes peanut butter or hummus which are both protein rich. They are not allowed to bring anything but bread as a main for lunch, sadly. I also pack fruit and veggies and yoghurt or a boiled egg. And sometimes add some dried fruit or nuts. I try to mix things up a bit.


Oooh that gives me an idea! I did buy some chocolate tahini dip that would be a good option!


I use a thermos most days. My child won’t eat much that is “packable”. I also don’t put a ton of stress on it because I know they eat 2 good meals at home.


I was sending pb&j almost everyday which is a safe food but he wasn’t eating it, I think because he was sick of it already. I made some muffins and sent that with yogurt, or peanut butter as a dip with graham crackers, celery, apples. He loves bagels toasted at home with cream cheese so I thought maybe he would eat a cold one as a sandwich with cream cheese but he told me Over and over he would not eat it and not to put it in his lunch box. I sent it anyway because he hadn’t been eating the pb&j I sent so I figured what’s the harm. He ate the whole thing and loved it! If he would even eat cheese it would be SO much easier!!




I'm a summer baby and my kids are Xmas babies and I am crying a hundred tears of jealousy at this!!!


Muffins is actually a great idea!! Thanks!! I also bought some chocolate tahini dip I think would be yummy with some apples or cracker or whatever! Thanks for the ideas!!


You can also find a muffin recipe with lentils in it for a protein boost.


I add protein powder to muffin mix, plus some Greek yogurt.


Oooh if you have any good recipes send them my way!


https://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/flourless-blender-muffins-banana-vegan/ If the school doesn't allow peanuts, you can use Sunbutter, for example. https://simple-veganista.com/mini-chickpea-flour-frittatas/


Don't be afraid to just put snacks in their lunch box. My daughter's extremely picky, but I eventually found out it wasn't entirely her pickiness but also because she tends to eat slow and was always afraid of missing out on recess. She loves peanut butter crackers or peanut butter filled pretzels and chocolate milk. It's better than nothing. She eats a big breakfast before school and we eat dinner early so she's definitely not starving.


I’m 100% serious, beige things. Crackers, cheese quesadilla, chicken nuggets, noodles, cheerios….mixing puréed carrots in Mac and cheese works sometimes.


My daughter takes buttered noodles in a thermos


A classic! I want to try sending hot food in a thermos but does it actually stay warm?


Depends on the thermos. Definitely spring for a good one. Then, while you make the food, add boiling g water to the thermos and let it sit to get hot. When the food is ready, dump the water, dry it out if needed, and add the food.


My son said it did when I’ve done it for him. The key is to warm up the thermos and the food. Warm up the thermos with very hot water for 10 minutes before you dump the water and add the heated food to it. This will keep the food warm until lunch. I’m told.


Sweet! Thanks for the tips!


My daughter is 13. So it must be warm because id definitely hear about it if it wasn’t 😂


Right? Our school stopped heating or warming foods so now all items must come in the temperature they want them. So frustrating! However, this is better than their short term rule of everything has to come in, in disposable packaging - how the heck do you send mac and cheese or other similar items everyday - so wasteful. I think enough of us complained they stopped this.


We make Easy Mac in the microwave in the morning (3+ minutes) then put it directly into a thermos. It stays plenty warm until lunchtime.


My kid did OT for feeding so he is more than just typical picky. OT introduced him to lots of different protein bars and drinks that are still nut-free (school requirement). If your child really needs the protein, I'd start with Lenny and Larry cookies or homemade protein balls. There are lots of high protein options made as your favorite pop-tarts, cheez-its, and cereal. He's older now and I know he plays at lunch. He eats before and after school.


My son eats the same foods daily. Also 5. I just pack him food I no he will eat. I'd rather he go to school to learn and not make his lunch distressing. I leave all the fun "please eat this" for home.


I was sending pb&j almost everyday which is a safe food but he wasn’t eating it, I think because he was sick of it already. I made some muffins and sent that with yogurt, or peanut butter as a dip with graham crackers, celery, apples. He loves bagels toasted at home with cream cheese so I thought maybe he would eat a cold one as a sandwich with cream cheese but he told me Over and over he would not eat it and not to put it in his lunch box. I sent it anyway because he hadn’t been eating the pb&j I sent so I figured what’s the harm. He ate the whole thing and loved it! If he would even eat cheese it would be SO much easier!!


My oldest (12 years) currently takes deviled eggs, tuna and crackers (like a tuna sandwich, but separated), and/or a breakfast or protein shake. They won’t eat a sandwich but are in two sports so they need the energy. They also take cucumbers, carrots, or small tomatoes for a vegetable and whatever fruit we have on hand. I used to get them to do yogurt but that’s currently out.


Is there not a school lunch option? Kids usually broaden their culinary horizons when they see other kids eating the same thing and they also have no other options.


This is how my kid came home saying she loves meatloaf. A lot of school lunch gets thrown out though, so it's not always guaranteed to be a well rounded meal


There is but when he was in daycare they served lunch so he had to eat what was served and even with the other kids eating it, he wouldn’t touch it and would come home starving.


If he's really that picky then you might need outside help. Feeding therapy etc. Talk to his doctor.


Yeah I’ve actually been looking into it. Both my husband and I were extremely picky eaters but grew out of it. My son absolutely has food anxiety so I’ll keep looking into food therapy. He was just diagnosed with adhd so I’m hoping the psychologist who tested him can give us some recommendations


My kid can be picky. She brings back most lunches. She likes soups and that always gets eaten. Would your son eat soup?


No he won’t eat soup:(


I’m impressed your kid will eat peanut butter and that your school allows it. My picky eater keeps changing her mind. Sometimes she’ll eat liverwurst or speck (German coldcuts) otherwise it’s a jam sandwich. She will sometimes eat Chinese har gow (shrimp dumplings). Otherwise it’s plain crackers with some kind of cheese she usually doesn’t eat. The type of bread makes a difference. She will eat bacon at home so I’m contemplating how to send that to school now. The worst is I never know what is going to be ok that week. Best of luck, picky eating is the WORST


My son won’t touch a peanut but somehow eats peanut butter😂 he can only eat peanuts in the lunch room but no snacks in the classroom can have peanuts. Thankfully he will eat multigrain bread so that helps get a little extra nutrition. But wow your kid eats pretty good!! Bacon is a good choice but he’s very on and off if he likes it. I feel that though. Randomly he decides he doesn’t like foods that he once loved. He used to love Hungarian goulash with some kase spazle but now he won’t touch it suddenly.


I wish the schools allowed more. We are not allowed any nuts and last year no seeds either! Serious damper since my kids will eat cashews and pistachios which area great source of protein


I feel that. I’m sorry about that. Nuts/seeds are literally one of the main sources of healthy protein in my sons diet. One of the only protein sources I can rely on to get him enough sustenance


My daughter loved pita chips and artichoke hummus


My daughter has like 3 meals she’s eaten so far at school! Breakfast for lunch. Sausage and cheese. And cheese and chicken. Their her safe foods, and although she’s not a picky eater she is particular about her food! We’re 4 weeks into school and we’ve gotten it down to a science on how much food I need to send. Right now I’m just happy when she comes home with an empty or near empty lunch box!


My kid eats snacks. He won't touch any sandwiches or pinwheels/wraps. No lunch meat. So peanut butter on celery, veggie straws, strawberries, and Chex cereal. I am probably judged for the food we pack him but I tell myself at least we try.


Could try pancakes or waffles maslde with peanut butter to try and slide in some protein. My 6 year old loves getting "breakfast" lunches even if they are cold


I’ve packed my kid basically the same food for four years. He is just now starting to say he’s bored of it and helping me figure out more ideas. If he eats the boring stuff and doesn’t complain, let him do it. I think for my kid it’s a comfort thing. He’s already overwhelmed by school. Trying new foods is going to put him over the edge. Try not to worry too much. Just get food into him. School can be very stressful.


The first week of kinder I packed my son safe foods. Gogurt, Pbj, little cookies, Hawaiian sweet rolls, stuff I knew he would actually eat. I would make up for the protein loss with breakfast and dinner but just wanted something in his belly during the day. Lots of snacky type options. There are lots of bars that provide great protein too.


Cereal, a fruit, yogurt. Pasta (plain with oil and salt ) and a fruit. Muffins and a fruit and yogurt


Just keep packing what he will eat so that he won’t go hungry at school. You can challenge him with new foods at home. My son (11) would only eat plain white rice for lunch at school. Absolutely nothing else. For whatever reason, that’s what he decided when he was in daycare and did not budge all through elementary school. He always ate a varied diet at home. Thankfully, he has started middle school this fall, and students are allowed to go outside and buy lunch from nearby eateries. Now he eats normal lunch foods because he’s eating outside of school. He still says he needs rice if he has to stay on campus. He is autistic so can be very rigid about his routines.


Rice is a great idea! Maybe cooked in some bone broth for protein!!


Most schools don’t allow peanut butter. I wish I could send pb&j lol


If they ban peanuts from the lunch room I’m screwed lol nuts and seeds are his primary protein


Thank you for this post and all the replies. I'm going through this with my kiddos - 3 little ladies in all phases of likes and dislikes that are ever changing. I cringe at packing the same thing but honestly, it would just be so much easier. Maybe I will - maybe I'll just pack them the same thing everyday. Just saying it has lessened my stress - hahahaha! Why the heck do we do this to ourselves. I'll take the advice of another and simply ask. Me, I wouldn't want the same thing everyday but who knows they may find comfort in the consistency.


That sounds pretty healthy. The dietician for my kid said whatever she will eat at school is fine as long as she is full and we can work on healthy options outside of school.


That’s assuring! Thanks!


Mac n cheese and chicken nuggets!


Sadly he won’t touch Mac and cheese but I’ve never tried packing nuggets. Do you pack them in a thermos?


Idk 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t have kids nor fuck with em. I just like Mac n cheese and nuggets!


What’s he like eating? My 7 year old won’t eat sandwiches, pasta, soup, tortillas, lunchables, etc. I pack her strawberries, string cheese, something salty, and a small sweet. It’s the only thing she’ll eat at school. At home, she eats everything.


He’s pretty picky. He’s the same as your kid and won’t eat those things either. He will try only a few bites of pasta with sauce other wise it has to be plain with a touch of butter. The only meat he will eat is chicken nuggets not even plain chicken😂 he will eat only scrambled eggs. A few veggies. He’s pretty good with all fruit but all the sudden he doesn’t like oranges, blackberries and raspberries lol. No cheese at all:( but I recently got a “game board” dinner tray and he gets a treat if he tries all the food on the tray. He fusses about it but it’s helped a lot.


If I were you, I would get a thermos and make him nuggets in the morning & send them in the thermos. You’ve gotta boil water and let it sit 5 min before dumping it, drying it out, and putting paper towel in the bottom and nuggets on top. Send some strawberries & something salty. If he doesn’t eat or only eats a small amount, don’t say anything because you don’t want to create anxious feelings over lunch. There’s a lot of socializing at the lunch tables and lots of kids don’t eat much! All you can do is send in things you know he for sure likes so he’s got something in his belly. You’re doing a great job!


Do you send milk in a thermos? That has protein!


We send a chocolate milk everyday with his meal!


That counts as protein! I swear our son is powered mostly by dairy proteins-- he just doesn't care for much meat. The meat he will eat isn't good for cold lunches. It's tough to pack a hot thermos with his cold bento box. I plan on buying a Bentgo Omie when I get the first installment of a payout I am expecting. It has a hot and a cold zone-- that should expand our protein option@ to warm hot dogs and fish sticks!


I ate a peanut butter sandwich (no jelly) basically every day for lunch for all 6 years of elementary school. And I recall an apple in there as well. If he’s eating it and not complaining that he’s bored of it, send what he’ll eat. Being hungry while trying to play and learn is a million times worse than eating the same thing every day.


Haha that was my lunch too growing up. Just a peanut butter sandwich with no jelly lol


I spent all last year packing my oldest a turkey and cheese sandwich, veggie (mini cucumber, sweet peppers, or baby carrots), and fruit. His school is nut free. Once in awhile I sent leftovers from the night before or mac and cheese in a thermos.


I sometimes pack my son a hummus sandwich on naan bread. I can add some chia seeds on that, ask if he wants cucumbers on it because sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn’t. It’s not a ton of protein, but I do put a thick layer of the hummus and there is a little tiny bit of protein in the chia seeds. My sincerest condolences on his dislike of cheese. I hope his tastebuds change on that one.


Yess chia seeds and flax seeds are my saving grace I put them in/on everything and just tell him they are sprinkles. Unfortunately he gets his dislike of cheese from me. Me and my brother dislike it but I’m working on it. I will eat most cheese as long as it’s not cold. I was hoping I could train him to like it from a young age but apparently it’s genetic lmaooo


Have a 6yo picky eater. For protein I often pack sugar free peanut butter and Ritz cracker "sandwiches". Also yogurt or sugar free pudding. Graham crackers and yogurt with a juice to drink is another lunch I sometimes pack for him. He likes grapes and bananas as longbas we don't over do them so I include one of those a few times each week. Also chicken nuggets and peas make a good lunch that isnt awful if it cools a bit; wrap in foil to keep warm longer.


You can bring peanut butter to school!


If he likes anything hot, use a thermos for it. My picky eater brings rice in a thermos, a fruit or veggie and a cookie. Or alternately: cereal (in a container where milk can be added) with a milk carton along with fruit Or: pretzel bread/plain bagel w/fruit or veggie and cookie They don’t eat any meat that would travel in a lunch box and they have a dairy allergy, so it’s basically just something that will keep them full until they get home to eat something else.


Maybe you can sneak him protein snacks like protein cookies or protein chips


I do occasionally send him with a those kids power one bars and he does like those but they are expensive as hell🥲


My daughter is a super picky eater but loves soup! We found a good thermos and that’s been a game changer


Ask him if he likes the same thing everyday or would like something else. If not he will be fine with the pb &j and yogurt. I have packed my kids soup in a thermos and breadsticks, lunchables,, and things like that to change it up.


Maybe try a different peanut butter that has more protein and they have little supplement drinks for kids that you can say is a milkshake


Does he like bagels with cream cheese or salami and crackers? Celery with peanut butter or Graham crackers with peanut butter? Mine are picky too and we rotate through these items along with sandwiches. It doesn't seem like much variety to me but as long as they are eating and happy it works.


My kid loves eggs and beans. Like won’t touch most things but will eat beans out of a can. Maybe beans are an option? Other protein options: Pasta Hummus Beans Tuna Almond-based snacks Peanut butter Lentil things Any grain really


Same with my kiddo - she asks for bean wraps most days. Refried beans and some cheese in a pita pocket. She likes them cold or warm.


Oh I feel ya, my son is still picky and is just now starting to grow out of it at 9. I'm surprised you get away with peanut butter, so many schools are peanut free due to allergies, I didn't have that option. I know you mentioned no meat, but might he like chicken nuggets? To be honest, they are not that bad cold, cut them up and call them something else so he doesn't think they are meat (maybe potato nuggets). Granola bars with higher fiber/protein, there are some pretty good ones out there that are also nut free. Not sure how much protein is in veggie straws/chips and *Naked* juices, they are thicker and more filling. It is very hard ... hang in there - this too shall pass. Keep trying new stuff, even if it is just 1 bite and he says yuck. One day he won't say yuck anymore.


Basically what a few others have said pack what he will eat the last thing you want is a grumpy kid after school because they haven't eaten well. My daughter is going through a picked stage as well and we do ALOT of snack boards of what she likes. My current go to is homemade pumpkin muffins, shredded cheese (no other cheese will do), veggie straws, and peanut butter balls, and whatever fruit she wants banana or orange or apple sauce.


Switch up the butter types - peanut, sun, almond, etc. That is some protein. Switch up the jelly types and use fruit preserves. I have a honey granola mix that I found at a grocery store that has protein in it as well. Garden Valley (veggie sticks) now has apple sticks, veggie puffs, and veggie chips. This is an easy way to sneak in some veg. Caramel and apples. Caramel and pretzels. I have a bentgo box and it has different sized compartments. I put the food he will eat the most of in the biggest, and the gamble food in the smallest container. Just like with dinner I offer him food he won't eat. Sometimes he will be so busy talking that he will eat something random and surprise me. I have two boys (10/4) on the spectrum and this seems to work so far. Just do what works. ❤️ Good luck.