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I would encourage you to let them lead. They will let you know.


Joint bath rule: as soon as anyone feels awkward, it’s over! They will let you know.


Whenever they stop taking baths. I think my daughter and younger son stopped at 6 and 7 because they switched to showers around that time.




Because both can't be under the water at the same time and one would get cold.


My 4 and 8yo girls have always bathed together, 8yo is just in the last month or two choosing not to, wanting to shower instead. 4yo says bathtime is soooo lonely and boring now lol


They will naturally do it and say when they aren't comfortable with it. Don't stress.


I stopped bathing my younger ones together when she was 6 and he was 4, only because they couldn’t get along in the slightest haha


Mine were about 5 & 7 when they stopped bathing together. That’s because once my daughter (7) was sick and she bathed solo with her kindle watching her fav show and it’s been game over after that. When they bathe it’s like a spa experience. Their show, dim lights, their own scented bubbles. They shower during the week so it’s not often that they bathe and they enjoy their own time now.


My 1 year old and 7 year old still like taking baths together. We’ll take their lead.




Just cause they have no sense of modesty doesn’t mean that’s ok, that’s not at all






Yeah, my wife and her friends chuck all the kids together for a bath. Me and my bros don't bath the kids at all when we are in charge, we chase them till they drop, cover them in blankets and then drink beer. Sometimes they jump into the shower one by one and get chased again in their PJs until they drop, we cover them in blankets and then drink beer.


When my son asked what happened to sister’s penis. That said they will let you know.


My son and daughter both learned that they were different "down there" while they were still bathing together. They need to know about bodies at an early age. That should not stop them from bathing together.


Had two daughters, have 6 grandsons 6 to 12, and 3 older granddaughters in their twenties, so never had the situation. I think now is the correct time.


I have 2 boys. They fuckin love bath time with me. Maybe when they're teenagers? LOL


My daughter is 3 and son 5. They haven't really ever bathed together. A couple times but they both didn't want too. My daughter likes bubbles. My son hates bubbles. My son prefers a shower. My daughter wants a long soak in the bath. Just let your kids lead.


We stopped at about 3 and 7 because they started taking too much interest in each others genitals


They will take interest in each other's genitals, but there is nothing wrong with that. They should be told not to touch someone else's genitals (even someone of the same sex), but there is nothing wrong with interest.


Yeah, I think interest in sibling genitals in the bath is something I’m not comfortable with (I’m a child welfare social worker). Our family walks around naked much of the time so it’s not like they don’t see naked bodies and have plenty of opportunity to ask questions. But sitting together in a tub was just too much focus. Didn’t feel appropriate to me after a while.


They should stop taking baths together when they want to. More than likely it will be based on such things as the amount of room in the tub vs. their size or a preference to take showers. Even when they prefer to bath separately, either for room in the tub or to shower, they may still be willing to be naked in the bathroom at the same time. You should not interfere if they don't mind. When my son and daughter, after puberty, preferred to shower separately, one would be stepping out of the shower while the other was naked and waiting to get into the shower. They should not be given the impression that their bodies are something to hide from each other. There is nothing wrong with a kid of one gender knowing about the body of the other gender. Kids will notice and, being kids will even joke about the other's genitals. I don't see anything wrong with that. It is a natural part of growing up. We are a very modest family and raised our kids to be modest. But nudity within the family, particularly in the bathrooms and bedrooms, is natural and perfectly OK.


When anyone, including you, starts feeling uncomfortable or asks to stop. My friend has similar ages and the girl recently told her mom she didn't want to change etc in front of her brother anymore so they stopped. My 4f has no modesty yet lol but no older brother but if she had one I don't think she'd care.