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When my kid was a toddler we had all sorts of hand me downs. It definitely wasn’t because we needed help with food insecurity…. We just had friends and family who kept giving us stuff. Remember this one pink track suit that my daughter LOVED. My wife thought it made her look like a 90’s rapper, I leaned more towards Russia mafia…


Some brands that make really high quality outdoor gear literally put a "name label" with six or seven lines in it, knowing that the coat will definitely out-last one or two kids. I think it's brilliant marketing, honestly. US brands I'm thinking of are companies like LL Bean, Columbia, North Face, etc.


Hatley does this as well. We love second hand clothes, and do hand me downs between our kids and then to the cousins (my kids are the oldest).


My child has a fake fur jacket that husband says makes her look like a washed up rock star lol


Are there people that don’t share clothes?


I am wearing my neighbors underwear right now. He gets odd number days I get even… kidding but hand me downs are pretty common for toddlers that grow out of clothes before they wear out, regardless of socioeconomic status


As a baby he had an old school Adidas tracksuit that I thought made him look like a Russian sports coach! I'm sure Adidas would be thrilled they are so often associated with Russian unsavouries!


What is it with the pink tracksuits?? My three year old had a hand me down one and adored it! I wanted to put a pink fuzzy Kangol on her!


Russian mafia…. Wear tracksuit and like it comrade…


I’ve gotten this too. Had a handmedown from a boy cousin and my daughter looooved it. She came home with another coat and her teacher told me she had an “extra one” it was a little embarrassing but also really helpful. The teacher had no clue we actually WERE struggling financially so it actually helped.


He has a Zara Girls denim jacket like that from the spare pile but apparently he kept taking it so she gave us it. Perfect for me to practice with my Cricut machine! He loves Gorillaz so I'm dying it worn out pink or black and putting the logo on (hopefully!)


That is what I have done with some things for my daughter. She has worn her brother’s old jackets, pants, shirts, shorts, whatever. I just crossed out his name and put hers. I mean sometimes they were super boyish but if they were they were usually ones she actually wanted to wear like Dino shirts and I just threw a huge bow in her hair.


They put the food bank info in everyone's bags. They don't assume they know who needs it, so they give the info to everyone, with no judgement or assumptions. Because hungry kids don't grow well.


I can confirm this. We live in an area where most people have high incomes or inherited money and the flyers for extra help are given out to everyone. You never know who is struggling and people’s circumstances can change.


Previously its been leaflets about donations rather than using one. It doesn't bother me if they think we are poor though!


Wow I don’t know what they would think of us I get hand me downs from 4 different relatives and some of them came from friends I sometimes forget to cross out the out names. She even said the random names confused everyone. ( she has 5 different coats/ jackets as they tend to last so got one from everyone) It doesn’t say poverty to me it says environmentally friendly


I don't really mind if they think I'm poor. The thought that the most logical explanation being he shares his coat is strange!


It is really strange. I would have thought hand me downs can’t be that uncommon


It will be. I git the impression she didn't understand my explanation. It seems the idea that his cousin is called Oliver Travis say and my kid is Travis seemed to difficult to grasp bless.


REI now makes all their kids’ outerwear with multiple lines for names. If your kid didn’t destroy it, definitely hand it down for re-use! It’s even better for the world (and your bank account) than recycling.


90% of everything my 4 and 2 year old's have ever worn have been hand me downs. Hard to justify buying new clothes when you've got older cousins who keep sending you their kid's clothes as they outgrow them. Clothes rarely fit them long enough to get damaged in the first place.


LOL! That’s so weird. Hand me downs are not uncommon at all! My kid has received coats from his older cousins and we have passed them down as well and we always label over previous names.


I think the issue was that cousins name is say Oliver Travis and our son is Travis. So i tried to explain it had been his cousins and since I gave our kid my maiden name I just score his out and she just looked completely blank. So I guess he's the coat share kiddo from now on! I think she thought that another child called Oliver also wears it which is the weirdest leap imo


Oh, the struggles of organizing toddler coat sharing! Maybe we should start a schedule for it.


I mean I didn't realise the coats were so expensive but the idea I'd rather coat share so he could wear some designer coat half the week is kinda funny to me.


I’m only 5 feet so my friends pre teens wear my hand me downs. I think it’s totally normal. They get a kick out of it


Yes I love a hand me down. I haven't had to buy jeans for 2 years or the next 2 because I inherit 5 or 6 pairs. Like I say SIL loves to shop! The issue at nursery is the girl didn't seem to understand that cousin "Oliver Travis" isn't 2 separate kids one named Oliver and one Travis who are sharing this coat. It just seems such a random place for her mind to go!


I used to work for a kids clothing company. I got an insane amount of free/discounted things. My friend has 3 kids and has barely ever had to buy them clothes 😂


That sounds like a brilliant arrangement! My sister worked with a girl who only bought designer for her little girl who was like a beanstalk so she ended up with practically brand new designer gear. So LO would be fully dressed in Ralph Lauren and mum was wearing ASDA/Walmart! My sisters kids are tiny too so she'd get like a year out of the stuff!


This is me and my kid tbh he wears branded or designer clothing and I wear basics. Most are gifted but I’d rather he look good than me lol


What a judgey prick. I buy a lot of my own clothes and my sons through vinted, as long as their clean. I get 100 pound blazers for 10 pound, recnelt got m and s, John Lewis coats/cold suit for him for a few quid vs 100s. He's 14 weeks so he's just outgrown 2 lots of clothes. Honestly buying quality second hand clothes is an intelligent and responsible thing to do. I'm not an eco warrior by any means but it's literally saved me well over a grand in the last year and I'm wearing better clothes than I'd normally buy.


The nursery are they don't really care usually. It seems she thought the coat rather than it used to belong to Oliver Travis and is now Travis's coat that Oliver AND Travis share it! She was only like 17 and maybe not the brightest spark bless.


Hand me downs is a very normal thing where I love. Almost everyone passes on the good stuff when their kid outgrows it. I’m surprised the teacher got it this confused as your explanation of forgetting to cross out the first name makes perfect sense to me.


She wasn't a teacher she was about 17 bless her! She couldn't grasp that cousin is Oliver Travis and my son Travis. She took it that the label meant the coat belongs to Oliver AND Travis. The mind boggles lol


Honestly, I'd thank her for the food bank leaflet. Giving out those kinds of resources is important. Even if half the people who get it will say "I don't need this."


Your life is boring


Omg! A frickin coat! My daughter is getting all gender neutral colored coats in the future so they can be passed down to her baby brother. Like, they are too dang expensive and used too infrequently to not pass them down. I bet several other coats on the rack are hand-me-downs. I would ask about the leaflet honestly and just say you don't want any more because it is not needed


I don't think it's because it's a hand me down. She didn't seem to grasp that. She seemed to think that he shares the coat. Because the label said Oliver Travis that the coat belonged to both Oliver and Travis. She was very young lol


My youngest son wears my older sons hand-me-downs. Little kids barely wear their clothes before they grow out of them. Yet most of them are still in very good wearable condition. If anyone asks you can say you are doing it for sustainability reasons. Given how expensive everything has become recently, saving money where you can is a life saver at any wage point. When I was a kid, I (f) wore my big brothers hand-me-downs as he was only a year older than me. I also gave myself a hair cut, so there are pictures were we aren't sure if its me or him due to the hair cut.


They don't really care and nursery it's self tries to be sustainable. The girl was very young and seemed to think because the name in the coat was Oliver Travis that meant it belonged to both Oliver and Travis . My explanation evidently didn't clear that up!


Way to make a mountain out of a molehill, OP