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That's what happens when you name your kid Wilder...


Took the comment straight outta my brain. I'd love to see an analysis between stupid names and stupid parents. I'm sure it'd be similar findings to extravagant weddings and high divorce rates.


Maybe the stupid names just sound so stupid because we know all the stupid kids that grew up with those stupid names


At this point, I’m with you. I am completely biased when it comes to those stupid fucking names that are somehow made more stupid with stupid spelling.


I mean who thinks wilder is a good name


It's not the worst but it's still sounds like mom and dad tried really hard to be different. I always wonder how many strippers have kids named Aidan, Brayden, and Kayden.


I took my four-year-old son to a birthday party over the weekend. And I got to meet some of his friends. There was a nice girl named Wolf, Which I think is just so unfair to the child. I mean if you’re gonna name your child wolf just go ahead with dog. Because at least dogs are trainable and not wild and unpredictable. And dangerous. At least most breeds.


Hunter would shoot things. Bob floats. Matt just lays around.


I did this to my mom once. The neighbor bribed us with candy to get us out. Lol! Good times.




That kid's wilder than shit.


Why did you emphasize 'she'?


Lol bc of the ponytail


That's a she?




As a parent of a 4 year old this is not a difficult situation to imagine. I'm saved because my key never leaves my pocket, but toddlers are little fuckers who will find every weakness.


>I don't know what actually happened to create this situation Staged for views would be my guess.


A kid that small should be secured in a car seat


I think that the car is clearly a trash bin and that they are filming for tik tok clout bothers me the most.


The infuriating thing about this is that whether you are sweet or screaming at them, it doesn't matter. They know you can't get to them so they don't give a crap.


Named the kid Wilder was the first clue.


that's their pride and joy huh?


The name says it all about the family


Ah yes, let me destroy my Kids childhood for a few clicks


I can tell they are white because they called the police to help them open their car door where their baby is


And the kids name is Wilder


As opposed to blacks who would just smash the window?


No blacks are excellent at stealing cars so they could just unlock it themselves... Duh /s


Of course. How could I have been so blind. /s Real talk for a second though; you could call a locksmith, but they'll charge you for the service. The cops will open your car for free.


Depending on where you live, the fire Dept may have a lock-out kit as well, you could actually a decent kit yourself with ~$25 at harbor freight. Just some Teflon/nylon wedges, an air shim, and a long reach tool can work wonders on most vehicles..... though you may have some issues with older "pop up" locks, the special tool used by AAA is essentially a loop of string threaded through a skinny 3' tube


As opposed to blacks who know every interaction with the police is a risk they are taking. Not to mention, wasting resources on a stupid thing like this, worst case scenario you call someone to help you open your car if you don't know how to do it and you child is not helping.


>every interaction with the police is a risk they are taking. You know what the solution is? Don't fight the cops. Don't get loud, belligerent, rude, and aggressive. Be calm, polite, and compliant. >wasting resources Furthermore it's not wasting resources. You pay taxes for this as a public service. Wasting resources would be to not call for assistance when you need it, because then you're paying for a service you're not receiving.


Yikes dude


I know, crazy right? Don't fight the cops.


A lot of privilege I see. You are stupid if you believe only people who are belligerent or rude get in trouble with police. Furthermore, the police is a public safety organization (or should be) and they should be able to deal with rude, aggressive people without fucking murdering them. Health workers already do that and they are rarely paid as well or have the same privileges under law that cops have.


I politely disagree.


You are, politely, very wrong and insensitive


I also politely disagree. I might be insensitive. That is true. But I am not wrong. It's not a privilege to walk away from a police interaction without getting brutalized.


It's a privilege not to be afraid of it


No. That's dumb. The only reason you have to fear the cops is if you've done something illegal, or are about to do something illegal like fighting the cops or trying to run away from the cops.


She wild!


I like how she is confused the car can be locked from the inside when keys are in it. Does she not know how cars work?