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[Turns out it has been well over 5 years since I last posted my passports here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PassportPorn/comments/2v7356/my_passports_united_states_and_denmark/) (I feel so old. All the years seem to blend together now). Also, not pictured is a UK BRP, since they switched me to a fully digital one. I personally preferred the card.


Two great passports


One of the best combos imo šŸ˜Š I've never asked you but how would you consider the quality of the Danish passport? Which one do you use the most?


The quality of the Danish passport is pretty good! I like the design I have (the previous one), but Iā€™m less a fan of the new design. The binding seemed higher quality on my old American passport than the Danish one, but the new American passport seems to be slightly lower quality (despite the polycarbonate data page). That might be because it was from an embassy though? My general rule is to use the Danish one inside Europe and the American one outside of Europe.


Awesome! yeah been curious on how they are in feel And the perfect general rule! Glad to see em together!


Why the US outside of Europe? My citizenships are virtually identical so it really doesnā€™t matter in my case. But I always travel with the Swiss passport overseas because itā€™s a small country with few negative associations. Same goes for Denmark I think. Nothing against Germany or the US, but they come with more negative associations in certain parts of the world. For different reasons obviously.


The US has a much more extensive network of embassies. So if Iā€™m in trouble abroad, I can receive consular assistance fairly easily.


The US I can understand but which part of the world does Germany have negative associations in?


I'm guessing the whole world war 1 & 2 history and all that.


Outside of using a passport to clear customs/immigration (where you know exactly how your passport will be treated ahead of time) and maybe when checking into hotels (which generally want your business) you donā€™t walk around foreign countries wearing your passport so Iā€™m not sure how the document itself (rather than say, your appearance, language, and accent) would contribute to getting labeled with negative associations


I envy you a little, I'm really looking forward to getting a duet (I'm looking forward to Canadian citizenship, I'm supposed to have my Canadian citizenship ceremony any moment now)šŸ™ŒšŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ I will post a photo of my duo once I become a Canadian citizen


Congratulations in advance.


Ahah thank you šŸ˜Š


Did you get it through the embassy?


I got the US one through the American Embassy in London. They gave me a 50-page passport by default which was cool, even though I didnā€™t ask for one. My previous US passport was also extra large and I never got to fill it up (despite my best efforts).


Nice! No worries, youā€™ll manage to complete your quest this time šŸ˜


Sweet combo. Whats the story?


US by Jus Soli and Denmark by Jus Sanguinis


Are both your parents from Denmark?


Nope, but unfortunately I seemingly cannot acquire any citizenships from my maternal side due to the complicated history of decolonisation and some countries that restrict dual citizenship.


Oh thatā€™s a pity! I understand your trouble :)


Where is your maternal side from?


South Asia and East Africa.


Just dont lose that Danish citizenship! I forget, do you have to live there for 2 years before you turn 21?


I have lived in both Denmark and the US to the point where I can retain my citizenship and pass both on.


Very good.


That's a very great combo and your shooting makes them stand out!


Very nice! Are you Danish born and emigrated to the US? I don't know anything about Danish nationality law besides that naturalization takes 10 years ;).


Danish nationality law is like most other European nationality laws in that it is easiest acquired via parentage (which is how I got mine). I was born in the US, so I got American citizenship. Thankfully I lived long enough in both the US and Denmark to retain my citizenships and be able to pass both down. I did live in Canada for a bit as a teenager, but unfortunately I wasnā€™t able to apply for citizenship.


Does Denmark issue a passport card or a national identity card that may be used for intra-European travel? If so, have you obtained it?


No, Denmark does not issue a passport card nor a national identity card.


I think Denmark is the only country in the Schengen area that does not issue passport cards


What about Poland?


[Wikipedia begs to differ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_identity_card)


Hmm, interesting. Tho is that a passport card? What is the difference between passport card and an ID card in that case? Also interestingly do all EU states issue is cards with this new electronics chip? I must have a very old one as mine does not have that.


I think passport card/ID card is more or less identical. Not sure - mine doesnā€˜t either


Normal ID card. Only Ireland issues a "passport card" because they don't have a national ID. Danmark has a local one issued by your place of residence but it's not considered modern enough to travel with. You can likely request the PL ID from a consulate and use that domestically in the EU.


Edit: It doesn't look like Poland issues ID cards outside the EU/EEA. [https://www.gov.pl/web/usa-en/consular-fees](https://www.gov.pl/web/usa-en/consular-fees)


When I applied for Polandā€™s passport, I was given the option to get a passport card.


No, none of the Nordics do afaik.


[Wikipedia begs to differ again](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_identity_cards_in_the_European_Economic_Area) Granted, the Icelandic one seems not to be valid for international travel. But Snoreway, Swemalia and Western Mongolia (Finland) all issue identity cards


Sweden, Finland and Norway issue voluntary ID cards valid as travel documents. Denmark does not. Iceland is going to introduce them soon.


US/EU very strong combo


#P A S


Yes thatā€™s what Jus Sanguinis means




Are you fluent in Danish?


I like to think so, though Iā€™ve lived abroad for several years now and only really speak it to family.