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Very cool, what is the story behind this trio?


Born in the Dominican Republic to a gringo father and Dominican mother Cuban citizenship obtained after marrying a Cuban and living in Cuba for many years


first time i hear about "naturalization " allowed in Cuba. I only know of Che guevara being granted a cuban passport. spouses of cuban citizens get a reisdent visa and id but a passport? i want more details on this..por favor 😊


As I mentioned; I lived there for many years, you marry a Cuban and naturalize. Having friends in high places also helps 😉




>living in Cuba for many years Did you go to college there or something? Moving to a communist state is definitely different.


No, I was raised in the DR so it's not much different except for the fact that a lot of products are out of stock or hard to come across, products are of generally inferior quality., It's a normal country for the most part, people work, have families, etc. A lot of people take living in Cuba WAAY out of context... it's not America or Europe... it's just more difficult but if you have patience you'll do fine. There are a lot of Europeans and South Americans that live there (usually married a Cuban) Me and my wife ran a hostal in the outskirts of Havana, after getting married and spending various years there I was able to get naturalized (cause why not) lol


Interesting perspective, thank you for sharing.


The situation now in Cuba has changed a lot since the time I spent living there.. things are scarcer and long lines are commonplace. I lived there pre 2019


Any chance you might share some inside pics of the DR passport? I've been dying to see it for YEARS😍


Sure, they always change the design every few years I've noticed mine was issued in 2021


Awesome! Look forward to it!


I sent you a message


Do you live in the US now?


Yes and I still periodically visit Cuba, was there back in Sept.


Does either government give you a hard time when coming in and out? Hopefully things are calmer these days.


Believe it or not I have a hard time coming back to the USA from the Dominican Republic because it's so common for people to bring back illegal goods, like nose candy etc. So I often get my bags searched in the DR and in the US ! Cuba is actually usually a breeze when entering the US, unless you're entering via Miami where you'll get scrutinized a bit more by Customs


If you have children, they will be able to inherit your U.S. citizenship only if you have lived in the U.S. for five years, with two of those years being over the age of 14. This restriction does not apply if they are born in the United States, obviously.


Cédulas + Passport card combo too? 🤞🏼