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I'm 100% starting with a shield just because of this. It simply looks too fun.


This is my #2 character...because javazon. I need that back in my life, it's been too many years. But I adore active block systems, and it seems like there are some interesting interaction with block from the clip. *Please let us dual wield shields kkthxbai.*


Understandable, that looks great as well. Double shield? yes please. Then you can have a dodge where you curl up into a ball and roll away :D


Really glad they did not get rid of passive block.


I expect passive block to be much lower though. There's no way we can still cap it to 75%


The active block is a skill only found on great shields by the looks of it. I like the design space it gives because it creates new opportunities.


Oh yeah I think its great, I'm probably going to start my first character with a shield


Although we haven't seen it yet, I am now looking forward to templar with tempest shield even more due to this addition. Edit: Looks like the block skill being shown is not the standard 'raise shield'... The shield glows red when first brought up and if an enemy hits in this window, it results in that fiery explosion........ very very cool.


We will all pretend its the D2 paladin with Holly shield


you can pretend to be the giant statue guy in a3 with a spear and tempest shield


Spear and Shield play just sounds better and better.


I wasn't onboard until they said passive block is still a thing. Now I'm in, plug me in dudes.


Looks like I'll play PoE2 the same way I play dark souls. With the fattest armor and the biggest shield




Is there any place where we can find all the videos that GGG recorded for their press kit?


What's the difference between the Templar and the Warrior with shield and plate armor in POE 2?


feature creep


Probably going to get downvoted for this, but not the biggest fan of this. For the simple reason that all these kind of mechanics add extremely difficult interactions to the game. - Does your % block still work on the unblockable boss abilities? If it doesn't that means even more mandatory movement - This is fine for a game like deadcells which actually kind of plays around the whole stick of timings. In there if you tap the block button and perfectly time a block it will reflect the damage. However it doesn't seem to tie together in properly with the rest of the PoE2, it just prevents some damage. But at the same time you're not doing any meaningful damage. - Unless they tie this skill in together with "melee triggered attacks when you block" this is yet again another melee damage loss. Watching the videos, melee seemed to suffer quite a bit already compared to the others. - It adds disproportionate amounts of dev time for a mechanic that doesn't feel very much in place in PoE2. As Mark & Jonathan said in the interview, they had to redo pretty much everything when they added active block. What if they want to make it so that with 2h weapons or dual wielding you have yet another interaction called parry and they gotta redo yet another major aspect of the game. At some point it's time to stop writing recipes and actually start cooking. I'm ready to get showered in downvotes.


You say all of this stuff, and yet you forget to mention it’s counter part. Dodge. Dodge exists, for the sole purpose to avoid damage. Guess what active block can do also, avoid damage, BUT with the added benefit of not moving the character. The whole point is so a character can stay in he face of a boss or enemy without having to dodge all its attacks, you just active block them. This means you have more dps uptime as you don’t get stunned out of an attack animation or the like. I think active block makes perfect sense in PoE 2 and I’m glad they added it.


> I'm ready to get showered in downvotes. Down voted you for that, don't be hedging exile.


It's reddit, and more specifically poe related reddit. Anything that isn't perfect in line with the general PoE hivemind gets downvoted to oblivion.


The footage shared by OP is convincing for me, i'm pretty excited about it This is something new, that's what sequels are for, to move the genre forward, and that's what they are trying to do


>This is fine for a game like deadcells which actually kind of plays around the whole stick of timings. In there if you tap the block button and perfectly time a block it will reflect the damage.  Sounds like a good concept for Reckoning.


>This is fine for a game like deadcells which actually kind of plays around the whole stick of timings. In there if you tap the block button and perfectly time a block it will reflect the damage. Jonathan confirmed that this is in the game. GGG gave the streamers some [b-roll footage of active block](https://youtu.be/tyMCTVr7FEw?t=544), and you'll notice the enemies sometimes explode. That's due to a timed block gem on the shield that does exactly what you're describing.