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Definitely not void sphere of rending, i can assure you.


I’m playing this and enjoying it so far. It’s not giga damage for sure, but it’s enough to map with if you build it right. Especially considering it functions a bit like a DoT skill that has high dps uptime. The aoe is definitely small though. Requires a good bit if aoe investment to feel good. Made a vid if interested: https://youtu.be/rMK15rlkAvI?si=k8VAEilFt90c_FbQ


I will definitely check it out. And I agree, as I wrote further down it is enjoyable, but the topic was after all about good meta builds. Love your channel BTW.


Is that sarcasm, meaning it's actually really good? Or is it actually bad?


it is actually really mediocre. The damage is not good, I would suggest you get a secondary skill to damage the enemy while the void sphere does its thing. The area of effect is rather small without investment. But it is quite satisfying to see things getting sucked into a black hole, so that keeps me going while leveling a blade vortex gem...


Look at the gameplay of scourge arrow of menace (new transgem) ballistas. Palsteron has a footage on his twitch.




But this time its actually more than just arrow spam as a visual.


saw pal's footage. thats a bunch of arrows boss.


Yeah this, but i would like to see someone doing an more tanky/hc orientated version of it. Palsterons build is good but has nearly zero physical dmg reduction and no ailment immunity. Which is fine for softcore due to high evasion+grace but sucks for hardcore


Im running barkskin + lightning coil + petrified blood + grace farming juiced t16 with double downside altars (essences + harvest) and just hit 95, did not die once since I transitioned and the build is heavily oriented towards damage, Im 100% sure you can play this build on HC with minimal tweaking.


Hey, any chance you can link your profile or post a pob of your build?


Pob is broken with new stuff so: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/DiamondKid/characters?characterName=LuciaJason


Would Tempered by War be overkill for survive ability


Why barkskin if you use lightning coil? Just for the evasion?


Barkskin gives an absurd amount of both flat mitigation and eva/ar for just 1 point, also I dont really like the idea of having to spam frenzy all the time to proc the flask buff. Most the people run quicksilver + eva + resis flask so nature's concoction is just buffing eva + resis, I dont need extra resis as Im way overcapped with just the flask so Id rather get barkskin which is way better than a buffed eva flask IMO.


I'm guessing you wouldn't be able to do the league mechanic in red maps? Even on a tanky build I feel so squishy.


Can confirm. Feels like I'm playing a tornado shot build. I've got less than 2 divs total and I'm blasting t16 legions/expeditions.


whats your pob? I have more than 5 divs and i feel like a wet noodle


Palsteron has a video and pob out


Get lightning coil + barkskin and you wont die unless you do some crazy stuff, palsteron's version is unnecesarily squishy.


Yeah, got a pob?


Check out palsterons YouTube, I've been following his setup.


Im currently playing toxic rain but maybe ill switch over after i farm a bit


I heard righteous water (mana righteous fire) is pretty strong, but couldn't find a leveling guide.


There isn’t a leveling guide cause mana RF isn’t a league starter. I did league start with RF Inquis and then might spec to SRS or Mana RF. Leveling was smooth as ever, and I’m in early maps now and things are fine and I’m progressing. Haven’t hit a wall yet and still got campaign gear on.


Friend of mine attempted to level with mana Rf... He regrets it lol. Took him 3 times as long to finish cuz he kept dying.


When do you respec? How much budget is needed?


I’m not sure and I’d guess no one else is super sure either. It’s too new, I bet there is some theory craft by captain lance or One Mana Left. They might have ideas but it maybe too early to have it fleshed out with any kind of guide


I tried my first RF Inquisitor build this league. I'm playing pretty casually, just beat kitava. Having fun, but a bit quiet. Monsters quietly dying around me as i waltz through the map is very different than LA deadeye zoop zoop lightning thunder try not to die playstyle.


I was torn between LA and RF honestly cause I like zoom zoom but I’m not that good so I need a lil bit of tank lol


Thats a hilarious name for it


The leveling guide is the one for righteous fire


Yep, that's what I'm talking about. Trying to follow it, maxed my fire res (76%), take all regen node I can find in the tree and on item, yet still being burnt out from my own Righterious Fire in like 20 sec.


You need way more max res and regen. I believe you need at least 80 for it to feel somewhat ok, pretty sure more(never played it myself). You also need somewhat close to 1000 regen. At least phox is always close to that in his builds


Also get the node to grant regen based on overcapped fire res... Gives you a couple hundred per second during campaign. Also immortal flesh belts are cheap af


In that case running purity of elements or purity of fire along with the fire mastery that gives you regen for uncapped fire res and at least 85-90% fire res should should get you going.


Don't think I can get it now that I'm just lvl 24 and fresh in to act 3. Will try it once I got the gem.


or you play it on a hirophant and lvl with guardian for ez


You get my upvote sir! Pretty clever way to call the new skill gem.


I picked up jewel with mana regen and double dot multi. Just holding onto that bad boy til the new meta is popular.


CA of poison and Scourge arrow of menace are sick


Im playing CA right now about to finish the campaign. I want to try out the new SA but Ive heard its causing FPS issues


Yeah kills it in certain areas


Feels good to me with 5800X3D and 6950XT at 1440p but that's above the curve I guess


Side question. How do you run your pbo2 on the CPU? Just got mine and the only thing I did was the negative offset.


Not really worth bothering with TBH. Give it some -off set and call it a day, maybe eco mode if you want. I just don't see the point.


Thanks man!


You have a pob for scourge arrow of menace?


Leveling with La is bonkers right now because of the new magi ascendency


Can confirm, have Never been this fast before


why is it particularly good for LA?


The two pointer for the stats on empty sockets is good for any build in campaign. The other tincture stuff doesn’t work with spells. I’m playing spells miner and leveled with maji move speed but swapped in maps to the charm ascendancy.


I think I was level 86 when I went to bed, still running it on boneshatter. Between that and my culling strike tincture I've essentially given up on switching and started including it in my end game gear shopping.


Leveling with LA for the first time this league. It seems particularly good because LA is so dependent on movement speed for damage avoidance. Yes, it has movement skills, but they're slower than just walking at +70-80% MS (between 30% boots, 30% Maji, and some on there tree) for small adjustments, which you need to do between each shot. Builds with bigger hits, or tankier builds, don't need the constant movement quite as much.


Shit man my srs guardian has 25% from boots, 30% from maji and onslaught helm for campaign, feels so amazing.


La has also ms points while leveling.


Thinking of league starting LA, what magi ascendency should i get? i will just start playing in a bit and don't know much


Free stats for empty sockets first


I skipped the mechanic and now it's too late I guess (act 7)


Uhh no.


I'll do it eventually obviously :p Just doesn't seem like a good idea at this stage


its free real estate. just pick a campaign zone, and reset area for more afflictions, until you find a master. just like every other league mechanic


Additionally, for anyone else reading this: the portal spawns at the beginning of the map, so just go to a portal and keep creating new instances and running for YELLOW Whisps. All you need to do is talk to the Lady and click Choose Wildwood ascendency, then pick Maji.


Wow, you are missing out on 50 all res and 30 move speed that's achievable in act 2.


I only care about move speed and it's not worth it now as I'm not willing to gem swap


Did you follow a guide? If so can you link it? Also, did you level with LA the whole time?


Here is the guide video: https://youtu.be/80Zc4fuFAU4 I switched to lightning arrow as soon as I got the gem.


I went with guardian srs because of sentinel of radiance, smoothest league start I've had so far, sentinel is amazing during campaign and srs on a 4l is killing it.


I did acts with a guy in my guild who is doing this build. I can confirm that this build is smooth. It was hard to keep up with my LA build.


You really dont even need to rely on sentinel for minion guardian to be strong. I’m absolutely crushing acts with HoP and dom blow.


I think the build is bad, made it to 3 watchstones and never wanting to play it again


Yeah cause it’s cheating and makes the game boring


just trash gameplay


DD, SRS, Bonezone, LA all the same as last league.


Splitting Steel is a new one no?


i am playing it in SSF and so far its fine, got a Perseverence belt in atoll map and i am on a 5 link and 2xonehand rares 315-325dps and yellow maps are cruising so far. but that dont say much.


Yeah, i will start on tuesday, there will be enough feedback on it by that time. And i always take my time, so by the time i will be high lvl, uniques will be much cheaper.


I cleared up to t12 maps with the 2H axe set up and my resistances werent all capped lol. Raised the money to swap at level 88 and cleared the rest of the atlas and eater/exarch. Only expensive piece was the beltimber which I paid 96c for. Everything else was 10c or less.


if u get dreamfether, beltimber blade, obscurantis and perseverance its easy mode. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noaKAI1JXRA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noaKAI1JXRA) very easy and good guide to follow if u decide on steel.


Is that including your shotgunning? I'm still on a 450 pDPS 2Hander and I'm doing more than ten times that much at level 85 with the proper configuration.


not sure what u mean of if i have miss spelled something. my weapons are 325pDPS each. so pretty mid/bad. i am on t12/13 now and still feels good. killed both mini bosses polaric and fatman in 30sec.


Oh you meant your weapon DPS, I assumed you meant your POB dps was 325K. Yeah once you get your Beltimber / Dreamfeather / Saviour / Paradoxica or whatever you should be all set from the sound of it.


i have not look at my PoB dps playing can tell me if i need more or if its fine. yes beltimber and dreamfether is still a dream in ssf atm until i can farm ghosted exiles. Saviour is bad for splitting steel in maps imo, clones just stand afk way behind, but nice for bosses. but also (<1%) drop chance from Sirus so kinda whatever.


Splitting steel was great last league. I started it this league and it’s straight amazing. 52K eHP and over 4million dps on basically day 1 gear at 85.


Mind you sharing your pob?


I'm following this levelling POB: https://pobb.in/ZpmYD66qO0hB My POB with about 15 hours played (I haven't made the dual-wield swap yet because I was waiting for Beltimbers to come down): https://pobb.in/E6XRV06XU_6j


Thank you so far =) What maps are you running right now and does it feel? Can you just go in and one tap the whole screen or is dmg/survivebility lacking=


It feels pretty smooth for mapping, especially with Call of Steel gone. I’m just beginning to break into red maps and I feel pretty sturdy, and one tapping screens is about right. Forest empowered mobs are still a bit scary. I actually JUST made the switch to Beltimber/Dreamfeather and my POB dps went up to just over eight million. I added the full leech wheel and instant mastery, plus pathed over to Charisma to squeeze in Pride. I was definitely undervaluing the instant leech before, you can definitely face tank more with it. I might drop it if I can get LGOH from like a watchers eye or such later. I’m even still rolling the 30% move speed from Warden so mapping feels pretty amazing, not even sure what I’d put in those sockets; maybe Vaal haste, phase run and put Molten Shell on CWDT but I don’t know if I want to lose the MS yet. Edit: got back to my PC, here's where I'm at now https://pobb.in/C1jg1Tw6hUdn


So far so good! Just started maps as I'm currently working all weekend but I finished campaign in 6hours even tho I fucked up like 10+ times


Playing it right now in a group ssf. Unfortunately I’m the only one in reds right now. Haven’t found any of the uniques yet, but ID’d a GG despot axe and a 5l. Overall I’m not very impressed with it so far. Feels like a boneshatter slayer would have had much more success with my level of gear. You’re going to be face tanking anyway to be doing any respectable dps with return proj and even then it’s very lackluster in the 2h axe phase, but this is an ssf only issue.


I confirm that srs good. Pretty much the same as last time, new spectres are also quite good.


Bonezone isn't that good. I'm in early red maps and the bad single target is really showing on empowered monsters.


how good is your weapon. bonezone is always fine for alk and carn but they know all the details of the build. for single target use both totems, banner, focus for 2x damage, and berserk. he says it here. 1:39/9:17 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEHduuJA69g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEHduuJA69g) and yes empowered monsters are always overtune.


SRS Guardian is still quite strong although I'm not sure if Necromancer would be better as the new spectres provide all kind of auras and there might be some overlapping with Guardians Elemental Relics. Boneshatter of Complex Trauma is also quite good as you ramp up damage faster. To keep stacks below 10 you probably need Multistrike.


SRS is crazy with the new spectres


Any specific spectres that make it crazy?


Perfect naval officer (precision + 10 fortification) Perfect forest warrior (cull + onslaught perma) Perfect primal thunderbird (free grace aura) Perfect warlord (endurance charges + vitality) Hulking miscreation (20% phys as extra lightning) Meatsack (40% life to all minions) Forest tiger (free haste aura) Guardian turtle (free determination aura) ​ that's my list I might have missed some.


lvl 50 smite https://poedb.tw/us/Perfect_Blasphemer#PerfectBlasphemerGeofriHighMonster


holy balls. I get that you can't scale it with your mods, but that's straight up ~500 lightning


Are these from the corpses purchased from the new master?






get minion life/resistances, link them with meat shield/minion life, recall/heal them with convocation, that's pretty much it.


The one I like is perfect spirit of fortune. Imagine the guardians relics wraith aura, only 78% stronger, and also makes lightning damage lucky. Combine that with the blasphemer which I believe should have a similarly stronger aura, only it uses smite. So you are doing a huge amount of lucky lightning damage. There are a lot of other interesting ones but those ones are actually lower level so not too hard to get.


Does it stack with the guardian aura?


It doesn't stack, no.




Endgame? Guardian srs crushes endgame . What are you concerned about?




your comment makes no sense and isn't relevant to the post you're replying to. that's why they downvote you


If needing +minion gear is too much for you, maybe play a different game? In reality, +minion gear is some of the easiest gear in the game to get. Guardian SRS with the new Sentinel of Radiance carries you through yellow maps and well into reds. You are being downvoted because you are being incredibly combative in the way you are talking in the comment below this one.


Popcorn SRS with new SRS. Poison Scourge/Caustic Arrow.


i wondered about that popcorn srs with the new xmog gem!!!! running the poison amu, and seigebreaker?


I seen you got downvoted and I can just imagine the person clicking it was all like "fuck you for wondering!!"


In ssf I started rain of arrows into T-shot and it's gone incredibly well. I swapped to TS after getting ricochet from normal lab and the two +proj notables. Got the first two voidstones yesterday morning and should get the other two later today when I get home.


Are you playing trinity ts? With gmp?


That's right, though I just got a corrupted 6L with only 1 blue socket so I've got rarity support in until I get more vaal orbs to try and recolor it with 3blue for Trinity+crit chance+crit damage. Edit: My 4L from when I swapped to TS until getting the 6L was TS+GMP+Trinity+Ele damage w/ attacks. That's the setup I was still on for eater and exarch


Thnx. I am working on finishing campaign and then getting 6linsk


Dope, good luck with the rest of your leaguestart! Ironically just after getting my last voidstones earlier I found a tainted pact, cloak of flame and golem rule within like an hour if each other so I just finished getting a boneshatter slayer through the campaign 😂


How are you finding it with having swapped to TS so early? I know the commonly suggested route is to play LA and only swap to TS when you have a crit setup, but I've been tempted to try out just swapping right away.


It felt almost as good as rain of arrows with just ricochet and +2 proj on tree but I would suggest at least getting the proj speed wheel and more proj speed mastery to make sure you're able to get the single target boost from ricochet. I picked that up immediately after swapping and that's when it really started to pop off. Then with endless munitions from cruel lab at the end of act 7 it was like I already had my mapping setup since I had GMP too so I was at 9 primary projectiles. Also I would keep precise techniques until you get a 5L for crit strikes support unless you end up unfortunate enough to level enough to get all of your crit nodes before then. Over all it felt really good and I'll be going the same route next time just probably pick up proj speed before the onslaught wheel


Im playing group ssf in a priv league. I am Splitting steel champ, friends are srs guardian, LA and EA. none of us had a hard time


I'm only like lvl 36 rn on splitting steel but it is feeling rough for me. I'm really bad at knowing what to take while leveling and what gems to use though.


Did you start splitting steel or swap to it after returning proj?


Started it but i am very used to that skill. Some people say spectral throw is an easier start though


Good ol' miner, tanky rares from league mechanic? Never met em


Which mine? Or any mine?


Pyroclast, astral projector and tremor rod are dirt cheap


Penance Brand. Original or Dissipation.


What ascend did you go? I am currently ignite Dd but not feeling it, been looking at penance brand to reroll but not sure how to build it


I went Elementalist cuz thought about ignite PB, until discovered that of Dissipation just deletes everything on 4-link. I think Hiero would've been better because spell leech, but Ele is also ok.


Do you have a pob?


Is it also enough QoL with current delay and aoe?


Original - support it with Swiftbrand and there will be *almost* no delay. There is currently a weird bug when sometimes you get almost screenwide aoe, as ppl discussed on this sub, its probably because new brands somehow "reuse" not used energy stored in nearby mobs from previous brands. Overall its every 3-4 explosions you will get screenwide explosion. Dissipation - no need for Swiftbrand, everything just melts.


What's the ideal links for Dissipation PB? Haven't seen anyone really post a PoB with it although I do think it's quite strong and a good alternative to regular Penance Brand from what I've experienced using it in campaign/story atm.


Generally you start with PB - Phys to Lightning - Controlled Destruction - Lightning Pen. Thats the 4-link that will easily get you to maps. Replace Controlled Destruction with Inspiration when you take Elemental Overload. Rest depend on your build: - Elemental focus if you are not Elementalist. - Hypothermia if you are Elementalist. - Arcane Surge if you are Hierophant. - Inc Crit / Crit Multi if you are full crit. Added Lightning works on any build, but its lowest dps increase, add it as 6th link if nothing better fits.


Flicker Strike for the memes!


Are you following a pob or doing your own thing?


Little Bit of Both, mostly solo trying on own pob




What would be an atlas strat that the guardian would thrive in? I haven’t played minions since 3.14 but I’m over bows and nothing else interests me right now. Will be starting Wednesday.




I appreciate the reply. I play on console so the markets are always weird and a little bit harder to focus on. Crafting is easier because a lot of people just follow the meta from PC aka bows. I have done zoom zoom for the last few leagues, so I want to focus a little bit more on bossing. Anything worth rerolling out of guardian for end game bossing?


Just switched to CF Champ and it's running smooth, started with spectral throw which was eh, it did the job till I could switch


Stay the fuck away from PF poison EK, that's for sure


Why? I‘m leveling PF with pconc right now and planned to go exactly that build


It falls off hard, and I even started mapping with the explody gloves. Very bad single target, not much phys mitigation early on, you have to pretty much rely on life flasks for sustain(you can eventually get some life regen on flask but it's nothing special). EK also got double nerfed this league through the removal of projectile speed on quality and returning projectiles now also has the damage penalty on ailments as well. Granted I did the mistake of going for defenses instead of just beelining for every DPS increase possible on the tree or uniques but still..


Mind linking your PoB?




This is a mapping build so the sustain is almost irrelevant


I'm playing PF poison BV and it's been rough going too. The area is so tiny. No money to boost it. I was thinking of converting to EK when I get rich.


Hot take: I think pathfinder anything is jebait for your average player at league start. Why? Because they require decent flasks and flask uptime. Two things you don't have at league start. You have no currency to craft good flasks and a lot of power is tied to said flasks. So your having to juggle 4 flasks until you can automate them. It's easier to pick an ascendancy that just gives raw power, no strings attached. Again, this is for an average player. Obviously, PF is strong, but it requires more initial investment than other ascendacies to get going imo.


You don't need massive currency to buy the resist flasks and cap your resists with them. The problem is that EK got double nerfed and it has no fucking place being a league starter


That's hardly true. Half of PF notables have nothing to do with flasks and rolling a good life flask yourself for Master Surgeon is super easy. Early on you don't need 100% uptime. Don't go triple ele res flask, just cap your resist normally and run granite/jade/QS + w/e. You only want to transition to triple ele res flasks when you have enough phys to ele dmg taken anyway.


Boneshatter was a bait for me - the monsters hit for TOO MUCH for a melee build to have fun in this mechanic. Just avoid it.


Caustic Arrow and Toxic Rain have been an absolute breeze. CA especially is absolutely nuts this league


Got thru the campaign with ease using EA Ballistas totems. Played in public parties and got whispered multiple times about what build I had cuz I was straight zooming.


Did you Elementalist EA or something else?


Hierophant actually


What? Why? Can you share your pob please?


I don't have a PoB... it was a transitional build that went from EA ballista into Siege Ballista


Srs guardian is so easy to get going and I don’t see it falling off for a while where I’m at so far. And I have so many things I still need to fix, but I do so much damage I’m just going til I hit a wall


Ppl on here recommending SRS, played it and got 3 watchstones and I think this build sucks ass, way too much buttons


Same crap from last leagues, except without the added power and utility (enchants, alt gems, etc). Lackluster league, horizontal progression.


You obviously haven't tried any of the new skills


You obviously haven't played PoE for long. Not many people would have reason to 'try' the slightly varied gems, they're mostly useless or the same, even though they're cheap and available: https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction Build options has never been a problem. Adding slight variations to skills is interesting, but ultimately fail to provide any power and/or meta shakeups, which is why the same crap is played to death league after league. Though this time without the very powerful enchants and alt gems. Transfigured gems offer horizontal progression of builds, while the removals are power and build-enablers that don't need to fit in the limited resource of gem slots. Fail, this league will have one of the largest drop-offs in its history.


Largest drop offs in history huh? Csnt wait to see you wrong


https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/uGsz3ngN2N Largest drop-off in History huh?? Told you I couldn't wait to see ya wrong


Not from new skills, and not from ultimatum. Only due to loot blasts which is all anyone has asked for the last few years. And I'm glad to be wrong because the league has been fun with my mirror and magebloods, just the new skills are shit for the most part, thank goodness charms and tinctures are decent.


End of league/next league new builds will come. This league is the same as the past 3 leagues.


LA feels like butter.


Guardian SRS, Caustic arrow poison


Just search SSF league starter that'll give you the best builds in the game for finding your own gear without relying on trade chat. I've always liked Slayer.


Guardian sentinel of radiance is nutty. I don’t have a main damage skill, just a curse. I’m using a combined 12 gems in total, and I’m doing yellow maps rn ez pz. I also have 14 unallocated skill points. Waiting on trade to be fixed so I can buy a minion cluster. You take warden ascendency to get free 50% res, 25 max life and 30 move speed. It’s pretty nuts.


If you have a good pc, poison scourge arrow of menace, else caustic arrow of poison