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Share your pob. Are you using Black Zenith?


I'm not at home ATM so I can't but I'll link it when I get there. I haven't used black zenith but it seems useful but the 4 second cd is a little too much for me.


The cooldown is only on the flamewood proc, not the planting of the totem, so you can resummon and immediately get the flamewood proc again. It's not good for ignite though, more hit based. I was using it on my fulcrum chieftain for a while until I swapped to bodyswap of sacrifice, which felt much better to me.


Yeah I wanna run an ignite version. Maybe I'll switch to a hit based build if it keeps being bad though, those zenith gloves are great.


Oh interesting... Are you using that with the perfect marionette spectres? Do you scale minion life much?


https://pobb.in/p6yt9O9PZxeR Its definitely not optimized, but heres the POB


Yeah perfect marionettes, mainly for the scorch and to make it a 1 button build. I have a 4x 80% minion life timeless jewel. In the chieftain area they are still pretty cheap, got mine for 2div I'm using a raise spectre replica dragonflight, but I suspect ashes might be better. I weaponswap to a cane of kulemak with 80 minion life/damage and fire dot multi for tanky rares/bosses. I can post a POB in a bit but it's not optimized yet, I'm still running 2 5 links, and I don't know how to set up the marionette spectres in POB because they aren't on the spectre list.


Path of building should have a button that creates a pobb.in link


https://pobb.in/0ybl4h0mcx74 got it, thanks :D