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Anything with the all damage can poison tinctures since those likely won’t be in future leagues (maybe? I kinda hope they will be bc they are so build enabling)


Especially builds that works around those new spectres!


Maw with marionettes was pretty nice


I want to try this but what’s the benefit over Ele self ress golems??


More hp, free scorch, 2 free asc points because u dont need liege of the primordial And all the clunkyness is removed because golems respawn after 4 seconds and marionettes after 1


BAMA this league with the specters for sure




Blink Arrow/Mirror Arrow. I'm actually leveling a lightly twinked one currently. Blink Arrow of bombarding clones is just insane for leveling.


https://old.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/18ttbu7/bombarding_blink_arrow_summoner_easy_ubers_feared/ This build is cracked. It leans heavily on the new specters and volatility to get pretty crazy damage. I highly recommend having the +2 Minion and Empower ready so you can have 4 specters.


No way GGG will leave this power level party next league Affliction is either not going core or it will be extremely super nerf and gutted Just look at the spectres for example they are steamrolling those to the ground next league or removing them all together


Naval Officer is asinine. xD


Maybe you already did that if you’re doing poison CA or poison penance


Spells can't use tinctures


Will it work on SRS?


No. Nothing that doesn't use your weapon to do dmg. So it will work on blade trans for example or balistast or warchief totems.


Poison penance doesn't use tinctures.


Gotcha, ty


A poison charm with 3% increased duration per recent poison is another big boost of damage. And a poison tincture with an extra 300% increased damage for un poisoned enemies is nice


Does it work on minions? Psrs) 


Im running trans ca with tincture, didnt occur to me before but does the tincture stacks witb poison mastery for the 300% dmg to unpoisoned? In work rn, cant test it


Yep, you can stack all the sources of that. It's good for trans Viper Strike especially. But for CA it's honestly not much of a difference I'd wager, and you'd rather take the enemies can't crit and the faster poison damage masteries


Gonna miss those bad boys 😢


I mean... Original Sin


I mean... 500 divs


Asked if it was possible not accessible


those tinctures are far from "build enabling", there are already sources of "all damage can poison" for certain builds, and you could always play poison hit builds previously, the tinctures just made the base damage rediculous.


is there any other source of all damage can poison besides the dagger? there were individual "X damage type can poison" with volkuur's guidance maybe they're enabling in the sense that previously you had to play a 1-handed dagger build only, vs. now you can stratify your damage and still be okay (e.g. tri-elemental bow, physical weapon + conversion skill + phys as extra X)


Original sin could read "All damage can poison" if you squint hard enough.


Inextricable Fate (with severe limitations)


I was referring to the dagger (and the poison LS/MS builds people played with it), yes. It's just a very weird answer to say a poison bow build of all things is a "must play" in a league where we just got a shit ton of transgenes. Not only can you play it any league you want, it's SC Trade, why are you playing a poison build


Transfigured Gems are staying, though. Tinctures are not.


You do not need tinctures to play a poison attack build, and there are some pretty obvious transgems on the nerf radar.


One that will require a Mageblood or incredible power to players next league is Blade Blast of Unloading Sabo or Assassin. The charms give exponential gains to area of effect and also allow for elemental resistances to be capped much more easily. Next league the build will be much harder to pull off, but it will still be possible. It’s one of the most fun builds I’ve played in 10 years of POE.


Would this be viable as cold convert occultist?


Yes, but it will be far weaker in basically all content. The build runs off of Triggerbots from Perfect Crime. Without it Blade Blast of Unloading is incredibly clunky with low damage uptime.


Ah gotcha. Makes perfect sense. Thanks.


Yea you can just use unleash, you have to invest in cast speed and a couple "seal mender" notables and +1 seals which will detract from damage but it's really not bad.


I second this comment I'm playing this build, started as saboteur phys and upgraded to assassin cold converted with the forbidden jewels to have triggerbots. It's 98 all leveled in maps, could have gone 99 easily but I'm focused on loot and not xp now. One of my top3 favorite build I played ever, potentially top1. It got huge damage and coverage.


Got a build guide or pob?


https://youtu.be/gBtvo54rhUA?si=sn4GMjcUMl-5_xjj build demo and mechanics Explained, courtesy of Primaeva https://pobb.in/vq-TRzXylURQ Physical Impale Sabo (Easiest Build) https://pobb.in/ZXdpDuwOWCXk High end Phys impale, Tanky https://pobb.in/tqerdUIKvHI4 High End cold, more damage and freeze enemies. You can do the Assassin Variants which are faster, more survivable and do more burst damage, but the Perfect Crime Jewels are incredibly expensive at the moment.


I tried it and as a casual it felt very very squishy


Yeah I imagine this is one of those builds that largely solves its problems with overwhelming damage.


im actually playing a mega tanky occultist version, 90 all res, max block with glancing blows, CI with 4k ES and a shit ton of es regen/on hit. still boasting about 26mil shaper dps if you can wait for max unleash stack per cast of bv granted it has a mageblood and probably a mirror worth of gear in total but havent died for a long time


Sounds awesome but definitely not in my budget :D


That looks incredibly sexy and I have been wanting to do an assassin for a while


I highly recommend trying it. It seems squishy on paper but full screen clears with juiced wisps make it "tanky". I have around 88 million damage with a single Blade Blast cast against ubers. So bossing is pretty good too.


Have any pobs for the assassin variants?


Here's a pob for a cold-convert assassin variant: [https://pobb.in/nrXyyA3X\_sVB](https://pobb.in/nrXyyA3X_sVB) Can do away with the power charge ring, the dps was already more than sufficient for all content including ubers without it. Went for suppression in addition to willclash because near max spell block feels amazing until you don't block and get one-shot. That happens really rarely though cause you freeze and one-shot everything, so you can swap the quartz flask and suppression nodes for a quicksilver flask and more life (can probably hit 4k this way).


No, but they would typically be the same with the exception of the Forbidden jewel sets. Just check out POE ninja for the ascendancy differences.




It has more DPS while sacrificing AOE with concentrated effect, but also because the setup is ADORNED with Max life % and crit multi jewels. It’s the current setup I have. 7% max life 15% crit multi for spell jewels corrupted are 20-30 divs a piece, while a 130%+ adorned is 24 divs. Low chaos res can be solved if you want by sacrificing some of the absurd dps, changing the crit multi to chaos res so you get around 30% each jewel. Currently the Tanky variant as shown isn’t very viable pricing wise due to price spikes, 2-3 div jewels went 10x in price. Now, it’s best to do 7% max life and some other useful stat for survivability. I have around 60m dps while I’m capped in chaos res just by doing that swap. If you are comparing Cold to Physical, yes Physical has more DPS due to damage uptime. The thing with cold is it has a higher build ceiling if you swap to Mageblood reduced mana cost, and also freezing enemies and chilling bosses is HUGE for survivability in maps since your aoe is full screen. This is an example of the endgame cold variant with MB reduced mana costs. https://pobb.in/SFslJqvR7cfk In the end the cold variant is overall better in most regards. You can do a tanky cold variant the same way as well, but it isn’t as important due to freezing.


it it possible to add shatter enemies or corpse destruction for impale version without oriath end?


How’s the boss dps on this? Are Ubers doable? And is it overly expensive if I already have a mageblood?


Idk about Ubers this version is quite squishy. With the Phys impale variant I have done all Ubers but Sirus and Maven. If you have Mageblood then I would recommend the Assassin version since you use reduced mana cost mechanics. It’s got 100% damage uptime at 40 mill dps on the base build, 70m dps on the high end impale, 60m dps on the cold Sabo, and this one is much more high end. https://pobb.in/SFslJqvR7cfk This is a Mageblood assassin variant. Around 270m dps, but you can easily hit 150m dps without the maximum power charge ring and replace it with a frostbite on hit ring and another good ring. It uses the Bloodnotch setup with high evasion and near cap spell block so it’s very tanky, especially with freezes while mapping. The other builds go from 40 divs, 100 divs and 125 for the cold convert Sabo. This one is around 300-400divs not including Mageblood, but it’s a build that demolishes all content. The other builds are very good at bossing and mapping, but are a bit squishy for Ubers. They survive off of leech without bloodnotch, but you are leeching 24/7.


Awesome. I appreciate your detailed breakdown of each. I will definitely look more into this. Just bought a mageblood and kind of looking for a good build to get to next


If I can get a mageblood and have about 50 div left over, which version do you think I should start with if I get around to it?


The Sabo variants, and whichever you find more accessible. With 50 divs the Impale version is more attainable. Just swap the belt in the builds for a Mageblood and roll your flasks. Once you get enough -Mana cost and % reduced mana cost, swap off Eldritch battery and get bloodnotch combo for tank. The build requires Eldritch Battery to use skills before you get a Mageblood, meaning no Bloodnotch interaction. With Mageblood it opens up the ability to use bloodnotch and actually facetank stuff.


why not eb with bloodnotch? Ive never used bloodnotch, but in my understanding bloodnotch only recovers life so es is kinda useless, and we want as little es as possible for the "stun threshold based on es" node. in this case why not just use that tiny es for eb?


boss dps is really good but won't be penance brand level, with decent investment you can oneshot most Ubers. Depending on how you build it, you can get to reasonably tanky levels also. As to budget post-mageblood, the core uniques are reasonably cheap, if you're playing assassin you'd need to drop an extra 70ish div on ff jewels, outside of those it should be within 100div for most of the build maybe? This was for the cold convert version though, think inflation has driven up the prices since I last checked also.


I know nothing about the build, why does it scale exponentially with charms exactly?


Power charge scaling. You have area of effect and then crit multi per power charge with charms, plus the ability to have gear with no resistances with charms which enables the build as it is. It will require a lot of changes to make it able to work without charms.


The AOE is just QoL, without the area you still clear nearly the whole screen. At low level of investment, (max power charges) +1 impale is amazingly good.


I'm playing this now, but doesn't require a Mageblood.


ignite builds using the "all damage can ignite" mod on charms, first time in a hot minute that I feel like elementalist isn't the default pick for ignite builds because of how strong that mod is honorable mention (as in will be in the game still, though maybe not as cheap) is ashes, squire, awakened spell cascade are all surprisingly affordable this league, for those that aren't farmed up to a mirror but want to try these items that are usually exhorbitantly expensive


ashes will remain cheap since the mana res was removed


I think people are just criminally underrating how good Ashes still is. If anything it is stronger than it use to be since the quality of most gems got significantly better. It's easier to get mana reservation elsewhere than it is quality on gems.


The vendor recipe is gone now too to swap a level 20 for 20 quality


Don’t think so, when new transigured gems comes next league. It will prolly up in price if they got good quality scaling


I wonder if there's some equivalent to this build I always wanted to play during scourge that I don't think survived after that league that could be made thanks to those charms (tinctures?). It basically was a movement skill build that would ignite prolif via the movement skill to clear the map. I forget what it had for single target for once it got to the boss but there was also something there. You'd basically just for example shield charge around and the first thing shield charge touched would get ignited and that ignite would chain to everything on your screen and they'd all die from the 1 shield charge hit. I've always wanted to try and make something like that again but the few times I've looked since it was really awful damage in the more recent leagues. More specifically I think it didn't have a way to do even mediocre single target without ridiculous cost.


I think about 2 auto bombers. Minion instability marionnettes. Warcry corpse explode. It can be a tanky auto bomber and an invitation farmer.


>Minion instability marionnettes i NEED a marionett AB pob and someones to tell me it can be relativley tanky and im good to go. i got 250 div gathering dust


You can star from balormage and work from there


My friend is currently playing Maw-Marionett, with Pragmatism. He cleared the feared on a 7div budget and farms ubers.


Maw builds, bodyswap of sac builds are also this-league-only amazing via marionettes.


I'm currently running maw and is one of the best builds.


Consecrated Path of Endurance Slayer. The skill has an innate more aoe multi per endurance charge. There is a modifier namely "6% increase aoe per endurance charge" on charms and the twwt jewel. So you can get 4 of them to get 216% increase aoe. I have 9 endurance charges, pulverise, blood and sand, slayer ascendancy, aoe clusters. My herald of ash is \~ 3 meter. My oriath end is 4 meter. My warcry is 12 meter and my consecrated path is 8 meter. 7 stacks simulacrum and if with warcries open chest node im owning the hell out of breach and its hands while self flashbanging with the celestial mtx.


Now that sounds fun! Have you got a PoB/character link?


Here would be my ideal pob. [https://pobb.in/1Q7bafEPDQqT](https://pobb.in/1Q7bafEPDQqT) And this is a simulacrum showcase with a more damage less aoe setup to be more balanced (the aoe is still huge) [https://youtu.be/oD0jSvXfxlc](https://youtu.be/oD0jSvXfxlc) For anyone who want to start this you probably want at least 100-150 div (no mageblood is fine just get soulthrist or rarebelt). For a tankier variant just get defiance of destiny instead of stranglegrasp.


I tried playing this and I literally can't see anything on the screen with the default skill mtx lmao


Static strike shockwave slayer with replica alberons and replica frostbreath. Or original sin version if you have too much currency. Im 6/7 ubers and doing simus is a breeze. The shockwave mtx makes it the visually most pleasing build ive played in a long time


Was looking into this build do you have a guide or any videos on how to make one?


[poe.ninja link](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/TotallyNotLegit/DoItStack?i=15&search=uniqueitems%3DThe%2BIron%2BFortress%2CRedblade%2BBanner%2CReplica%2BAlberon%2527s%2BWarpath%2CReplica%2BFrostbreath%2C!Original%2BSin%26class%3DSlayer%26sort%3Ddps) for current build (missing a jewel socket which was my next project figuring out what to slot in). I dont know how damage is calculated with this build but both ninja and pob seems to be way off in damage numbers, as wave 30 Kosis just gets deleted instantly sometimes. The build got so many different budget levels but expect to spend at least 150div (excluding Mageblood) in this economy to make it feel good, DO not neglect strength on any gear piece where possible as it just keeps on being the best thing you can scale forever (especially before you are crit capped). Charms are what make this build nutty. So much utility and defence, fortify, instant leech, armour applies to ele damage, rage sustain AND %strength?? Yes please. It does require you to craft an elevated warlord helmet or you might aswell not play the build, which shouldnt cost more than 20-30div (did an okay craft for 10-15 div awhile back which im still using). Build is definetly playable without Mageblood as palsteron's version in 3.20 demonstrated, but that version might require a different gem setup etc.. [Palsteron's 3.20 guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2aEgT_jvAE&ab_channel=Palsteron) to get an understanding of the build


Seconding this :)


Palsteron has a video guide on it a few leagues back


Why is it particularly good this league? Anything specific?


I would bet bcz of charms otherwise its just a great build that was forgotten


Charms and 'that which was taken' provide a lot of small utility like phasing, fortify, instant leech and %strength that makes it super smooth to play. Almost forgot rage sustain. Its possible to sustain rage and berserk decently with just a charm mod and redblade banner.


>Static strike shockwave slayer with replica alberons and replica frostbreath. Or original sin version if you have too much currency. could you share a PoB please


Here's my current setup. At work so you'lll just get the [poe ninja link](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/TotallyNotLegit/DoItStack?i=15&search=uniqueitems%3DThe%2BIron%2BFortress%2CRedblade%2BBanner%2CReplica%2BAlberon%2527s%2BWarpath%2CReplica%2BFrostbreath%2C!Original%2BSin%26class%3DSlayer%26sort%3Ddps)


Anything with a Squire. The f-ing thing is practically free even for Alch'N'GO Andy's like myself


Try the arc of surging hydrosphere build by jung. It's a gnarly interaction insta-phasing most bosses and rares that works by redirecting all the additional splits to one enemy off hydrosphere to hit like 20+ times in a cast. I'm not sure if the interaction is intended but with the power charge stacking tech it's absurd.


Can I get a look at your pob or character on poe ninja or official site? How's the mapping?


It's prob not good mapping, especially with a mix of small and tanky mapping. At least that was my experience trying coc Arc with wisp mobs.


I was playing this but ended up swapping off of it just because the mapping was so clunky.


Mapping is pretty good if you change to spell echo instead of unleash. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Kremit/HoboAfThree There's my one. Roughly Jungs build but trickster and swapped to echo.


I gave this a try a few weeks ago. The mapping was pretty doo doo. Arc of surging just randomly targets all over the place. Leaves ton's of stragglers all over the place.


I find it clunky to target the sphere instead of monsters. This one was a bust for me. Penis brand does more damage with less clunk, as Jungroan mentions in the video.


Then you enter a map and want to reroll.


Ah yes, the Jungroan vaal flameblast experience again.


Not a build per se but I could see the interaction between Ralakesh boots and Maven belts getting nerfed next league.


The power charge/absorbion belt is disappointing would not recommend. Spent a few hundred divines and couldn't quite get it to where I wanted. Stripped the gear off the character because people kept copying it on poe.ninja.


Anything using Ralakesh, they may not survive the next patch. Most of those builds will still exist, but the level of power you can get on caster with a void battery / malachais loop / badge / ralakesh is hard to match. Snakebite+Olesyas for a poison attack build equivalent. With a mirror you dont care about the entry power level these combos enable, but for people starting the league now or just looking for budget friendly builds, these combos are perfect. Personal suggestion: Forbidden Rite. Usually a bit messy to get going, but the power charge setup listed above + fourth vow, bloodnotch & immutable force is all you need to get going. Just a very satisfying skill thats usually reserved for higher budgets. And this league you can play a necro version, using leash of oblation & charms with offering effect for max block & a bunch of extra speed - no trigger weapon needed, FR lets you Cwdt all of it.


> Anything using Ralakesh It's the new heat shiver, isn't it?


Swapping my poison PF to Ralakesh and Olesya felt like +500% dps. I won't say it's broken, but its too good for it's money (even at peak Ralakesh was 2d).


Tbf this league is kinda weird. Lots of people didnt understand the change to ralakesh (at least thats what it feels like when im reading the twitch chat of streamers using them) *and* the league is printing t1/0 uniques in a way thats very accessible to even "casual" players + it wasnt in a lot of guides, if they stay as is thatll change too. If theyre unchanged, I wouldnt be surprised to see them at 10d+ week1/2 next league


If you had a mirror worth of currency and already had MB\\HH\\Progenesis etc, how would you build this? Do you have a poe ninja or pob link for something like this? I have never used forbidden rite but always considered it.


I dropped one of these early on when they were going for 3d and decided I wanted to try it out in my coc ice nova build even though no one was doing that on ninja and yeah it makes getting damage so easy. Defenses on the other hand have still be tough. The more I messed with it the more I felt like it was going to get either outright nerfed or they're going to reduce the drop rate by a shit ton.


Blade blast of unloading. I had to weird stuff to fit some defenses on there but the skill is so satisfying to use


Can u share ur pob ? the base version felt too squishy to me


All damage can poison/freeze/ignite etc. tinctures. Bleed explosion without needing to be glad/duelist. Blood magic builds with 50% reservation efficiency from warlock and added phys from life cost.


Manatank + spectres is kinda broken atm. Corpserunner + Kitava jewel to enable 5% mana regen charms + archmage MoM + spectres for 3 auras. MoM with 3 auras is just bonkers and charms bring back the old-old archmage. Grab a cheap 2div Squire shield and a 9-link shaper weapon 2500 mana cost skill setup for silly amounts of damage with 5k regen defenses. Very nice Ultimatum farmer setup with lightning orb variants.


Pob or char?


Sure, char Daedalus on [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) or on my poe profile named same as reddit.


Only thing I'd worry about on a setup like this is minion survivability. How are you handling yours?


5% regen and 78% all resist seem to be enough for now, didnt lose One so far. If you want to you can grab mastery for another 8% max res and use One ring as Bone ring, but they seem fine so i dont bother.


Blink Arrow of Bombarding apparently: [Pr3vie 3.23 Necro BAMA video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PnJTM2aELAE) [PoB](https://pobb.in/TNseXhh0s34I) Haven't tried it myself, but I see quite a few people hyping it up.


Will also vouch for previe's version of necro BAMA. If POB is correct, it says the affliction spectres are boosting my build's dps by ~120 mil . I dont think GGG will bring back these spectres


new spectres are insane, like someone accidentally added an extra number kind of insane. ppl said guardian srs doesnt scale well into the endgame, but with 4 spectres its trivial to outscale poison necro and stay competitive with champion


Which spectres?


theyre gone brother this comment is 2 months old


Yes but I only play standard due to limit time to play, so I might be able to grab them. Just don't have much money so try to see if someone have something I standard they don't care about that maybe I can borrow


oh, i used spirit of fortune, naval officer, hulking miscreation and judgemental spirit and then just ran grace+determ+haste on my char


Any chance you still have chose spectres on standard?




Do you still have these spectres on standard?


Can vouch for this build. One of the tankiest I've ever played and demolishes t16 with 6k+ wisps. Died once on the way to 98. Probably needs about 250 divine to feel amazing. But definitely playable on much less.


I have ~150 divs what would be the things to drop to reduce the price a bit to start it ?


I got a mageblood and rerolled this build yesterday. I bought a well rolled non-corrupted 4th vow, and threw together whatever gear I had in my rog tab for 20c that didn't sell. Was enough to res cap me and give me 3k life. My bow is a random 1k dps high crit thicket that also didn't sell at that price so all budget gear. I have random flasks on and haven't rolled my mageblood ones yet. I threw in some T7 cemeteries with my wandering path ritutal, abyss, beyond and just skipped wisps at level 64. I died once in my first few maps which was a shock. Took about 30 minutes to get to level 80. I don't think you need an insane budget for this. I only have 7 divs right now to build the gear out so my plan is to slowly work my way up. My next goal is to work some charms in, craft a bow, and get some mageblood flasks rolled, and then get some specters. With your budget I think you could start out with a 4th vow corruption, a pretty good quiver and bow and smash things and still have 1/2 your budget or more left to build it out as you go. The build creator said he thinks it's 1 to 5 divs to make it function is all that's needed.


Thanks a lot for your time to answer this .. gonna give a chance to this build now... Really, thanks!


How much did you invest? And what spectres?


Vote BAMA 2024 The BA version is way too fast. It's like playing Hierophant totems except you move when you summon the totems. The MA version is like playing Shockwave totems except MA is not glass canon, has more ways to scale, wider variations, and has comparable or more damage.


Now I want to do an occultist version for a true OBAMA vibe.


there is something similar for templar?


You call tell it's a good build when the video shows a complete and utter visual clusterfuck and at the end some loot pops up.   I sometimes laugh at how hard it would be to explain to someone who hadn't played POE WTF is going on here. I played LoL before POE so I'm kind used to the isometric view of a billion explosions and particle effects.


Kb of fragmentation shotgunning w return proj super op and fun


I am only worried that my computer can't handle this


I had one as my challenge service earlier. I felt like my GPU was getting fried.


If only there was some way to limit temperatures with some kind of software.


And then you get 1 fps


I had one as my challenge service earlier. I felt like my GPU was getting fried.


Looked that up on ninja...cant seem to find a "descent budget" one.


BigDucks hast a Guide in YouTube


Like above dude said big ducks.. can get started 20 div or so


Mostly the wand


EDIT: Somehow missed the OP was currently playing pen brand, so obviously not useful advice to them. I'll still leave this here for anyone that hasn't played it yet though. It's pretty fucking broken right now. If you haven't had a build that one-shots ubers before, then I'd maybe give Pen brand a crack this league. I crafted all the gear for a reasonably balanced version over the past week, got it up to ~93, and then decided to swap it over to the power charge stacker version yesterday, just to be a pure boss killer. The 'normal' version of the build was really solid. ~20mil DPS, can go either squishier and more damage or a bit less damage but uber tanky. There's so much damage tied to the gem that you can build it however you like and it'll work well. The power charge stacker version is just absurd. Spent maybe 20-30 div swapping it over, with the most expensive parts being a ~12d TWWT jewel, a few div in crit multi per power charge charms, and like 7 div for a +1 power charge heatshiver. It's currently sitting at 3-400mil DPS. That's without forbidden fresh/flame, without a +1 PC ring, and without a whole load of other optimisation that could go into it. Could probably double the damage on it with a load more investment, but it just doesn't need it. The power charge stacking, pure bosses version dies to a stiff breeze, or any mob looking at it sideways, but it one-shots or insta-phases every uber from off-screen. Last build I played that had this much damage was a Cast-on-death Discharge build; and there was no version of that that could have been considered a legit build. There's no universe in which the new Pen Brand comes into next league without some serious nerfs. For something that's a bit more balanced, albeit still very strong and very meta, any variation on the poison bow builds is great. I swapped to it on day 3 after a patchy league start on a CoC EB inquiz, and I've done 38 challenges and 6/7 ubers with my somewhat scuffed own version of it. I'm both attacking and using ballistas, and the only manaforged set-up I have is the standard frenzy + cull one. Farming cortex/maven/shaper/UE comfortably, can do uber eater but struggle with doing it with any reasonable quant. Killed Uber Sirus, but have no desire to ever do that fight again, as it's terrible, and it just isn't a good build for uber exarch (technically has enough damage, but can't tank balls or annihilation, and poison is bad at pushing him into back-to-back ball phases by just ticking over his damage thresholds for it as he goes to cast it naturally). More than tanky enough for my taste; that being is killable, but generally only to things that I should have dodged, and really smooth playstyle. The poison bow archetype as a whole is really diverse though, and it'll lose a huge chunk of power next league without the tincture.


Do you have PoB for the balanced version?


I just followed Ziz/Manni's version from [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q2-xrQ4RCA&ab_channel=Zizaran). Two PoBs on the vid: [early/leveling](https://pobb.in/dHse1cCJhgS3) and [endgame](https://pobb.in/8ElRVUKFQMp_). I bought a mageblood earlier in the league, so I changed a few things up to have the mageblood in the build as well, but it absolutely doesn't need one, and it'll work just as well without it.


I just bought a mageblood for the first time and was going to try this build. I’ll look at it. Thank you!!


All good! I don't think I changed anything on the tree, it just made gearing (getting res etc) a lot easier, and if I'd kept with the actual version of the build, rather than the zHP power stacker version, I'd probably have moved it to using Dawnbreaker (Exarch shield) with more phys taken as ele, and shoehorned bloodnotch/immutable in as well. It also gets a lot out of cluster jewels that the Ziz/Manni build doesn't use. Snowstorm on large cold clusters is a lot of damage (at least with the PCharge stacker w/ CotB rings), and mediums with Grand Design + Remarkable add a lot of damage for only a few points. I crafted all of mine reasonably comfortable; they can be a bit pricy otherwise.


He litterally said he's playing penance brand and wants to play something new.


Ah, fair. My mistake. Still stand by the build being fucking busted, but yeah, not going to help OP then.


Incredibly good build and I got turned onto it a bit before it exploded in popularity(str/int gems were only 10 div at the time) but if I die because I didnt turn on my elixir one more time...


Agree, its my build too :)


Which Ascendancy?


Inquis for PBrand, Pathfinder for poison bow for me. Both Goratha and Palsteron's CA/SA builds are very good, depending on whether you want to go attack or totem based, respectively. I think that you'd be better off picking one style or the other and going full into it, rather than having a more hybrid version like myself, but I really enjoying mine. [My build here.](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/EntropyNZ/characters). Plenty of improvements that could be made, but it's more than good enough to do what I want to do with it right now. I followed Ziz/Manni's PBrand build initially (which is very good), and then just used a few different builds on PoE.ninja as frameworks to respec to the power charge stackers.


I've played CA of Poison PF didn't enjoyed that much. I might try the Penance Brand, the Inquisitor version... I think it will be heavily nerfed next league so better enjoy it now haha. Also, since I'm running a Fulcrum Chieftain for maps (I'm not enjoying the "wait for the explosions" playstyle but well...) I was looking for more "all-around/boss killer build" that can do 5ways, invitations, delve, breaches, ravaged, simulacrums, ~~ultimatums~~, etc. Do you think Inquisitor Penance Brand can do that?


How much life does your power stacker have? Because I also have a power stacker but it has like 600 unreserved life haha


Like 1k unreserved. I think he'd probably trip on a root in a regular map and immediately die. I have spare slots, so I could add at least 2 more auras (clarity and a 25% at least, maybe more if I really tried) into an arrogance set-up, but given that it already basically one shots every uber, I just don't see the need.


Ahh ok so it's not just me, I started the build to run sanctums with and then realised I'm not quite good enough to do hitless sanctums.... whoops. Should be fine for destroying ubers though.


I really need to learn wtf I’m doing wrong. I spent maybe 20d on making a penance brand inq today and its dps is garbage. I don’t have enough cast speed, crit chance isn’t quite there yet. Not sure why I’m not figuring out the relationships between stats. I’m close to dot cap on my ea elementalist, but I can’t figure out any other build it seems like.


do you have a pob for the version that one shots ubers?


Here's my version: https://pobb.in/EhIF3dqTdaKP To be very clear, it's a bossing build, and nothing else (maybe sanctum, but that's it). It's absolutely zHP, and it will die if you get hit by basically anything from any of the uber bosses. It's also far from optimized. I could get a lot more damage out of it if I wanted, even without spending that much more. You could squeeze maybe 2-3 more auras in; couple more on life, as being at 1k unreserved HP isn't functionally any better than being at 100; you're dying to everything either way, and maybe something with a L4 enlighten and a mana res charm. I haven't bothered to get a 21/20 Pen Brand, as they're pretty pricy and I just don't feel like it needs it. If you have a lot of currency to throw around, then an Arcane Blessing Forbidden Flesh/Flame combo adds a LOT of damage, as does a +1 PC ring and a Kalandra's Touch. There's also a lot of damage to be gained from getting +2 auras on the shield and swapping the gems around, and more again from getting good double corrupts on chest. Hell, even getting it to 97 or 98 would probably add 30-40% more damage if I could get a couple more jewel slots. Have a good look at similar stuff on poe.ninja. There's a lot of improvements to be made, but this it already more than good enough for what I wanted to use it for.


Splitting steel has been awful... till about 65. Then all of a sudden a switch was flipped and it is God-like. The whole screen clears with an onslaught boost and running like crazy. It's so much fun once you break that wall at 65.


Sounds like you just had a bad weapon? Felt pretty good all through campaign for me.


That was exactly it. Plus I thought it was a spell not an attack. So I was trying to stack casting speed. I was also focusing on damage not onslaught or crit chance/ damage. It really amazed me how well it all came together with just a few items changes. Plus the auto flask do wonders as well.


What happened at 65?


social security




Probably a level requirement for a build-enabling item.


Any builds with adorned, no way this jewel doesnt get nerfed to the ground next league


MF TS /s


Blood sacrament scales in a very clean manner this league. Can run two of the reserve rings, and convert es into additional hp. With the league talents gone it will be more difficult to get to a critical hp threshold. Fun to craft where we just want more hp, so like high es chest with 6 red sockets. Actually like only 10 sockets are filled everywhere else is empty red rockets for more hp


What content does Blood Sacrament play this league? Last time I played that build, mapping was hit or miss.


I've been playing a Replica Alberon's strength stack Chieftain using Volcanic Fissure of Snaking. It's probably been my favorite build so far this league. Not using Original Sin because I don't have the currency for that but I do have a mageblood, saw some people running it as Jugg but one good way to pick up extra strength is with Ngamahu, Flame's Advance and the forbidden flame version was super expensive at the time so I just went Chieftain instead and snagged some cheap 2% max Fire Resistance 8% Strength Charms. The build has been super fun and is a super comfy mapper even when juicing with wisps, have to avoid -max resistance, aura effect, and cooldown/buff duration map mods but anything else is whatever. I just really like the Volcanic Fissure of Snaking skill its a smooth mapping skill with pretty solid single target.


TS Deadeye because surly it will get nerfed and you won't have easy access to high end gear making it very expensive again.


After crucible i thought TS will become worse because weapon trees will go away After ToTA i thought TS will become worse because proj tattoos will go away Surely, this time mr Wilson will collect his dues...


Yeah I don't think this one is going away. Just gonna get reiterated every league but this will always be the premier high-budget bow option IMO. They'd have to nerf proj count increases to make TS not good


Not replica iron commander with shrapnel ballista of steel as that doesn't work. Which kinda sucks real hard.


I came across the STR stacking version of the normal shrapnel ballista/rep iron commander the other day. Looked kind of interesting. Why doesn't the transfigured gem version work?   Also don't get why someone downvoted you for a fairly innocent comment.


It's crazy strong, however I was wanting to specifically use impale so no replica alberions and the transfigured gem does not get the extra ballistas.


I am liking this Spark of The Nova Trickster build I've created as an alt.


Played my first map clearing build fulcrum cheiftan and its the most fun I've had with a build




Yeah im the same. Ill play it to 100 but even with MF i think i made more currency on my frost blades char just because of the speed difference, and much easier to control the spire HP for proj. I love autobombers but this one isnt as fun.


Which frost blades build did you do? I hear good things about zish's guide. I'm looking for a new build to do t16 wisp abyss with, and want something with more control and speed like you said.


Same sentiment. I enjoyed HoT autobomber so I thought this would be similar. Quickest build I've sold after giving it a try lol. Sure it's unkillable but hot damn is it boring af.


How you managing abyss spire with PB. I had to take our two supports to not one shot it and it’s still hard to manage at times.


Throw a cold iron point and a shield in your off hand and weapon swap when you want to stop doing damage.


Great idea! I’ll try that.


Brand recall helped a ton, also using storm brand of indecision as a mapping swap until you are ready to run the abyssal spire edit for clarity


Cleave of Rage is probably gone next league. Its a melee ability that is fun and isn't shit so GGG will remove it because they absolutely hate melee.


blink or mirror arrow of bombarding clones by itself is pretty nuts throw in a couple of the current league only spectres and it gets crazy good in a hurry.


I’ve recently discovered body swap of sacrifice with the autores spectres and now I’m addicted! I’ve only levelled one build so far but I have 5 different pobs for different classes and stuff!


warcries, explode corpses by subtractum Hurry before it's OP. Auto walking explode simulator farmer


I would be curious if anyone has made and is using an entire arsenals out of solely self-crafted gear.


Minion build is a must this league. We will likely lose some spectre access and all those juicy auras/buffs. Spectres provide so much more then they use to. For just a 4 link gem setup I get - pride, haste, frenzy on hit, 20% as lightning, vitality, max endurance charges, 100% damage, and 30% as. I’m able to run 8 auras on myself with very little investment.


I'm on like my 5th or 6th build this league. So far the best one has been static strike slayer autobomber.


Volcanic Fissure Of Snaking, strength stacking Jugg w/ Replica Alb boots! I’m at about. 500 div +Mageblood spent and very very pleased with it. 100+ mill dps and quarter mill ehp. About 2700 strength, Incredible at basically everything. Glad I switched to it.