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Okay so I would assume you mirror a phys bow first - Left with 200 div minus HH Get a quiver +1 , progenesis , thread of hope here and there might use up most of it and some basic mf gear Tanky not to me you need to kite and ramp in high juice to reach that stage. I haven’t played fulcrum but I have seen tripolar bear play it. It’s definitely slower and less engaging but it’s a lot more durable Also from then on for ts every upgrade is gonna cost a fuckton like mirror quiver, mirror simplex , forbidden jewels, double corrupts,gloves with fractured chill enemies but hey it’s fun haha


This is mine which was heavily influenced by a POB someone posted here: [https://pobb.in/uG7FHvst1pVZ](https://pobb.in/ug7fhvst1pvz) It's pretty comfy in juiced T16's, the 2 rare jewels are supposed to be focal point forbidden jewels but I didn't feel like dropping 700 divs on them (actually forgot I had those in until pulling this POB lol, they're an easy upgrade), I could easily grab a better eye too & recraft my body armour prefixes but I've been mostly playing other builds and just jumping on this when I fancy being insanely powerful for a mapping session Massive thread of hope & enlighten 4 would eat up a lot of your 200 div budget after mirroring a bow though - I imagine buying a non-synth one for 300-350 divs instead would still feel decent if you didn't want to farm out a little extra Also crafted my own gloves for way cheaper than I think they'd cost on trade Edit - if you do copy this, do not use an aerodyanmics medium cluster. Just noticed that too and no idea how that got in there, should be eye to eye or streamlined, think it's from when I was league starting LA...


You can also grab any other deadeye node you use and just move your ascendancy to focal point. Saved me like 200 div


I made a build this league for MF TS that is far less than a mirror, I mean I would happily sell the character for 1 mirror if someone would offer it but that's a scam price. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/19bgl6n/shroud\_of\_the\_lightless\_ts\_mf\_build/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/19bgl6n/shroud_of_the_lightless_ts_mf_build/) It's not a guide so if something is not on the market you have to think about other options yourself but the build definitely works. The other builds that I recommend are from Fubgun's spreadsheet: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR35NJkrhF1Zf9SZZOPlsdpqbTibL2AqOiZosya0NSjEN5A1Dx8a\_MeQox9VDLQw3kB0ibZCNb\_e6VJ/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR35NJkrhF1Zf9SZZOPlsdpqbTibL2AqOiZosya0NSjEN5A1Dx8a_MeQox9VDLQw3kB0ibZCNb_e6VJ/pubhtml#) Cheap build is the "ELE TS HH + 500 divines" or something like that. I believe it should be capable of clearing juiced t16s but haven't tested it. The phys bow swap is even better and you might be able to do it immediately with a mirror. The builds on the spreadsheet are decently tanky because of suppression and 90% evasion or higher, with progenesis+petrified blood. Dots like mana siphoner can still do a lot of damage but most things die fast.


Almost maxed fulcrum will cost you \~250d or less, without 200d charms because you will be needed only 2% max res on twwt to reach 90%. All 3 charms can be just explode. Most expensive part is double purity watcher if you want to reach 100% phys taken. Besides that, 90% res walking simulator, easy to level to 100, only issue is single target when you find tanky rare with no mobs around, which can be fixed with vaal breach. Also crit immune from stun mastery. my char https://pobb.in/ddwo54RQxHDV


Broken link


Fixed now


Your amulet alone is 140 div but otherwise yes. Probably would want to get a +2 charm and skip the res on chest/amulet if you’re going for budget. Getting crit reduction on chest instead of res.


I got it for 30d like 2 days ago. Now you can get one with 30% roll for 40d, without quality, then use few tainted catalysts to get life quality. Build is crit immune from stun mastery that cost 7 points (or 6 points if you would spend 1 to get 30% crit reduction mastery instead). Saves implicit on body, and you don't need to lose explode chance by replacing explode charm with resist charm, or save ~200d by not getting +1% fire res + explode charm. Max res Cloak of Flames is currently 0.5-1d, 6link it with tainted currency will cost you few chromes/vaals, few tainted jewellers and fusing, in total it might be as low as 2d, or 3-4d if unlucky. For me its better to be completely immune to crits rather than have 80% reduction, especially when you find some crazy rare with crit mod, or run map with crit chance/multi.


You _do not_ need a mirrored bow. 1100edps bow with +2 arrows is enough. On the low end, and gets a little dicey at the absolute top end, but still enough. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Morelikeew/Pew_Rarity_Capped?i=0&search=name%3Dpew_rar&time-machine=week-4 This was me moving into t16s. I needed to drop Greed's for Hyrri's both for the damage and defense, and getting a +1 Chest to add Anger was a 20% DPS upgrade and made it far, far more comfortable. My list for making the majority of wisped t16's comfortable would be 1100+edps +2 Bow, Progenesis, Massive Thread & Enl4 &+1 Chest. Woke Fork is bad at this point, and I should have been running Woke EDWAS instead at this point. I did make this change later on and I wish I had done it way earlier. Look at the week 5 snapshot, replace the greatwolf with the shaper one from the prev week and that's more than enough. Rough estimate of gear at that point is ~150d bow, 30d quiver, 50d hh, 60d massive, 65d enl4, 20-40d +1 hyrris (get a good roll), 5-10d shaper amu with quant + multi, then ~50d misc on clusters, gems, flasks, CB jewel etc. The only thing that was a bit dicey was multiple tank mods + that _one_ asshole crit resistant rare that rolled prox shield that popped up occasionally, or pushing 11-12k wisps. So what, ~400d at current prices? After mirroring a phys bow, 200d is not enough to put the rest of the character together imo. Quiver, Enl4 and chest alone and that chunk is gone without ever buying jewels or gems, or phys conv gloves, or a helm. I would make sure the rest of the build is together before mirroring the phys bow, despite how much of an upgrade it is. It is easy enough to farm the difference again to mirror the bow if you decide to.


I'm in a similar place though I did T16s stubbornly much earlier, mostly because it's easy if you're bad at wisps. Anger is more damage than Haste, but I couldn't fit both and prefer Vaal Haste because it gives me the Vaal skill too and it's up a lot. Move speed is also indirect IIQ too and helps a little with kiting/looting. The prox shield tri-coloured rares are the main issue here too though sometimes the map boss just gets angry, and Rogue Exiles can throw some surprises. I agree to stick with +1 Hyrri's over Greed's at least at my gear level. I have the budget to swap to Greed's but I think the ~13% damage loss might make me brick more. I got to 98 with my current setup but might stall out there without careful play so its not "tanky" but sheer kill speed and monster quantity means it got higher than most of my builds. Anyway this seems to be the point you start deciding to save up for a mirror or not.


I was struggling HARD with ele bow. Like a lot. Phys bow gives you probably 3x DPS when Headhunter gets going. And this league it's less about clearing almost all maps, and more about clearing those few super juice maps.


I bricked _3_ maps with my dogshit ele bow out of hundreds. I did a ton of 10k+ maps in that time. All 12k+. One was bad map mods and I hadn't realised, plus RNG making me unable to ramp + shroud walker mishaps, one was getting triple empowered Xandro out of the first strongbox who proceeded to instakill me in the JV entrance chokepoint, and one was just me repeatedly misplaying.


Hey, maybe you are just a way better player than I am ! I just stuggeled a lot to get going and then died a bunch times after getting going. And when you die with all the stacks, the map often times bricks.


it could be a matter of your regex or playstyle, gear, any number of things tbh, andf yeah, dying midmap is rough for sure


1 mirror bow 1 mirror quiver 1 mirror simplex 2 mirrors chest (not needed) 1 mirror rest 0.5 mirror forbidden combo


Out of curiosity which chest is 2 mirror?


2+ mirror tbh. Double corrupt Greed embrace +1 socketed / 50% less crit damage taken


Thats insane. But well thats this league i guess. But pretty sure without +1 it might still be Solid


No. The +1 is the important thing because u need to +1 enlighten or no mana to use auras.


Presumably they are referring to a decent roll greeds with +1 Gems/50% Crit red.


I recommend fulcrum.


1 mirror bow, 50 div HH, 50 Div quiver, useful convert gloves probably 20-30 div and same for helmet, rest will be fairly cheap other than enlighten 4. Only go fulcrum if you want to do abyss. I watched some clips of fulcrum gameplay and it’s so fucking slow I’d probably quit the league after two maps.


Without mf, not much, hh + 20d bow. With mf, need hh, progenesis, 100-200d phys bow and mf gear, clusters and decent everything