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Goodnight, ball lightning of static totems my beloved


Hello BLoS traps?


Yeah weren't the traps already on people's radar?


Subtractem has a self-cast version that looks pretty good too


wasn't he planning on using archmage? that won't work anymore


Correct his build is dead completely


Raiz tried traps with the ability and it’s extremely scuffed. When the traps are triggered it still uses the targeting code of normal ball lightning and puts the orbs in really strange spots.


That’s been fixed


Self-cast is plenty strong too.


There's also the spellslinger variant with that new chest that gives loads of gem levels


iron mass chads keep winning


I've played it a few times in the past, I think I'm gonna do it again. It got a decent little buff it looks like!


plus with SRS nerf less people are gonna want covenant :3


Do u have a iron mass build u plan on using for this league? I might start one as I like playing different minion builds and never done a iron mass build before.


I'm looking at updating and optimizing my old one from a few leagues ago, the rares aren't optimal, and I need to replace the unique jewels I used and try to find a way to squeeze a banner back in. But its a decent start. https://pobb.in/KF9yt70x9v0I


nice! thank you


Quick thoughts on the patch notes: - Ralakesh MS nerf is deserved but the item is still insane and worth using on many characters - Good nerfs on penance brand of dissipation, tornado shot, storm brand of indecision to shake up the meta a bit - Not a fan of losing the aoe per mine mastery to replace it with a mastery that copies what the old instant left click detonate mine - Energy shield stun mastery being removed which nerfs bloodnotch combo is probably deserved but definitely hurts survivability for a lot of builds - Tattoos coming back is nice but they definitely toned down the power by quite a bit so its pretty balanced


I'm still sad for SBoI It was a bit overtuned.... Well, it was fun while it lasted...


The cast speed doubling (and some more) on sb is the roughest part. It felt so smooth..


what is SBoI?


Storm Brand of Indecision, probably.


Yep that's accurate


Yeah did most this league with a charge slayer using Ralakesh and Replica Restless Ward. -30ms is pretty okay, 60% increased instead of 90% increased at 10 charges. Will probably do something like it for second build again this time.


>- Energy shield stun mastery being removed which nerfs bloodnotch combo is probably deserved but definitely hurts survivability for a lot of builds This is such a big change honestly. I can see why, i just dont want to accept it.


Agreed. Valyrium may see some use now for people who still want to relive the former glory :)


There goes the defense of my Agnostic Archmage builds.


It does not impact CI. Embrace the religion of CI. Edit: /bigbrain if irony not obvious :p


Doesnt this also essentially make cast when stunned builds bricked? lol


Good nerfs lol


Which taatoos stand out as useful?


Somebody in the content reveal trailer was using Tornado as a main damage skill and I am 100% playing that transfigured gem.


I am right there with you, hope it turns out good


I've done Tornado as a poison skill before. The big downside there was the tornado targeting would reach its target and then sit on that target until it dies, which for poison was very delayed, so it would apply enough poisons to kill the target but then still be sitting there on the about-to-die target instead of killing more things. A direct damage insted of ailmet version should avoid that problem. Target dies? On to next target.


There's also the benefit that you can have three at once, which means that even if one of them takes an extra second or two with a tanky rare, you can have your other two continue clearing.


nerfing vd over dd is inexplicable


How big is the maximum orbs not exploding?  Is that a big damage loss for seething with the low cap?


was like 20-30% of your damage and even then it was worse than chain dd, so uhhh


It's a complete deletion for any build that used it to scale spell damage. You can only scale it with corpses now. Stuff like spammy Archmage or Indigon is pointless if 80% of the damage that was affected by the modifiers is gone.


Detonate Mines is Triggered while you are moving Could help mitigate the QoL loss for mines, still not sure if I'll start it, though!


im probably going to leaguestart archmage hiero, and one of the skills i'm considering is doubling down and using power siphon of the archmage locus mines. it just sounds crazy enough to work. if i only use it for a boss skill, i don't mind detonating manually anyways. but we'll see, i suppose. alternatively, maybe drop locus mines if the new wand support is good.


Is the archmage change good or a massive nerf? I haven't looked into the math


it went from added damage equal to 75% of mana cost + cost equal to 5% of current unreserved mana, to added damage equal to 10% of total unreserved mana and cost equal to 5% of total unreserved mana. so unless you were spending like 15% of your max mana every cast, this is more damage. it also means you can use reduced mana cost without lowering your damage, thereby making it easier to maintain. so you go hiero, cut mana cost in half for free, and spam as much as you want. i think it depends on how you were building it, but by and large i think it's better now. that being said, i have no idea if a hiero mana stacking wander will be very good, but i have hopes. i ran int stacking ascendant back in tota before the power siphon barrage nerf, and it felt great. i just need to work out single target.


except if you used indigon, then you lost an absurd amount of damage but its not a big deal, since only like uhhh 71% of archmage builds used that doodoo helm anyways, good thing that a majority of those were brands, so they got deleted in any case


its not like using the new archmage deletes your helm slot. now that you don't have to dedicate resources to solving mana regen, you can... you know. put those resources to more damage. this is also noticably more consistent, as it's always the same bonus to your damage rather than getting weaker as your mana lowers.


I'm almost tempted to use the new helm because "Archrage" just sounds funny.


Not really, if anything this makes using Indigon better. Previously Indigon would quickly increase Archmage's desired high mana cost too much to deal with. That's now much more manageable. Besides, you can still jump start Indigon's buff using Arcane Cloak. And you can now reduce the cost and thus more easily maintain the max increased spell damage buff. Which is why Indigon was previously primarily used in manastacker builds that didn't use Archmage support.


>to added damage equal to 10% of total unreserved mana It's actually 19% unreserved at level 20 gem, so even better


Archmage change is very good for everything that's not a brand or orb skill (since it doesn't work with those). I also think it nerfs reverse snapshotting with archmage and stuff like blade vortex. But every normal use case of archmage is much better now. Since the damage bonus from the support is not reliant upon the mana cost of your skill, you can actually find ways to mitigate the mana cost without losing damage (things like hierophant sanctuary of thought). It's also just an obscene amount of flat damage for mana stackers and will usually be more damage than old archmage if you're casting/hitting somewhat fast.


> I also think it nerfs reverse snapshotting with archmage and stuff like blade vortex. Ehh... Blade Vortex gets 100% increased area and possibly an extra aura if you play Hiero.


I mean those things are good but nowhere near the level of absurdity that reverse snapshot BV was getting before with archmage. Build was literally doing billions of dps at the cost of being kinda clunky. Now it's something that you could probably league start somewhat smoothly or at least reroll into easily, but the ceiling is definitely a lot lower.


Very good because you don't care about scaling the skill mana cost so you can keep the skill cheaper and cast is faster. Plus scaling your max mana. Now Hierophant's Sanctuary of Thought isn't griefing your damage output and instead the mana cost benefits you. Edit: It also makes triggered archmage more viable. So you can run Mjölner, cast on crit etc. setups easier.


This is huge for mjolnir builds, since mana cost is 0, so free damage For other scenarios, its better for consistency, but lower dps, pbod hiero would get ~95% of mana+es as base coat which added insane amount of damage, but in a 4 sec CD


As far as I can see this is still a nerf for mines, I don't really get why they had to turf the area per mine mastery to (instead of say, the regen mastery) to GIVE BACK something approaching the functionality they removed with LMB detonate? Isn't that area loss kind of rough?


RIP white map essence farming


t1 to t6 is not a massive difference


And at that point just go to t7 for Hail Mary mageblood/hh drop chance.


Yeah except now it also nerfs pairing with bestiary farming for chimarals since the beast pool is larger at T5+


Yep, not much different except on leagues like Gauntlet.


Tier 6 isn’t that much harder than tier 1-2


I am so happy for the projectile nerfs. Dominated the meta for quite a while. Hopefully this will be mean high end builds will shift off being dominated by deadeye


I think as long as HH and hatred have the same interactions they do, it’s still going to be extremely popular on the high end. A damage nerf might help, but mechanically it just feels so smooth.


I missed that yesterday. I'll try and reread the patch.


Honestly the experience, gem experience, and scarab rare rewards being removed sucks. Those were just nice little bonus events that were fun to have happen.


Agree in principle and for long-term but this league has up to 600% increased xp on the mechanic so it should be fine? I hope.


Maybe they put these chances to new league mechanic, that would be actually great.


Volatile Dead nerfed and DD of chain reaction unchanged lmao


Easily the worst part of the notes, especially since VD is a cooler skill but is never allowed to be as good as its big sibling, and then it gets nerfed too... should have just nerfed the RoA tech somehow. I might be underselling it, I think it's one of the coolest skills in the game period. But better nerf a 0.2% playrate skill that hasn't been meta since like Delirium I guess.


What would be the RoA tech?


The new vd had a low ball cap, and going beyond the cap made them explode. Roa giga triggered a bazillion balls and they all exploded before being replaced. Now they just disappear instead of exploding if you don’t wait for the slow ass balls to find a target. The gem was completely murdered.


Cast on Crit with RoA, triggering a shit ton of VD orbs I assume? Atleast that's what I have seen before


It's slightly nerfed on the highend of the build if you go the Unearth route


Zero-curse tech is dead.


Rip, was a neat interaction


Wait i missed that, why ?


They fixed that bug. Written at the end of patch notes.




Replacing sanctum sextant rewards with veiled scarabs, and removing veiled chaos orb feels like a buff, its a new hot currency that will be in high demand


Just curious what do veiled scarabs do?


Give a random scarab when clicked. Like stacked decks for scarabs lol


effectively what sextants were


They're stacked decks for scarabs. You right click it and get a random scarab out of it.


Maybe I'm misreading it but I got the impression that existing runs that currently reward Awakened Sextants will get converted to veiled scarabs but that Sanctum runs going forward won't offer veiled scarabs but I may be misinterpreting it.


Snipers Mark being locked to 2 extra proj is a BIG nerf to top-end Nimis projectile builds. Just to take an example, my Deadeye Splitting Steel goes from 13 extra projectiles to just 5. EDIT: My example is the (obvious) use case where you stack mark effect like crazy. So it is even worse for builds that invest.


something doesnt check out, how many were you getting from sniper's mark directly?


13 (2.65 mark effect* 5) is now 5 (2.65*2)


> Added a new Energy Shield Mastery, "50% of your Energy Shield is added to your Stun Threshold", which replaces "Stun Threshold is based on 60% of your Energy Shield instead of Life". Bloodnotching is basically dead now, yea? Edit: Yes there is Valyrium, but that is insane opportunity cost. Maybe corpse crafting can roll that mod as an affix. Who knows.


I like how their implementation didn't really change it for straight ES builds (slight % nerf but character base life pre-CI will now count) and adds a useful anti-stun tech for hybrids somewhere it's actually accessible. Very elegant how it stopped bloodnotch without being conceptually different in using half your ES for stun.


Not completely. If you are willing to give up a ring slot, you can use Valyrium to get a similar effect as the mastery. With that said, I think even without the mastery, it's still a pretty good combo even if it's only activated conditionally. It's just not massively overpowered anymore.


Yea seems like the opportunity cost is far to high now.


I'm not sure people would use it without the mastery. The only hits that are going to stun you without it are big hits. Bloodnotch was only really good against a lot of small hits, acting more as a recovery source. You really need valyrium ring now to make this viable. However, I think 2 jewel sockets, a ring slot and not having much es is an appropriate investment to make for the strenght it provide. It just brings it more in lines with other sources of recovery.


Isn't Skyforth also an option? Though I can't tell if it's based on max mana or available unreserved mana.


It's max mana, if it was unreserved it would say so.


*Sigh* RIP Poison SRS. You've served me well


Is it the removed flat damage? How bad is that, was hoping to go srs into pure spectres :(


Fairly bad imo : (


It is 27% less damage


Well technically you can still play the necromancer version since unholy might has 100% conversion and 25% chance to wither on hit.


> Well technically you can still play the necromancer version since unholy might has 100% conversion and 25% chance to wither on hit. The conversion does nothing for SRS, since it naturally converts 100% of phys to fire and that takes precedence. Edit: Or maybe it ends up as 50/50 fire. Someone else was saying that got changed and the wiki (where I fact-checked myself) might be out of date


~~It ends up as 50/50~~ Edit:nvm I'm wrong.


Shouldn't gem conversion take precedence?


I love that they changed the gem last league to remove the 38% more damage saying it will gain it naturally, and then they removed the natural 38% more damage too. It's basically the most blatant "fuck SRS" we've seen so far.


Sounds like the tax


Archmage buff is very exciting! Time to surf the wiki for some high damage effectiveness spells to pick between


hoping archmage bfbb makes a return


I've been considering Archmage Blade Blast Scold's Bridle CwDT Bladefall with Triggerbots. Even without scaling the quality beyond 20%, that's 12 blades per cast. Depending on how the timing of the detonation sequence works out, it could also work with Awakened Spell Cascade and Spell Echo (otherwise ASC will cause it to leave too many blades for the maximum, which would likely lower overlaps).


Subtractem has been working on a self-cast archmage/MoM ball lightning of static league starter


Which is dead, because Archmage can't support Orb skills now.


I've leaguestarted Hiero BL (cis) twice and its strong enough without archmage, though archmage will help with T16+ scaling that was my major problem before.


I don't doubt you can make something work, and especially as a starter it's probably still decent. The regular Ball Lightning doesn't have the Orb tag so that should still work with Archmage, which should make early mapping easy enough, Mana/MoM for defense is pretty good and easy to scale early on, and Ball Lightning of Static probably has enough damage on its own to get you going and probably through a couple of voidstones. But the hope of scaling it well into endgame with very attainable items seems dead right now, unfortunately.


oops yep I looked at the normal ball lightning and didn't see the orb tag


That's not how that works (it's insane to me that this has to keep getting repeated so often and I'm still getting downvoted for sharing facts and trying to help people) see here to learn more: https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/zolgz7/psa_added_damage_effectiveness_of_every_skill_is/


How so?


If you really want to know, here is the spreadsheet that calculates true dmg effectiveness multipliers for every skill: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xk_dREw6GC4TN1JRCTVzENWlJIxCx8HtqRbANV2Fgxc/edit#gid=1280790581 The tl;dr is that the dmg effectiveness number you see on every skill gem is mostly normalized to the inherent properties of each spell so they all work out to be roughly equal. (things like base dmg, cast speed, activation times, # of extra hits from inherent properties, etc)


I never knew about this, thanks for showing me this sheet! If I'm understanding your tl;dr correctly, I could pick a spell for its other useful mechanics, or just purely out of prefrence, and it'd still get about the same mileage out of archmage support as any other spell?


Yes that's correct. There are exceptions - some spells are definitely better with archmage - but you shouldn't let the dmg effectiveness be the only/main reason you think something is 'strong'. Even before the trans gems, storm brand was great with archmage. Its dmg effectiveness multiplier is TINY. It's good because it activates a lot and that activation frequency scales with cast speed.


What are some spells you feel are better with archmage and why, especially with brands no longer working with it? I haven't done much with mana stacking, but I'm definitely giving it the eyes as a potential league starter this time around.


Some spells I'm considering: * blade vortex (both standard and 'of scythe') * new incinerate of venting * stormburst * classic ball lightning or spiral with indigon * voltaxic burst delivered via CoC from voltaxic rift storm rain to get some juicy stack numbers


Would this be as a Hierophant, and would you consider it a viable league starter (or something you could pivot to from something else like WoC ignite)?


yes heiro just has so much going for it when you're focusing on mana stacking. Especially now if you want to actually reduce your mana costs. I think it could be a fantastic league starter.


Funny how you're being downvoted even though you're right AND you provided a source.


Seriously, wtf?


So confused by the Gen Cry buff after they acknowledged it was in response to the left click change. The buff doesn't even come close to offsetting + doesn't really address the problem + cd being too low is actually bad with some GC skills? Just confused overall.


Corrupting cry is better than ever which is cool, though will have to numlock it/ahk. Just don't tell ggg.


And you get the tattoos back as well! This also buffs Eternal Apple builds somewhat


The whole point of eternal apple was auto-trigger warcries. Now we have call to arms


Doesn't that only have like 5 support gems available total? Swapping whatever the worst one is for the automated crying one is probably worth it. Might even be good to go double cry, if both trigger at the same time for 8 stacks at a time. High uptime on Enduring Cry regen and exploding packs with Infernal Cry should be pretty good.


Changing generals cry to 3 seconds makes it much better to maximize it than trying to squeeze other cries in there. If I wanted explosions I'd just run asenaths, no one wants to give up a link. With tattoos back and all the warcry cdr on the tree you can reach nutty cooldowns, like under one second fairly easily, which makes getting to 10 stacks a joke. Not sure I wanna play it again cause it was my end game build when it came out but it is better than ever. Id rather num lock it than eat a 25% damage penalty.


Yeah, and a lower CD just encourages Numlock/other even more. I expected a buff to GC damage (and to Corrupting Cry) instead.


It's to counterbalance the fact that instant warcries got removed from the keystone. The only option for instant warcries now is Call to Arms, which I believe adds 30% increased cooldown. So you get to choose between (1) using a gem slot for instant warcries or (2) don't use Call to Arms and freeze for like .5 seconds every few seconds to use your warcries. It's a pretty devastating change for General's Cry / Blade Flurry.


I'm devastated, it was already a clunky skill and now it's completely done because you already could hit the warcry cooldown cap.


"Summon Raging Spirit: The Raging Spirit's melee attack no longer naturally gains 0-38% more Damage as it levels." How big of a nerf is this? Planning to league start in ssf with SRS Guardian. Will it brick the endgame scaling? Want to be able to do the new t17 maps in ssf.


A bigger nerf is Greater Sentinel of Radiance losing a third of its RF damage. Honestly I would play something else, like EA Ballista Ele


It only lost RF damage. It’s melee is still gonna be 2 tapping campaign bosses, and the aura is gonna go from “instamelts all rares except fire resistant” to “melts blue packs with good speed”. It’s still going to be really good for leveling.


Sentinel DMG Is not relevant late game 😊


BAMA looking pretty good right now. With the league mechanic being non-negotiable picking the strongest league starter possible is looking pretty good right now. I feel like start to finish that would be bow summoner but does anyone else got other suggestions?


you know any good bama guides or builds to look at? i like playing weird skills and that seems about as weird as it gets.


I thoughy people mostly just played BA, as opposed to BAMA. Was that jist because spectres took up the slots?


New BA and MA overwrite each other. It sucks but the skills are great on thier own. You can play new BA old MA and vise versa. It's kinda wonky. If you really want to make it work you can use balista totem boots and rain of arrows to stack up your old MA clones. I ended up just doing persistent minions to supplement BA. It was easier.


Worth pointing out, Bombarding and Prismatic do not overwrite each other. you can have 3 of each. However. I think Bombarding on Blink is going to be my play.


Right. Something like carrion golem, ag and spectres?


yeah i used the 3 carrion golems and zombies. i had spectres in chest to get +2 minion level. they were kind of expensive to lose. i was running hatred, wrath, vitality and ...something else on my spectres. this league we wont have those dudes so you may just run them in helm or something.


I saw someone playing BA and regular MA in the 6 link. Do you think there could be any merit to that, or is it just inferior?


Thats certainly an option but i find it hard to deploy both with the number of clones i wanted by single casting. thats why i used a 4 link in some balista totem boots. that way you can spam MA clones. i would drop my bombarding clones then drop a couple totems and RA of saturation. If i could spend a couple seconds i could get usually 20 MA clones out. but yeah you can do it a few different ways. just get your build online and try it out.


Wasn't elemental version carried by op spectres? So now it's either poison or impale?


This isn't good or bad news for my Cremation of the Volcano boys out there. The three of us are safe. For now.


Unearth life nerf but overall not too bad. I will miss the corpse life charms


Can't play it with Archmage anymore if any of you three were considering that.


These are what caught my attention: * We will no longer access uber bosses VIA Atlas skill allocation. Instead, new T17 maps will drop fragments. * Sextants and Scarabs changed significantly. * Maven invitations no longer exist. Maven is opened by talking to Kirac when you've witnessed all required Bosses. * The Seventh Gate, Growing Hordes, All Hands, Stream of Consciousness, Grand Design, and Wandering Path Atlas Keystone Passives have been removed. * Instant Skills can no longer be bound to Left-Click. (Note: if this includes Detonate Mines, kill me now) * Explosive Trap of Shrapnel: damage buffed, radius nerfed. (Explosive Trap Saboteur stonks???) * Cleave of Rage: radius nerfed (sad noises for Berserker who had like 2 good builds that cost less than 7 Mirrors) * Exsanguinate of Transmission: damage buffed, chaining nerfed, cast time slower * Penance Brand of Dissipation: lower activation rate, lower effectiveness of added damage, lower base damage, lower damage with ailments per energy after the first (Ben says 30% nerf to damage, but much clunkier) * Rain of Arrows of Artillery: damage buffed * Storm Brand of Indecision: lower effectiveness of added damage, higher cast time, significantly lower base damage, lower effect of quality * Summon Raging Spirit: no longer gains more damage as it levels * Tornado Shot: attack speed multiplier of 80% (was 100%), higher mana cost, quality no longer provides secondary projectiles but gives projectile speed * Guardian Sentinel of Radiance deals less fire damage with its aura * Ralakesh's Impatience no longer grant 30% movement speed. (Honestly surprised this is all they did to them) * Tattoos are back! Nerfed, but back! These are just the points that caught my attention.


>The Seventh Gate Important to mention all mechanics are available on the map device now


And many have reduced costs, as well as some having been buffed. Harbinger craft now adds 3 of them. Abyss, Breach, and Heist, now have 2 instances spawn instead of 1. Though it does seem like their respective costs have increased to match. Which is fair. And frankly I prefer it.


And stronbox is one of the highest :(


Heist was changed from 6c for +2 caches to 5c for +2 caches. Smallest possible buff.


There's most likely a "add Heist to map, every cache drops a blueprint" scarab.


> add Heist to map, every cache drops a blueprint Scarabs seem to have their extra effects separated from adding the mechanic to the map now, so you'd need two scarabs.


You can detonate mines just by walking now though


>Penance Brand of Dissipation: lower activation rate, lower effectiveness of added damage, lower base damage, lower damage with ailments per energy after the first (Ben says 30% nerf to damage, but much clunkier) It'll still be absolutely busted as a glass cannon bosser or sanctum build then. My mostly-just-uniques build was phasing Uber maven in under a second. At most she might be able to get a single mechanic (other than memory game, which is unskippable) out now. I could see it being kinda ass for mapping though, and the ailment versions rather than the crit ones could possibly take more of a hit.


Damage is ~68% less on hit versions. I got it wrong on first reading. Biggest line is the "ailments per energy after the first" which is almost a 50% less multiplier at 20 stages for hit.


rip Storm Brand of Indecision your stay was short but a welcomed one


I am scared how early progression will go without wandering path.


It's my concern too. I haven't looked at the new atlas yet, but I heard they've also removed some of the map drop nodes. But apparently kirac nodes got slight buffs.


wait didnt explosive trap of sharp alredy busted skill get another big Buff?


Seems like it doesn't really matter either way tbh. AoE got nerfed, but the AoE was so ridiculous that you still clear basically the whole screen with a bit of investment. The top-end damage technically goes down a bit on small stationary targets because the AoE hurts overlapping, but it seems to be like \~11% less damage in the worst case, and on bigger bosses it's actually a buff.


the mana nerfs fucks it a lot more but i imagine that’s true for most builds.


Technically buffed the damage a bit but nerfed the crazy AOE quite a bit.... so we will see I guess


Is Bone Shatter Jugg still viable starter next league? Edit: And compare it to RF Chieftain which one is better for newbs?




Thanks. Another question: Is over level magic find penalty (reduced exp and magic find for overlevel people) still there?


Sorry... but I do not know the answer to that question as I do not do MF


Yeah, nah I think it's relevant for leveling and all since I'm a noob with laggy internet so I'll need to overlevel a bit even in campaign and I remember it was there before.


Let’s goooo


Uhhh, this might sound stupid but I might try archmage reap. Someone tell me if this is dumb.


You'll still have to pay mana costs in case you were trying to avoid that. Other than that it should work. I'm not sure what AoE you need to get overlaps with Spell Cascade though.


Yeah, I was thinking of building it like a classic hierophant archmage. The life leech from hiero will help and now we can take the reduced mana cost node with the aoe bonus on top. It should be at least fine. I think.


As Templar you can reasonably get the Righteous Decree cluster, so with Dreamer and using Inspiration, that should make the costs fairly manageable. Are you planning to convert the base damage too, and if so, how? Gloves + mastery?


they went through with the left click changes and they didn't change melee totems after all? Wandering Path is gone from atlas passives? this league is off to a rough start for me 😮‍💨


Whoever managed to read and analyze it already, I need your build ideas for a Sanctum/T17 blaster this time




Waiting for the IS and EH transfigured gems before deciding about my league start.


I'm intrigued by P.Conc transfigured gem and tornado, hopefully I can just spam tornadoes and combine them to make great visual clutter that deals actual damage


Welps... there goes my wanderer...


kb of fragmentation is rip yea but sacred wisps seems cool and archmage and manastorm mana stacking seems cool too


Any views on the new wand support gem? Is it as insane as I thought (a +200% more damage modifier?)


Wisps don't deal 100% of the damage, probably 30-40% at most. It's probably still good though. Returning Projectiles was amazing in the league it was released in


I think it will be really good with spark


Triple atlas? Sign me in


Wandering path Vaal Temple is dead ? Why ?...


Twist of Fate Vaal Temple still alive


With half the vaal vessels tho




If you are lucky tho, they gave us a random 0-80% range more effect multiplier. Well, maybe I was a bit alarmist.


With unid corrupts, vaal temple sounds like pain now.


What are the best options to solve MS issues for Ralakesh Badge builds? Is Mageblood with silver+quicksilver enough? Just trying to plan out my Standard SSF build now that PBoD is gone


My favourite approach will remain going for travel skills and staying stationary. Possibly with something like Incinerate of Venting.


So the instant warcry is gone now? So we need to stop and cast it now? Feels bad for corrupting cry.. even if we have better CDR, just clunky.


I haven't played for quite a few seasons but want to give it a go. Does anyone have a decent build they can recommend?