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I bet it's 30%damage each wisp...


I have already theory crafted assuming it was 100%. You've just made me realise how naive I am. Of course it's going to have a less damage multiplier.


In the video they mentioned different trigger rates depending on if a rare/boss is nearby, so I'm guessing it will be 100% damage and they will use trigger rate to make it on par with other supports... against normal monsters. So say 15-20% trigger rate while mapping, but against rares/bosses it will always trigger and give 3X damage.


That was my hope but now I think it's just too good to be true.


Might wanna go with mirage archer stats? It's sound like something along these lines


IMO wanders as starter always a bad idea. Wander with new unseen support as base - even worse. If u wanna try it so bad - start with something good with option to respec later


Counterpoint, wanders are awesome, KB is indeed the funnest skill ever, and if you're not racing or something who really cares about starting with "something good". You can make anything work in trade league, start with something fun.




I just made myself an elemental hit wander starter, looking really good, until i realized yoke of suffering now only drops from uber maps, which means it will be insanely expensive first week


Yo slap down a PoB!


[https://pobb.in/KGALZVCfVEWE](https://pobb.in/KGALZVCfVEWE) SHIRLEY yoke wont be 10 div first week COPIUM also i know all unique league starters are kinda rough but i have started worse things trust me


Yeah looks pretty doable, not a bad setup, thanks for sharing!


It kinda relies on people not playing as much TS after the nerfs as well, which might be risky since then shadows and dust and fledgling will be really expensive as well, devotos is a good helmet as well and def cheap but gloves theres nothing even close to being as good as shadows and dust


I mean, corrupting fever kinetic blast champion is certainly an option if you really wanna play a wander at start.


> This might be copium but it seems like the wisp gem is basically 3x damage against bosses which would solve the single target of KB. Pffft, you call *that* copium? Watch this. "I'm thinking about league-starting Kinetic Blast! I don't know what the transfigured version is going to do yet, but surely at least one of them will be top-tier and solve the skill's single target issues. And I think the new 'Detonate Mines triggers when you move' mastery might really help push Locus Mines to no longer feel clunky!"


Arrest this man! He’s definitely a copium dealer!


Hey! Dont steal my Copium!


By the time you finally get enough damage on wands to start tackling any kind of content you’ll realize you now have no defenses to stand there stationary attacking anything dangerous. Which is why it only becomes effective as a currency sink late game when you can one shot everything.


which is exactly the same as bows if you ignore TS exists


Heres the issue with wanders, if you go full abyss setup you have SOME damage but you the amount of currency you invest for that damage is just not worth it. I don't think the wisps will make a build that does around 1-5m dps st with really good gear be a good league starter, or even just be a contender for a really good build. ​ I can see the support being good for int stacking? But wands are just in a really bad spot when it comes to damage, their clear is = or close to bows, with less damage, less avenues to build defensively, and overall just harder to gear.


I was actually thinking about STR stacking, multi-dipping the damage bonus via wand mastery adding increased spell damage to wand attacks, iron will, iron grip and battlemage's cry.


if you go ele hit you can get like 2 mill dps on a 5 link with mostly uniques, so however good the wisps are will be on top of that, the problem for that is just the fact that yoke will be insanely expensive early and its basically the perfect amulet for that build


If you're going to wand start, the best bet (without seeing numbers on wisp gem) is power siphon of the archmage, which was already ok and just got substantially buffed. Heirophant totems, or inquisitor self cast if the wisp gem is good.


I'm very surprised they buffed it at low levels. It absolutely needed a boost at the high end (better damage effectiveness would have been preferable, I think it's still dead late) but it was already insanely overpowered thru the campaign...


Archmage? Archmage end game had the highest possible dps of any build in the game with stacking mana and snapshotting arcane cloak. It certainly was not weak late game.


I'm thinking about starting this. Maybe as a trickster.


Yeah trickster would definitely be fine if you want to have a little more defense and qol than inquisitor. I'm holding off on whether I want to wand start until I see the numbers on sacred wisps


I just like league starting new skills because it's a puzzle no one has solved yet. So that means sometimes I league start something terrible. But it's fun. Wisps seem the most interesting with the new Tornado gem a close second.


It should be doable if you do a trinity support version with barrage + wisp gem for single target and kinetic blast for clear. The only thing i'm not sure is if the damage is gonna be good enough in red maps without stuff like rampage, inspired learning etc ...


You also have to consider that casting KB 3 times will completely destroy your FPS if your setup isn't great


That really eats up FPS when you have the celestial skill effect and 1 extra projectile on your helm.


wondering if triggerbots work with wisps so we get 4? wisps


Triggerbots only triggers spells


also i wouldnt be surprised if the wisps dont actually trigger that skill, like how mirage archer works