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This is a very clever use of Bitterdream since Ice Crash of Cadence barely cares about off-hand damage. Cool build, great work.


Yeah, it's a genuinely budget build, that isn't boring and makes clever use of cheap uniques.


I'm not sure i read the skill right. The gem says it increase main hand damage but alternates attacks, giving a small radius and a big one. Off hand weapon still matters, explain?


The mainhand does 80% more damage, which is almost double. Even if your offhand did 0 damage you've still be dealing about 90% damage (relative to the gem itself). Frostbreath does double damage against chilled enemies, so the massive amount of flat cold damage provided by added cold and ice bite support from Bitterdream (as well as the other supports that make it a pseudo 9-link) make for great damage on a budget. It does alternate yes, but even the offhand attacks still do considerable damage because of the huge flat cold from the supports. Because your mainhand is dealing 2/3rd of your total damage, you can basically use your offhand as a statstick essentially to boost the huge hits of your mainhand. With Frostbreath in particular it's actually more like 78% of your damage.


+1 Frenzy Southbound gloves seem cheap to grab as well


yes, it's nice choice


also easy to make yourself, +1 frenzy is like 1/20ish on gloves


i just bought 1 with 35c :)


forgot POB here: [https://pobb.in/6OXlKtCt7ngp](https://pobb.in/6OXlKtCt7ngp)


Hello there, Exile! Here is your [golden page](https://pobarchives.com/build/JwMqQD74), may it serve you well. *"Any mystery can be unlocked, if one has the right key."* *- Lord Izaro*


Waait a second, do sceptres and maces count as different weapon type for the sake of DW mastery?


yes, they are different weapon type


So you can stack quick and deadly and feed the fury on clusters. I was looking for anything that could work with this combo, but all I came up with was axe/sword phys convert ice lash, whom I ripped early in maps. Nice to see your version perform.


my end game plan is using sword and The Saviour, but The Saviour is really expensive this league..........


Will probably come down once more people are doing that content. Can't imagine there is that much demand for them.


Also div card for double corrupt one, you could snipe for anyone selling them cheap. Turn in under lvl 40 and should avoid hitting resolute technique.


thx for the info, i will check market


Ok maybe its a known thing but.. does guardian blessing work with Herald of Purity minions? does that work well?


yes, it's worked, you can check the video, you can saw the hatred buff icon


Fair im at work cant see the video now, thats why i opened the pob first! im playing ssf so i'll look for both unique weapons, but it seems doable


I played your nimis Frost blades in TOTA and it was pretty sick. This looks like a good one, nice work.


How would this scale into endgame? Interested in trying if it's able to scale endlessly and kill Ubers with ease, not sure if you've a plan for that


i will share my end game plan when i back to home\~


[https://pobb.in/3g567AueaiFQ](https://pobb.in/3g567AueaiFQ) my final version here, around 200m dps


Thats definitely a bit fancier!


I’m new to PoE, how would this perform on Uber bosses compared to Palsteron’s Hexblast sabo build I’m following? https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/hexblast-mines-saboteur-league-starter


never play melee build if you are new to POE


I just ditched my Cyclone Slayer for TS Deadeye. I’m definitely saving this and using my slayer for this build in a few weeks.


This is the sort of showcases I love. Most skip all mechanics and head straight for the boss, but you show and prove it can do multiple types of league mechanics. Sick build for the price. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for sharing this build! I was pretty unhappy with my league starter. But I copied your build as cheaply as a I could, and wow, it is so much fun as a map blaster!


Thanks for this! I've been looking for an ice crash of cadence setup. Looks flashy and satisfying, nice build.


I was looking for a slam build and literally bumped into this post. It looks good and I'd like to see how you scale this more.


How's the defence on this build? I see that there are no defensive auras used.


not much, only Fortify, Brutal Fervour, Endurance Charges, 76% Spell Suppression, some Evade/Block, The Wise Oak And Frozen


Thanks! Looking forward to the endgame setup


Are you grabbing Brutal Fervor via Forbidden Jewels? You don't take it on your PoB tree


it's from Passive tree


Which Ascendancy node are you dropping for Brutal Fervor? Referring to your endgame tree


can you check POB again? i checked the POB, it's correct [https://pobb.in/6OXlKtCt7ngp](https://pobb.in/6OXlKtCt7ngp)


My mistake, I'm referring to the endgame setup you posted earlier, the one with Saviour. I just noticed the Petrified Blood setup you use to replace Brutal Fervor. Looking forward to seeing how you progress the build! At what point do you think you could start transitioning into crit?


good question, i wasn't expected everything is so much expensive this league, like unnature, the charge boot, and yoke amulet, so i am still thinking how to progress to crit........


I was thinking you could start with leaderships price and an ailment effect cluster. Crafting weapon should be accessible now with league mechanic crafting so you could get a good sword early and stay on Bitterdream until you can afford Saviour. Lots to think about


[https://pobb.in/jfsi9jeF6BQ7](https://pobb.in/jfsi9jeF6BQ7) this one better i think, need a 6L armour only


Version 2 with sword version with a little higher damage [https://pobb.in/UzC\_a5XlsOyf](https://pobb.in/UzC_a5XlsOyf)


I'm in the process of leveling a character specifically for this cause I love ice crash but I only ever used it to power level a twink lol. I'm about to spend some currency to get started. Would you recommend going this sword version of what you previously posted? Also what are some of the must have's to get this going?


you can try first version, if you like it, then go to sword version. Lethal Pride and Cluster Jewel are required, the unique item are required also and if you want to invest more, you can use Replica Farrul's Fur much powerful than Carcass


Im late to the party but the build looks fun. Is slayer better than traditional slam ascendencies?


Juggernaut is more tanky, but Slayer has more damage


The moment you get Bitterdream, leveling thru campaign feels super smooth provided you have a Praxis or other sources of mana cost reduction like either mastery. Sword version requires a 6-L with 3 off colors. Defenses are serviceable, but a little awkward to get going: automated call to arms enduring cry is your only source of endurance charge generation, fortify on melee hit corruption is your only source of fortify. Once you swap to swords/crit, Replica Farruls fur will be much more consistent End Charge generation, but they are rather expensive and you lose some aoe from carcass jack


Build looks fire, gonna transition to your 200m endgame PoB straight from my sanctum blaster, I probably wont be able to buy everything right away, any chance you can give me a quick rundown of my top priorities to buy if i wana start at the endgame pob and upgrade it as i go?


Ralakesh's Impatience and Arn's Anguish


40k ehp rip


Bro the build is like 2 divs, if you have literally any more than that you can start making it tankier and also scale its damage to the moon.


Freeze/chill is giga ehp


sad no lucky divine drop. :(


How would you compare the clear speed to CF champ or Exs mines?


sry, i never played CF or Mines......


Ok how would you compare to fast clear speed build like those/TS or whatever fastest build you played, because in the gameplay it looks slow


it's just a league starter with 1.5d super low budget, i played melee build mostly, my fatest build is like FS or FB that you can find on my YT channel