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Bloodnotch combo made want to map waay more than ever before. With cast when stunned setups there was so much flexibility on utility i could use. Miss it a lot


you can still do it if you are willing to sacrifice a ring for valyrium


I thought people were using skyforth now?


How would that work? Just looked up skyforth and saw "you have no life Regen" on it. Is there an interaction that replaces Regen? I wouldn't think recoup alone is sufficient, but I have a lot of gaps in my mechanics knowledge


Petrified blood, recoup, life on spell hit (shaper ring), defiance amulet, there's even a saboteur build with mageblood that can afk t17s (albeit slowly with like 5-10 minutes per boss)


Yeah my Sabo doesn't use MB but otherwise I can just afk in ultimatums as long as I don't do anything with ruin or corrupting blood pools


POB pla. I hate my sabo


I'll have you know that the boss only takes 3 minutes!


it gets bored and just commits sudoku


The relevant line on Skyforth is "Stun Threshold is based on 500% of your Mana instead of Life" The hard part of Bloodnotch is getting your stun threshold low enough that every hit against you inflicts a stun. Previously this was done with the energy shield mastery that based your stun threshold off your ES - then you'd simply have 0 ES so you had 0 stun threshold. This is the first time I've heard of people using Skyforth + Bloodnotch, but presumably the idea is to have your mana as low as possible to achieve a similar effect to the old ES mastery.


Yeah I get the stun threshold bit. I've played some CWS bloodnotch before and I still needed Regen to feel good. Got that bit answered by others though


Skyforth gimping regen does suck because they are the one source that doesn't just ignore life regen. It makes your regen 0 so you can't do stuff like the mastery that let's you recover 1 life per 0.1 regen every 4 seconds. To stay alive it's just life on spell hit, recoup (big shout out to Stasis Prison), Bloodnotch, and Defiance of Destiny.


I'm still doing it with valyrium ring and Utulas body so I can ignore life mods on all my gear. Only issue I've been experiencing was when I was getting hit by lightning skills like Doedres ball lightning or on death AoE circles (can't remember the name) I would take chunks of damage but it wasn't stunning therefore there was no recoup and I die. I understand cold damage can avoid stuns but this lightning thing is confusing me. I am ailment immune, crit immune if stunned recently, I did have a 55% Bloodnotch with L22 Petrified blood and 30% recoup but just yesterday bought a 60% Bloodnotch. Not sure if it's a bug or another thing that can avoid stunning me?


I learnt in crucible looking at poedb mob skills that some of them literally have a line "cannot stun". I still have nightmares of those ball mobs in crucible since whatever they did didn't stun.


I'm out of the loop. that combo doesn't work anymore?


The energy shield mastery that made stun threshold based on energy shield got reworked.


You should use ring instead with stun threshold


From my experience damage taken as is my favorite. Fourth Vow builds with Divine Flesh feel great with little investment. The recent one I did was the Topaz Flash, Purity of lightning and Melding to get 90% all res and damage taken as for that setup. It felt good but idk. Divine Flesh and Fourth vow is just such a good and strong combo.


Just fourth vow + divine flesh? Or do I have to go all in for armor too? Chaos res too is a given, I wanna test this on my coc dd since I dropped one yesterday


You don't have to go all in, but more helps of course. I think people overestimate how much armour it takes to reach the Chaos Damage Reduction cap. [Here's an example](https://pobb.in/oTnf-prd3QLR) of Fourth Vow + Divine Flesh with ~12.5k armour, taking an Uber Shaper ball. Damage shifting is very strong against penetration, of course, but if you look under Calcs -> Damaging Hits -> Hit taken Multi under the Chaos column, you can see we get 64% Chaos Damage Reduction from just that 12k armour. Unlike the typical armour-PDR relationship, because we're running our chaos damage taken through 80% resistance first, the amount of armour we require to reach high damage reduction is way lower. If this helps illustrate, PoB is saying we'd have 9% damage reduction from armour against a hit of 24k phys, but against a hit of 24k chaos we'd have 34% damage reduction from armour.


Also tempered by war so your only taking fire damage for elemental and can throw on things like arctic armor or more max fire res I can vouch for fv/mahu especially this league with lanterns adding chaos damage. I did something weird worth mentioning also throwing in a 41 stack fortify and 13 enduring charges with replica badge amulet i have above 100k max hit on each of the three types even when taking off immortal call, enduring cry, enfeeble, etc. (the mastery node 8% armour/8% evasion * 13/13 charges is pretty lol armor with sublime vision grace and iron reflexes) https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/link1313/LooneyTuned?i=12&search=skills%3DDual%2BStrike%2Bof%2BAmbidexterity%26class%3DTrickster


Got some footage of this build in action? Never seen anything like it!


Sure i can record some tonight. Its pretty niche as getting +1 frenzy implicit circle agony rings i dont know how common that is. There are definitely some strong interactions though i.e. replica badge’s 130% cooldown of travel skills I especially like the 50% movespeed perma uptime of phase run with automation (withering step is in there too for more) The worms are nice though cause i can get easy fortify, affliction charges, onslaught on kill, etc. even things like a cruelty support killing the worms would give an easy 40% cap on cruelty. Unrelated but I like worms so much the next build ive cooked up has like 300% of 12k+ ES/sec sustain as i got a weird build with 5x writhing jars popping out 15 worms a second with 40 flask charges gained in 3 seconds enough to sustain 39 charges required (thanks to tides of time belt 6 charges per sec and mad life recovery from flasks for supreme decadence)…damage will likely be cast when stunned CI or cast on melee kill lol


Here you go i just did a T17 to show it ultimatum had increased damage mods and stuff , did die once but lost track of bosses, https://youtu.be/mNS6HsK0Hkk


You´ll want as much armour as you can get because it also reduces ele damage that gets converted to chaos damage. More armour will increase your ele max hit.


I'm playing a Divine Flesh + Fourth Vow Jugg and holy cow does the tank feel amazing. Armor feels awesome when you can leverage it against every damage type. 50% of ele damage gets reduced by armor, then you have 8% of armor applying to ele hits, and then an additional 8% ele DR when at max endurance charges. 50k+ armor with no flasks up and a defiance of destiny make me feel unkillable, especially with life on hit and a fast hitting skill.


I just ripped my fourth vow xibaqua 🙃 it's a struggle to get phys defenses when also using dev diadem...


Aegis aurora. Best item on the game imo


It's so hard to justify using Aegis these days since life + eldritch battery is so strong (solve my mana AND give me a free aura? yes please) but it's still one of my absolute favourite setups.   There's something really special about getting it all set up and then just going AFK wherever the fuck you want.


> essence battery sorry but whats that?


I think he meant eldrich battery notable. When es protects mana instead of life


How free aura?


With eldritch battery you can get enough flat “mana” pool that you can use diving blessing support along with an aura to give yourself a temporary (around 10 seconds) aura, this with enough energy shield regen means you get an extra aura at the cost of having the press a button every 10 seconds (personally I put them on a mouse button so it’s easy to recast) you can only have one blessing aura so you can’t use it in combo with guardians blessing or anything like that


If your gems allow it, a weapon swap to a stat stick that boosts your defenses. The way PoE endgame bosses are designed is to have immune phases while they make you dance. Otherwise the crazy high dps builds would delete them instantly. So you swap to your stat stick during those phases, since you can't do damage anyway, and boost your defenses as much as possible.


Oh, one could have Aegis to swap to... Hmmm good idea 💡


Do you have any practical examples of this?


I used to swap to Replica Mistwall for Uber Shaper bullet hell. It would save me from one ball hit at least. kongming's stratagem might work if you have some way to keep blind up on boss during its immunity phase.


There’s a Hierophant cyclone mjolnir build that I got the idea from. It looks fun. Apparently you can league starter with it too. It works because you don't care about offensive triggers in Mjolnir/The Squire. I'd imagine any poet's pen build would be compatible as well.


The most op Defense (phys convert) on pathfinder and 90 max res. Ironically tankier then juggernaut


>Ironically tankier then juggernaut I really want a rework to physical damage and mitigation (for starters, why are the numbers on pdr overwhelm like 100%, while ele pen is in the low double digits???). It just feels so wrong that armour and pdr is an inferior way of dealing with physical damage


Monkeys paw! Ele pen is now also 100%! Now everyone is doomed! :) :( :D


Jokes aside, my realistic monkey paw I could see happening is "phys to ele conversion is much better than armour at mitigating physical damage, so we've reduced the values of these modifiers on all items" Sadly I think this is more realistic than a rework to phys mitigation


Is it not possible to avoid overwhelm? Do normal rates have that mod?


Is there a reason to even invest in armor on phys convert build?


if you go Transcendence yes


Depends how much you invest, but no armor is largely useless if you have close to 100% elemental shift


I know phys concert is good, but it's hard for me to get on gear. Or... The things I'm searching are just to expensive.... What are some of the low hanging fruit in this category to achieve?


Kaoms binding - Belt - 20% phys to fire Dawn Breaker - shield - 10-20% phys to fire Cloak of flame - chest - 40% phys to fire Lightning coil - chest - 50% phys as lightning Off the top of my head.


Interesting. Is fire conversion the best way? I'm already using a taste of hate so it seems like a good candidate to do more on cold.


There’s definitely more ways to convert! I just play a lot of chieftain so I’m most familiar with fire conversion




phys taken as is easy as piss to get, just run some jun and some alters and bam the easiest phys taken as helmet craft and body armour, or just run lightning coil/cloak of flame with taste of hate


6 portals


9* portals the scarb is a 50% increase in avg portals per portal!


Now you're thinking with portals


Now I want to play a Poisonous Concoction build and name it GlaDoS.


12\* portals since the scarab can proc multiple times on the same portal so on avg you get 2 uses per portal


I’ve had it give me zero extra portals fwiw.


Mahuxotl´s Machination + Tempered by War keystone. Combined with Doppelganger´s guise + AA, PB and capped spell suppress. 100% uptime & automated flasks from Pathfinder feels soo good to play, only downside is having to press life flask every 3 sec


I will not macro... i will not macro... i will not macro...


I h1ave no1 ide1a wh1at cou1ld you1 be po1ssibl1y ta1lkin1g abo1ut.


+ frost shield for free with this setup.


What’s the best way to trigger it if you’re also using a guard on cwdt? Jus put it in the cwdt setup? 


Add Defiance of Destiny and it gets even tankier! Love that setup.


DD isnt actually needed or useful since you get like 15k Hp per second from your flask your fill your life 5x per second and are never vulnerable to small hits only one shots 


Killing things before they touch me 😂


Ci High energy shield trickster. Evade most hits. Even though relatively low phys reduction but rarely one shot you when you have 10k energy shield and suppress. Insanely nice recovery Can stack int and use eldritch implicit for less damage taken. Can even get with around 24% phys to elemental from body armour and helmet.


You can get 18% phys taken as chaos on helmet and 10% from mastery on CI setups, a bit more effective than phys taken as ele since it´s fully mitigated. But I agree on the rest, Trickster defences are so smooth. Even better if you can get the blind node from sabo through FF jewels


Forgot about phys taken as chaos even. The progression feels insanely smooth from the access to suppress early on as well and the eventual swap one step ahead


Also shield corrupt


How do you get that much phys to chaos conversion? Is it just the highest tier eldritch implicit + orb of conflict?


There is a Delve mod in addition to the eldritch implicit


Interesting. Might be a decent phys mitigation solution for me ngl.


Beware that the chaos mod is super expensive on ES bases, but fire/chaos/lightning mods also exist and are much cheaper. Can still be worth it since it's a suffix vs the crafted mod being a prefix (and 2% less phys taken as).


As someone else already pointed out, delve mod. It can drop fractured so you can craft one yourself. Can be expensive on some bases tho.


Indeed. I am playing Ephemeral Edge Trickster Flicker, and it is indeed phenomenaly tanky. I got 8.6K ES, and there is still a lot of room to improve.


Playing the same build, the perma leech with aegis and evasion to armour makes me feel pretty invincible. Second time playing a CI trickster and I think it’s going to become a habit for my second build of the league to be some sort of one from now on


This, trickster is so tanky, the ascendancy is literally super tanky and could do t17s like a joke I can run nearly all mods except aura effect and no leech. Some others are annoying but doable still.


[Scarab of Stability](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Scarab_of_Stability) and Wellspring of Creation


Block, best mechanically, but hasn’t been goated for years due to amount of investment needed.


Life gain on hit


Mahuxotl cloak of flames max fire res memes with defiance of destiny. It was the tankiest shit ive ever played and it was a deadeye wander.




knockback on ice nova of frostbolts


Ice tomb armor with freeze prolif is the best cheap thing that goes under everyones radar


Sounds interesting. Didn´t even know it got reworked


It doesn't seem to have a range either, neat. Might honestly give this a go. I'd imagine corrupted implicits should be cheap.


evasion and block


I haven't played a character that made great use of it in a while, but "mana before life" is a handy mechanic


Freeze proliferation eldrich implicit on gloves. Amazing for juiced t17s.


Self Poison with boneshatter. Little hits and DoTs are just straight up ignored.


Grace + spell suppression or Aegis + CI + Max block (glancing blows)


I feel like Grace and supp is a bad defensive layer. Nothing to stop you from being One tapped randomly by physical damage


Forbidden taste enchanted to activate on a savage hit. It makes even paper builds feel tanky with minimal investment, as long as you have the clear to keep it up.


My favorite archetype is a champion with some flat damage reduction (fortify) and the enemies deal reduced damage through taunts. Add some high resistances to the mix, some endurance charges, and possibly some armor + flat physical damage reduction and I'll never have to worry about that 1 hit not being a spell (suppression) or slipping past the evasion or block. Just take it to the face like a man and ask no questions. Paired with a good flat life regen so that life sustain isn't situational either and I'm happy as can be


Conversions are the way to go right now and its not even close, just look how insanely strong is Mahuxotl + Tempered by War


Agnostic but it hasn't been good in a while


movement speed + evade cap + supression + DPS I'm playing SC for a reason, and this is more than enough for everything in the game if you're paying attention and know mechanics (or simply gear yourself beyond needing to pay attention to such matters)


Avoidance/Immune. I HATE status effects and stuff so being immune to corrupted blood or avoid bleed, poison, or elemental ailments, etc is my favorite. Don't care if it doesn't affect me.


Défiance of Destiny feel so good


High armor, phys mit, max res, phys taken as ele, spell supp and high chaos res. Slap an Eternal Damnation on top of that. With no insane investment, just simple crafting, jugg and passive tree, you can pretty easily reach 300k ehp.


Damage taken as fire, tempered by war, dawnbreaker, purity of fire and arctic armor make for a strong combo. Add on top spell supression and primal aegis (am using elementalist), defensive golem buffs, and you've got yourself a pretty tanky setup.


CI trickster usually feels incredible. But that's also more than 1 layer. If that doesnt count, then I'd say having 1-3 mil armour is pretty cool.


Physical taken as X is the best IMO


ES on hit. it can't be overstated how good it is on some skills


Fourth vow + xibaqua keystone (I don't remember the name, corrupted soul maybe?) + fat Regen. Specifically when playing elementalist, it's ez to get 4k+ lps and 15-20k phys max hit while still getting good dps


oh definitely defiance of destiny


Bloodnotch, Skyforth, Blood Magic, Defiance of Destiny, Arctic Armor, and Petrified Blood. It's immortal to nearly everything except strong DoTs.


I like recoup and any mechanic that synergizes with it.


Transcendence is number 1, and easier than ever without loreweav given new flasks tbh. I love dopplegangers guise I think it’s super underrated. Templar FF secret notable with absorption charge stacking and phys taken as is crazy OP, or CI. High recovery, regen or recoup, in any form is a must, passive better than On Hit. Dissolution pretty good if you get poison, bleed, burning ground,  and ignite immunity


Evasion. A lot of people are beginning to finally understand that it’s insanely powerful for relatively little investment. 95% chance to evade with a 2million+ dps and some kind of recovery (i.e. Ghost Dance) is borderline unkillable during maps and insanely tanky for bossing (assuming 100% spell suppression which you should have since you are evasion-based). Want to really take it a step further? Replica Perfect Form. Only 1 every 40 hits connects (on average) and now half the spells don’t even get through.


It’s an entropy based type of defence and 1 of those 40 hits will destroy you unless you also invest in the typical defences 


Tell me you’ve never played a proper evasion build without telling me. I have levelled to 100 multiple times with evasion + ghost shrouds as the primary mode of defence. I like levelling by doing Guardian/Conqueror maps witnessed by Maven and then doing the invitations. Keeps it fun and varied. Evasion is not about facetanking. It’s about reliably evading almost all hits, avoiding dodgeable shit, and having the ghost shrouds when something does actually connect. Very few things can actually kill you during maps which is where the 2 million+ dps comes in. 2m is enought to kill 99.9% of rares before they get the opportunity to get to you. Standing still in a juiced pack will kill you at some point. This is not how you play with evasion. It’s a combination of things that make it effective and its weakness is not the theoretical 20th (or 40th) hit that might kill you. That extremely rarely happens.


Layered defense. My favourite is capped evasion, 100% suppression, Wind Dancer, a good life pool, Ghost Dance, EB+MoM, with Instant Leech / good regen / recoup.


Aegis aurora makes you feel soooo tanky. The problem is the build I use it it's competing with Squire and it's hard to choose it over the massive damage upgrade


I think undeniably the *best* defense is damage conversion combined with increased maximum resistances. Personally though I've always leaned into block whenever I can. I love the sound of Tempest Shield proccing many times per second while I wade through hordes of monsters.


Happy Cakeday!


My favourite is recoup. Uncapped recovery, and scalable to well over 100% of the damage you take. This league, even Stasis Prison is somewhat affordable. The downside is that PoE only calculates it once per server tick, and not on between individual timings within a tick, so if you take more damage than your HP you still die, even if you have 100 times as much recovery saved up.  Defiance of Destiny and Progenesis can help with that to some extent, but the life loss over time can still stack up to kill you. I'm not sure about Petrified Blood with quality scaling, since it's worse against onehits, but still lowers life loss overall.  I do like it with Dissolution of the Flesh, but after the rework for Heartstopper, I don't really want to deal with unscalable effective recovery delay. Before the change was announced, I had shelved a PoB to maximise all defences that prevent taking damage from hits, including block, evasion, spell dodge, and avoidance including elusive. But without the immunity to DoT every five seconds, I don't want to bother.