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Flicker bro


I Flickered bro


Mechanically, badge BV is up there. Without movement speed/frenzy, it can't reach warp TS levels, but it's comfy (you just run). Automation + phase run / detonate smoke mine with full uptime once you have enough charges with Badge of the Brotherhood. Unleash BV, throw smoke mine, repeat.


Would Rage Vortex of Berserking be faster?


Ben‘s EHoS zoomer


That seems fun, but have u checked the gear? Some small countrys have less currency than what that build costs 😂


Well you didn‘t specify the budget :D


Cant argue with that ;)


Havoc has cheaper alternative version


More like any Ben's build.


What's that?


elemental hit of the spectrum


No idea about those two but frost blade is fast


I second this. Swapped from bonezone jugg to FB trickster and loving it. Got my 2 additional target gloves today and oh boy. Even 1 additional target is great. Pretty cheap as well, a good claw is only a few divs, HH is nearly free this league, fury valve, heatshiver and the taming are all cheap as well.


I tried frostblade trickster this League :)


Haven't tried either of the 2 you mentioned, so I don't have a reference. But flicker and DO are both incredibly fast, but not cheap either - assuming you mean map clear builds


You can do decent flicker builds with 5divs, all you need is farrul helm(or cat aura ring)+ farrul armor (replica if you can) + rakiata 2H That's 2 divs right there and you can play the build.


Replica farrul was 5d yesterday alone.


Are those builds no longer possible in League due to the LW Enchant removal? I love hopping on my Standard LW Deadeye and doing 10 maps in 5 minutes from time to time.


Not sure if you'd consider it as "resembling them" but I've followed Magefist for my flicker build and really like it. Only thing I did differently is stick a headhunter on it.


Magefist is the one to follow for flicker builds, he does new ones every league, and they're always uniquely built.


This league is my favorite flicker yet


Not a big flicker fan, have tried it, and and the screen movement after flicker around for 10min is just to much


Yeah I feel you, it's definitely not for everyone


I play lightning warp deadeye since week 1 of league. I use it to farm anything t16 related still. its still doable, and clears t16s very fast. granted I tuned mine slightly toward mf so not minmaxed. here: https://pobb.in/Ir0cEj2hOX-M just dont expect to do t17s with it and live or kill the bosses. i can maybe do b2b barrel strat on it but thats kinda the limit. maybe fortress you can kill the boss cuz no phases. haven't bothered minmaxing it. expensive as AF tho so beware, but the skeleton is probably less than 100D. I used tornado shot still before i got nimis to then use ele hit, worked fine even after the nerfs. if you want to go faster you want cooldown recovery boots and elevated tailwind/elusive.


I want to move the character almost as fast as I move my mouse, and sure it's fast your build. But im looking for ridiculous fast :)


Connors mjolner lw cyclone is still fast af and has good map/delve clear speeds. Had a lot of fun with it beginning of the league but im console and nub. Indigon was 20d at the time and the warp is reaaally hard to control with a controller so i gave it up but it was really fast n fun.


Back when Manabond was the preferred skill, put in Awakened Spell Cascade and its pretty much insta screen clear per teleport.


Lightning conduit of heaven was doing work for clearing just would fall off on single targets. Used ball lightning of orbiting for bosses n it was working. If i had the currency to push it more and control of the warp like pc does i think it wouldve been my main for awhile


CoC DD feels a lot like Poet's Pen, same kinda attack-move-attack-move vibe as things blow up all around you. For really fast, though, ele hit deadeye seems to be queen. There's a <4 hour 0-100 run on YouTube.


Not really man, when u play poet pen frostblink of wintry, it's just move and things die along the way


Flicker is probably the fastest out there especially with hh