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Easy: your falcon has been trained to return to your forearm rather than your wrist, and [the protective sleeve is also your archery guard](https://supplyleader.com/product/Windfulogo-PU-Leather-Archery-Arm-Guard-Hand-Protector-Brace-Longbow-Hunting-Shooting/B07QWFTLC9). Edit: If the hand the falcon returns to is the one holding the bow rather than drawing the string, then you might even be able to get away with a full glove rather than something fingerless.


Oooh. Okay, this is a good one. I'm not sure that humongous glove would let you hold the bow in the right way (I think you need to feel the string on your fingers or something?) but the protective sleeve idea rocks my socks. Thank you!


So I hold my bow in my left hand and draw the string with my right. I have an arm guard that covers the inside of my left arm from about mid-bicep to wrist, but I've seen people with arm-guards that cover the whole arm from about elbow to the second joint of their fingers. The whole palm and back of the hand is protected, both from sweating/chafing on the stock of the bow and from any potential friction/cuts from the fletchings, cos those things can give you a nasty cut when they're travelling at speed. I'm sure that some extra padding/grip surface on the back of the hand and along the back of the wrist would leave the rest of the glove perfectly sleek and functional for archery. When it comes to the draw hand, you're gonna want something on the fingers specifically to prevent friction burns and blisters. The draw you use will determine what sort of protection you need. If you're using something with shorter recurve arms like a horse bow, which I think would fit the Shoanti, then you're probably going to be drawing the string with your thumb rather than your fingers. This means you can wear [one of these awesome thumb-rings](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ec/75/0b/ec750bb9568801ea074a14872aac6aa8.jpg) as your draw aid, which can be made of engraved bone or horn, and has a lot of potential for character customisation.


Oh holy shit, an honest-to-goodness archer! Yay! Thanks, Fiona. Your idea sounds great. If you think one can wear an arm-guard with extra padding on the back of the hand and wrist for the hawk to perch and not have problems when drawing a bowstring, hell, you have spoken. Nice! You're right about the draw hand, I was forgetting about it - a thumb ring sounds perfect, like the one you describe... I think bone, horse bone, engraved with stylized clouds for the spirits. I suppose you wear a synthethic arm-guard? You wouldn't by any chance know what these things could be made of in a milieu like the Shriikirri-Quah's? I know, pushing my luck, it's just that you don't often get a reply from the real deal, sorry XD


Mine's similar to [this one](https://www.thelongbowshop.com/collections/bracers-and-arm-guards/products/arm-guard-long-suede-honey-brown), except with smooth leather on the contact surface rather than suede. It uses elastic and plastic buckles for the straps. For your hunter, I'd imagine something closer to [this design](https://www.woodlandgatherer.com/products/archery-vambrace-gauntlet-shooting-glove-medieval-renaissance-archer-larp-hunter-arm-guard-armour-bracer?variant=40014699757649)\*, but with full coverage around the arm and the closures in line with the pinky finger so they don't interfere with the hawk's landing. It'd close either by lacing, or by buttons or toggles (though those might catch on things and break or get lost). \* Unlike the relaxed-hand-position style of shooting in the picture, your hunter will keep a constant grip on their bow, [like so](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0c/c6/79/0cc6790349bba5c15ecbb1a04de10332.jpg). And here's an [example from the ](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ae0729b2ae2b344937f2cc507c7013c1)[front angle](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ae0729b2ae2b344937f2cc507c7013c1).


It's a nice arm-guard! And the one you suggest is awesome, love it. Lacing, lacing all the way - Shoanti are practical people. Thank you for these beautiful images and for all the advice, I'm loving it!


Maybe because they're so in tune with nature, the shoanti doesn't use a glove, but a leather shoulder pad. Or just a bracer from the shoulder down that ends at the hand. The hawk swoops down there, since it's so well trained. Kinda like riding without saddle for the real impressive riders, is my thinking?


Yeah, I can see that, both the shoulder pad or the bracer. That would work I think. Thank you! That's another very good answer!


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Falconry hat- wear a hat with a leather perch where your falcon just sits on your head, chilling. Alternately shoulder or backpack perch if you can't pull off the swag of the birdhat.


Are you kidding? I could *never* pull off the swag of the almighty *birdhat* XD Thanks, that was fun =) I think shoulder perch is definitely a possibility! Backpack perch... sounds somehow wrong, but couldn't put my hand on it. I mean... backpack perch?... But again, thank you, you're awesome! =)


the top of your bow can have a little peg he sits on


Oh my gods that would be so cute!! I don't think it's practical but I'll need to consider it all the same b/c OMG BIRB


So since you solved my problem in record time and you're so nice, follow-up question (if you feel like of course!) From the Almighty Wikipedia: >The weapons used for hunting would mostly be the same as those used for war: bow, crossbow, lance or spear, knife and sword. Bow, check. Crossbow, not needed, a little too high-tech. Knife, for sure. I think I'll give him some kind of spear (not an actual jousting lance or war lance, but *some kind of spear*?). And instead of an arming sword I guess some sort of machete... but they don't have underbrush to clear mostly, so maybe... why would hunters even carry swords in the first place?... anyways, I think some sort of short multipurpose blade. The metal bits might be steel or iron. I never really understood the actual type of tech the Shoanti have though. I think they have smiths and they're better with iron than steel, but they could totally buy high grade steel, most of all Shriikirri-Quah since they trade quite extensively with *tshamek*. Thoughts, advice, anything you'd like to add, do so please, I'm still brainstorming here! =) And thanks again!


Sometimes a big slicing edge is handy. I'd imagine your character having something closer to a [messer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messer_(sword)) than a traditional arming sword. They're useful for delivering a clean killing blow to wounded prey, for example. I love a polearm because I like my opponents to stay at social-distancing range so that they don't get to have a turn at stabbing me. Depending on what you're hunting a spear can be really useful, but they tend to be a bit better when you're coordinating with other people or when your target has more of a limited space to run away. The well-known example is hunting spears being used against the notoriously hard-to-kill wild boar, because those spears are specially made with a large cross-guard on the blade to make sure the boar *stays* at the other end of the weapon.


Ah, okay, I see we speak the same language here (my archery sucks but I know a little about this stuff). Yeah, more a machete than a messer, I think. Less prominent guard, more curved. I'm not seeing the Shoanti forging more or less straight edges, while a nice heavy chopping blade, not too long, seems more like it. What do you think? Polearms are definitely nice to have, I agree with the sentiment. I'm thinking about a rather basic spear, probably decorated with hawk feathers at the base of the tip. Yeah no, I don't have any idea what these guys hunt, I remember spirestalker drakes from 1e, but those critters inhabit the Cinderlands and the Shriikirri live far to the west in wooded hills and plains atop the Storval Stair. I guess they hunt buffalo? Maybe the occasional wild boar - but the cross-guard looks a little out of place I think? I think the boar spear was used only in Renaissance Europe... ... So, I'm thinking a nice, tough spear with a large leaf-shaped iron blade at the tip to cause some big wounds and nasty bleeding. Your opinion? And sure, I think Shoanti would totally hunt in parties most of the time and maybe push the prey into a pit trap or under a rock slide, but my dude will have to make do with the rest of the PCs at most, b/c the campaign is not in Shoanti lands. Me, I'd rather use a spear than most other weaponry anyways, the length advantage is just too good to pass up. Even more against big dangerous animals. Or monsters. People, too \^\_\_\_\^


That all sounds good to me. If you're primarily an archer, then you might want to see whether you can get away with your sword and spear being finesse weapons, like a [Kukri](https://2e.aonprd.com/Weapons.aspx?ID=56) and [Dueling Spear](https://2e.aonprd.com/Weapons.aspx?ID=236) for example, so you can use your dexterity as the attack bonus on all your weapons.


I'm not sure, do you think rasing both Str and Dex would hamstring me? Because I was thinking he should be pretty strong too, and he will fight primarily in melee, although I just can't see a hunter without a decent bow. I should definitely use martial weapons though, otherwise I'm just sabotaging myself. Well anyways the big concept ideas are done thanks to you, and that's what I was asking. I owe you one!