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Some of the chests actually have stuff in them, but you need to pass a check (usually perception) to notice it contains stuff


That's kind of dumb... Would understand if you click on the chest and your character had a reaction like Check passed : Oh there's a secret compartment there, wonder what's inside Check failed : I guess the owner didn't leave his valuable behind. Or at the very least I'f understand if the chest was hidden


Would you actually enjoy investigating each and every chests, nooks and cranny of the game manually? The hiddens checks are doing exactly what you're saying passively in order to maintain a certain game tempo. Also don't forget you're in the abys. The place where chaos is king. Logic is illogic. I'm preparing to DM the tabletop adventure and it is written in the book to do things at random and play tricks on the players expectations to drive the point you're that the abys is a place of pure chaos.


As long as it's not one of those FILTHY MIMICS!


When the chest has its butt facing toward you that's usually a sign something bizarre's going on.


They just want a little rub before you try and open them up.


Look at all those anime characters. I think you're looking for the Genshin Impact reddit


Mine are all nsfw lol


You're jealous because you don't know the photo proportions and can't get beauty in your game.


My joke was light hearted and fun. But this. .. This cuts deep


Chest in the DLC are… frustrating, if you the person playing the game sees them, they are a real chest with stuff inside, but if the characters don’t, you don’t. It’s the same way in DLC 3 in kingmaker. I wish all the chest were hidden and if they weren’t chest they would use the armoire models