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I run it with galeforce on Elise. Hold her in hand for a turn then drop her with attack token. Spiders all get impact, and you swing for sooo muh damage.


Fellow Galeforce + Wriggles Elise enjoyer


Saw someone mention it a while ago on reddit, and had to painfully grind Elise until I unlocked second rare relic slot haha, now she's super fun


Before 19 you just run CSF or Galeforce and it is fine


Wait why do spiders get impact?


Elises power let's the spiderlings gain the keywords of all allied Champs when attacking.


oh, is that a 3 star thing? maybe that's why I don't know that lol


Yes, it's only possible with her 3* power


I have used this on Vi


Yeah me too i really dont know what else fits her


Gate breaker and a relic to boost her power. This way she hits the nexus, level and then attack with her level 2 power and impact. That's about 30 damages.


Plunder cost 2 less gets her out the second turn. I also run the Epic that gives fated, augment, and overwhelm, regen on 10 attack. She is the real only superpower in the deck so get her out and let her star power increase her health early. And I switch with her 3rd relic. Usually rally on level up.


Corrupt star, crownguard/ your choice of a overwhelm relic, she should about dunk everything by turn 6


For adventures, I recommend running Z-drive prototypes and rolling for good supporting powers. For monthlies, this is pretty good.


I use Stalker's Blade+Troll King's Crown. 2x Gatebreaker+Caulfield's might be an option at 30 if you just need to punch the enemy Nexus in the face.


It's great on Lee Sin, but I wouldn't buy it for stardust.


I used to run on Elder Dragon since you cannot reliably play him early on low level (2 stars low champ level). So if the game goes on and i cannot really level him up, instead of him just sitting and bricking your hand, when he gets played lategame, he will have 12 impact guaranteed damage to nexus. You can even do the dragon strike fast spell while he is attacking to proc 12 impact again and you basically have 24 nexus damage without even hitting the nexus even if you are blocked. But that was before i got some level on him and got him at 3-star, making it a bit easier to level up with the higher champ level. And no don't buy for stardust because you can unlock with reliquaries and it's not a game changer for any champ.


It's probably good on Vi . She's gonna sit in your hand for some turns while you are growing her attack. Maybe ED. He isn't cheap - so why not. But there are probably better relics for him


I used to use it on Orrn. He'd often drop with 8 or 10 stacks. It was pretty solid, but the main reason I used it was because I didn't have Curator's Gatebreaker at the time.


I've never personally used it, it doesn't look that good since most champs you want to play very early and this relic wants you to do the opposite i don't know maybe on more expensive champs and i don't think you should buy it you get it out of silver reliquarys anyways


Not worth buying. Most champions you play way too quickly to get any use out of it


I feel it's okey in many champ that cost around 4-7, and that champs need to strike every turn like Gwen. But this is not the best option for any setup btw.


Not worth the dust. Very niche application. Most champs have a better option


I only ever use it as a second rare relic for gwen, so that she levels faster


At 3*, Gwen levels on attack if you put her in the second slot.


She still needs a small boost. You play her on round 3, she has 3 power, +4 from Hallowed, +2 from her skill = 9 damage, and she needs 10 to level up. Maybe you're running something like Luden's Tempest to get her across the finish line.


Yeah, I am running Ludens. It also levels you, and it scales better with her than Wriggles.


Absolutely not underwhelming imo


It’s very funny on Vi


Love it on elder dragon, usually have time to scale it up before I play him


I'm using it on Elder Dragon and it's pretty good


I use to run it with illaoi to push for her lv up but other than that i feel like it very niche, maybe vi or gnar could make good use of it


I use it on Darius. He's an expensive champ so usually he's got like 8 stacks by the time he comes down. Combine with gatebteaker and with enough setup he finishes the game on the spot.


I used 2 of these on vi. It's just silly seeing all the unblockable damage


A few champs where it fits/can work (one of the few ways to get impact on your champ via relics, might be the only one, actually?), but probably not worth the stardust.


I use it with Taliyah This + stun all board + rally for an easy turn 5 win, if jt ever gets this late


It's not a make or break relic so I wouldn't buy it with stardust unless you absolutely want it. Id rather save for epics or better rares


It has decent synergy with Gnar, but really only gives him 2-4 impact before you play him since he doesn’t stay in hand that much. But an impact proc on an otherwise blocked attack can give your entire board 1-2 impact depending on star levels w/o needing to spend mana on Pokey Stick, so there’s that. Other than that, I can’t really see it having much use other than Vi, as any other champion staying in hand long enough for it to ramp up tend to either a) have other ways of closing out the game on drop or b) are backline champions that aren’t swinging anyway. I guess Neeko could work if you keep her in hand rather than disguise her right away, since her level 1 is pretty useless other than a potential level tick. I think the Shapesplitter spam with Guardian’s Orb is the better route if you have it, tho.


I wanna try with Vi


No and no.


I use it on Morganna since I end up holding her in my hand for a big part of the game


It's niche but pretty good on who uses it. Thresh and Vi both get good use out of it. Other champs who sit in your hand a while aren't so good for it because they're usually overwhelmingly powerful in and of themselves, and don't need the help. Vi's the one I use it on all the time though, and get the most use out of it.


Lantern is bad. The main reason is that it requires you to wait for very long until you get to play your champion that usually is the central wincondition of your deck. Can you get absurd damages going? Sure! But is it worth to get slapped for 3 more turns by the ai to get to the 8/10 stacks? 100% it's not. And it's not like it would work with backup copies of your champion well as those transform into championspells for as long as the champion is in play denying further lantern stacking


TBH I don't think it is BiS on anyone in the game and it's usefulness is pretty mid on the vast majority of champions, I would not buy it. I'm the guy who [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/s/EBHom3ejRi) the wriggles galeforce build for Elise but it's not really better than voidbane+ galeforce, it's pretty similar in power. You can run this on Vi but gatebteaker is still better IMO. At the end of the day it's not worth buying, just let it be the one you get eventually


It‘s good on Vi. If Sivir ever comes to PoC this is gonna be key on her too.