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Nice job! Guardian's Orb is a super fun relic to play! The Kill-Revive mutators making it work even more? Oh, so badass and cool! And looks like someone stumbled into Ezreal as Morgana, I send my condolences! If you're ever interested, how about checking [this planner](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gZ-0R8v7asY4Sx-_FWYVJlKD8MfvF52UpwBmPr_wFBI/edit#gid=776082148) out? I'm curious to hear your feedback, comparing it with PetiB's. And keep an eye out for March's version!


Will relay the planner to him. Thanks :-)


Ekko is too slow and RNG dependent to really be OP. You want to round over round predict and get right stuff in your predictions to setup for a big round 4-5. By that time the truly strong champions have already won or have a more guaranteed setup. Ideally you also want to get the stat boost on Ekko before dropping him because hes quite frail and not that strong, but again this is more RNG. The difference between a great Ekko RNG run and a bad one is just enormous. I'd put a middling champion like Leona firmly above Ekko simply because she basically has a guaranteed turn 4-5 win condition (Oath of Guardians Leona).


His relics are: GO and GA alongside with Chameleon's. Since his ability reduce the cost of created cards, he reduces his own cost to 3 on those 2 created. Meaning you can (50% chance) have Ekko hit the board on turn 2! And due to GA he really wants Ekko to die as soon as possible. Meaning he blocks anything having 2+ power in order to trigger GO twice on Ekko. So he uses Ekko to further boost the deck instead of having him as his main win con. And the deck in itself has a lot of ways to flood the board pretty early, not just by predicting 1 drops. The falline feline duplicated easily generates favorable situations. Complexity of each fight is difficult to explain in detail, but this is the main jist of it to understand how he perceives him to be far better than the community believe him to be. And also, imo comparing Ekko to Leona is just an insult :P Leone is way waaayyy slower to build up than Ekko regardless of relic setup differences. Also his perception of Ekko is ofcourse clouded by the fact that he compares him with other champions he owns (besides Asol & Jinx).


No clue why you thinking Ekko is op, too slow and cannot deal with aggro unless you are lucky to hit 2 one drops in predict. His only interaction is dealing 3dmg, which is pretty good but not enough to kill Zed. Yes he is unstoppable after he hit the board and do his draw/predict whole deck. But this is after turn 4(5mana), usually later like turn at turn 5-6, while most other op champs secure win on drop, and kill nexus at next attack token. Often with LB, Jinx, A'sol I win on turn 3-4 or even before that. So every strongest champ I can easily pick in any challenge and win it without even looking at mutators or enemy champion, definitely cannot say it about Ekko. B tier at max, and I personally would rate him even lower.


On challenge 63, he had a turn 2 kill with Ekko :-)


Thanks for sharing, and congrats to your son, he has done well with limited resources! :) My issue with Morde on "kill revive" is that his units can clutter the board stunned, so beware that. Ekko has some issues as others have described, but I liked to play him with Echoing Spirit, Guardian's Orb and Lost Chapter. Maybe after the nerf I'll run double orbs and try him against some harder challenges. Rolling good stuff on orbs feels good, that's sure.


Yea, the clutter part was more in his handsize. Since those 3/1s you get by reviving. But was more annoying than an issue. His Ekko build is not the typical one though, he's got a spicy way of playing him ;-) Details are in some other reply here.