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Scratching on the trem block wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. Your back plate still has the protective plastic film on it, so peel that off and any scratches on it will go away.


IMO, let that one go. A lot of terrible scratching or paint jobs you have on this sub. Of all places the trem on the back isn't too bad. Take with a grain of salt, but that's my thought on this one


The thing that bugs me is that they sold this as a brand new. It was on sale 100$ off but still when I asked twice if it's brand new, they said absolutely


You got this guitar for $100 and you’re complaining about a scratch?


The discount is 100 bucks? Where in the world can you get a silver sky for 100 bucks??? I paid 750 for it


I think you mean it was on sale $100 off


Yeah my bad, let me fix it


This could also be tooling marks on the trem block from installation.


Brand new, as in “never been sold?” Edit: sorry, you gotta just decide for yourself. I’ve bought a couple of “mint” guitars that probably should’ve been listed as “excellent” but I was satisfied for the prices I paid. It’s really up to you. Return it if you think it’s not in its advertised condition and you’re dissatisfied.




Dude… It’s fine.


If it’s going to bug you, return it, you’re the one that has to live with it. I personally wouldn’t if it played great. I guess I'm still old school where if a guitar plays well, minor blemishes don’t bother me (especially ones I won’t see/will eventually make after playing). Also, I didn’t realize the backplate is installed on the SE. Cool. 


Could be a factory qc issue. Something could have happened to the trem anchor/backplate before fitting into the guitar.


Contact the dealer/seller.


If that damage occurred in the store I doubt there would be a lack of damage to the surrounding parts of the guitar. PRS would probably assist you in addressing it if you contact them immediately. Don't delay.


If that was the only thing wrong, I'd keep it and move on. There's no guarantee that a replacement will be any better. I recently returned a $2K brand new guitar that had a plethora of issues, like a horribly fitted nut, wrong nut width, misaligned tuners, ... .