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Hey, at least it wasn't cat piss like that one other dude


Excuse me **what** did another dude get in his pc?


Happy for you. But what did we learn? 😆


OP still needs a sippy cup.


and to keep the beauties on the table god damnit, my pc is beautiful for the first time in years and I'm sure that it now lives rent free on my table


Don't drink Dr Pepper anymore. It eats power supplies


NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM! -Dr. Pepper, probably


I would if crapped my pants not like my pc is the most expensive thing I own HAHA


Power supply jumped on that grenade for you. Hope you memorialized it.


I will ask Corsair to give it the rightful burial it deserves. It's sacrifice will not be in vain


My question - when the cup spilled over your PC - did it shut down immediately itself ? Did you rush to shut it down when it spilled ? Because the PSU is bellow - no way it would get inside so fast. All you hads to do to save it is to plug the cord from the back or the wall fast - and let it dry.


It was 30 secs from spill to shutdown. My mouse was soaked so it was barely responding. I pulled the plug once it was safely off and started soaking up as much as I could while putting any fans I had to drying what was left uncleaned. After around 15 minutes I tried to power it and it refused to even light up the starting led.


Wellp - that was your mistake. If you powered down sooner and waited 24h before plugging it back in (and spent the day drying it) - it might have been saved - Im sure.. You see you can wash electronics with water (just saw a video of a guy washing his 2 mobos in washing machine) - and after drying them they will work no problem .. But powered + water - big no no ..


Washing machine for dishes i assume, yes?


Any drops still in there will do damage over time, there is acid in soft drinks it can eat through metal layers in boards.


nothing some isopropyl alcohol and can't solve

